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When Japan and China were friends

Then, in the spirit of what Mahatma Gandhi said, "you are the change you want to see in the world", let me say that I do wish that Chinese people and Japanese people to have more open, mutual respect for each other. To foster a spirit of understanding, and sensitive to each others feelings. Please know this , and i am saying this as a Japanese to you, a Chinese.
I wanna talk more about the future of Eas-Asia nations... :coffee:

China ever fought with American in the Kroea War, in the Vietnam War, it doesn't affect 1980s Sino-America honeymoon time. China ever fought with Soviet Union in 1960s North-border conflict, it doesn't affect 1990s Sino-Russia strategic companion. Why not Japan? To be friends with Japan it's not a problem for China. Everything can be changed in the future.

If we can stand higher to discuss the diplomacy of East-Asia nations, why there'r so many foreign military bases in East-Asia nations ? Coz the local ppl living in East-Asia region do not unity, they'r just tools used by American to beat each other, in their minds they only think how to beat others by weapons instead of how to make friends & unite the region. It's a shame for East-Asia people ! :tdown:

Another reason is lacking trust and respect in East-Asia nations:
1. In the past continuous wars between Japanese/ Korean/ Chinese just destroy our original trusts. LACK TRUST !:angry:
2. As the WWII victims for Korean and Chinese, some Japanese politicians did in historical issues just hurt ppl's sentive feelings. LACK RESPECT !:disagree:

It's time to end endless Wars in East-Asia, to unite Japan/ Korea/ China even Russia as a new alliance in this region. Rebuild correct history (Truth is the YES, Lie is the NO) & respect each other's sovereignty, territorial integrity and development interests, then Japanese/ Korean/ Chinese can get mutual respect, later there will be a East-Asia Union. (Our power will overtake U.S ) :tup:

This is not a signal job for only one nation in the East-Aisa, it's our jobs in Japan/ Korea/ China.:-)

Anyway China can accept Japan at any time like making frinends with American and Russian, China did not have historical burden about invading Japan islands or killing innocent Japanese :coffee:, Chinese welcome Japanese and whether Japanese welcome Chinese too ??! o_O

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Yes, i hear you, and i agree that there were many grave mistakes made by Japan in that war. But you have to also understand our view, too, to the average Japanese when we see in the TV of Chinese rioting and destroying our goods as seen in the last couple of years, we tend to ask ourselves, "what did we do recently?"

The average Japanese; the student, the nurse, the physician, the garbage collector, the tax accountant , the fisherman etc, what did he or she do to warrant such blatant hatred? I mean, reading from some posts of some Chinese posters here who condone the use of nuclear bombs and "exterminating" the entire Japanese race as vengeance. I mean, does it sound rational to you? To hate on the entire Japanese people for the actions of the Imperial Army some 70 years ago (and most of those soldiers are all dead).

I understand why many of you may get emotional distraught when a politician visits the Yasukuni Shrine. But you know, the Japanese Youth , many, don't even practice zen Buddhism, or even shinto. So is it right that they (the young generation) should be subject to the collective hatred of Chinese people? Seriously?

Japan has not been in any war since the last war; we have not attacked anyone, we have lived in peace with all our neighbors, we have poured Hundreds of Billions , Trillions of dollars in the development of nations around the world. And if you look at our national policy, we urge and encourage the obedience to the rule of law. We have not even fired a round. So, i encourage you, too, to see (or at least try) things in our point of view.


Please quote me on talk about nuclear bombs and vengeance.

Lets see, simple approaches to true normalization of relations. These are simple token gestures that cannot even be done.

Return looted artifacts
Sincere apology
Recognition of historical wrongs.
Expel foreign influence in the region.

Such simple gestures but beyond the power of younger Japanese?
I dont even talk reparations.

Instead we have this neighbor that is schizophrenic and changes its face whenever the person in charge is voted out in revolving door politics.
A neighbour who says one thing and does another.
A neighbour who would rather sweep the uncomfortable truths under the rug and hope that death by old age will cleanse their sins.
A neighbour that has a history of violence and delusions of grandeur.
A neighbour that invites foreigners to subvert true peace in the region.

Simple and sincere gestures towards reconciliation will go a long way. Unfortunately, its too much for the younger Japanese.
Please quote me on talk about nuclear bombs and vengeance.

Lets see, simple approaches to true normalization of relations. These are simple token gestures that cannot even be done.

Return looted artifacts
Sincere apology
Recognition of historical wrongs.
Expel foreign influence in the region.

Such simple gestures but beyond the power of younger Japanese?
I dont even talk reparations.

Instead we have this neighbor that is schizophrenic and changes its face whenever the person in charge is voted out in revolving door politics.
A neighbour who says one thing and does another.
A neighbour who would rather sweep the uncomfortable truths under the rug and hope that death by old age will cleanse their sins.
A neighbour that has a history of violence and delusions of grandeur.
A neighbour that invites foreigners to subvert true peace in the region.

Simple and sincere gestures towards reconciliation will go a long way. Unfortunately, its too much for the younger Japanese.
I agree that actions must be taken, but by all sides. China is no exception.

Return looted artifacts: What if they were destroyed in the wars? What if they were lost? What if the US took them? Even if China can give out a list, it's unfair to push the responsibility to younger Japanese.

Sincere apology: when Japan lost WWII, they lost lands, people, properties and even pride. Now after 70 years you want the younger generation to taste the humiliation their grandfather used to suffer?

Recognition of historical wrongs: correct me if I am wrong but have Japan ever said they were the good guy in WWII?

Expel foreign influence in the region: and leave the open spot for China. You are asking Japan to sacrifice the interest of their people in exchange for your forgiveness to the dead.

For Chinese forgiveness to the dead, you are asking a lot from Japan.

The rest of your post is mocking your neighbors. Talking behind other backs is not nice.
You dare to suggesting that!?

Please, stop posting Japan-Chine peace and friendly post again!

Do you want to end up like your Evil PM Hatoyama who dare to purposed East Asia Community?

Not to mention that perhaps US will nuke your country again for the third time. Isolated your country like Iran and back to the stone age!
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Why APH??? Why the pony?????


Anyway I guess we should go bomb and make that stupid island sink forever, it is the best way to restore Sino-Japan relationship.
You dare to suggesting that!?

Please, stop posting Japan-Chine peace and friendly post again!

Do you want to end up like your Evil PM Hatoyama who dare to purposed East Asia Community?

Not to mention that perhaps US will nuke your country again for the third time. Isolated your country like Iran and back to the stone age!
Always nuke this nuke that, can u change another idea pls ? If there's not WWIII, no anybody will get nuke first.
Always nuke this nuke that, can u change another idea pls ? If there's not WWIII, no anybody will get nuke first.

Why do you think US can't invent and start WW3 if they want to?

Why do you think the process to WW3 is not going on right now?

Don't you see East Asia and SE Asia are Middle East v2.0? You know where it headed right?

The only thing US is holding up WW3, is because China is not making friends good enough. Obey or extinct!
Why do you think US can't invent and start WW3 if they want to?

Why do you think the process to WW3 is not going on right now?

Don't you see East Asia and SE Asia are Middle East v2.0? You know where it headed right?

The only thing US is holding up WW3, is because China is not making friends good enough. Obey or extinct!
This is a DISASTER for human beings !!!
This is a DISASTER for human beings !!!

It doesn't mean there's no solution.

China can help the world peace and prevent nuke war, if China can keep the troublemaker attitude and provoke hatred toward his neighbors.

US is very happy to see you fighting against your neighbors. Because of that US can keep the peace in the region and became a hero. :cheers:

It doesn't mean there's no solution.

China can help the world peace and prevent nuke war, if China can keep the troublemaker attitude and provoke hatred toward his neighbors.

US is very happy to see you fighting against your neighbors. Because of that US can keep the peace in the region and became a hero. :cheers:

Whatever, the HERO also need livng for MONEY, PITY they'r not the SUPERMAN.
China did the same things to our kids, our pregnant women in 1979 war. So, dont blame JP's atrocities coz u r not better than them.:coffee:

Your people deserved what they got for your evil attacks against Cham and Khmer.
Always nuke this nuke that, can u change another idea pls ? If there's not WWIII, no anybody will get nuke first.

This is a DISASTER for human beings !!!

Thank you @cnleio for being the voice of reason. If you represent true Chinese spirit, then i have no doubt, that reconciliation between Japan and China will be possible and is righteously deserved.

谢谢兄弟 :cheers:
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