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When did South China Sea become China's "core interest"?


Jun 18, 2011
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It appears that the Chinese government is gradually losing control over the PLA.
J-20 leakage, Senkaku (Diaoyutai) island, and now South China Sea, it was the PLA leading first, the Chinese gov then follow to resolve the consequence.

Let's suppose that if South China Sea successfully became China's "core interest", so what would be the next?

Hong Kong (CNN) -- The South China Sea -- a 1.3 million square mile patch of the Pacific Ocean bracketed by China and several Southeast Asian nations -- is dotted with hundreds of largely uninhabited islands and coral atolls that are home to some of the world's most diverse marine life.

Also under its waves lie potentially huge reserves of natural gas and oil. A Chinese estimate suggests as much as 213 billion barrels of oil lie untapped in the South China Sea which, if true, would make it the largest oil reserve outside Saudi Arabia, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

That prospect has cross-stitched the sea with competing claims from China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan. A recent spate of incidents between Chinese and Vietnamese vessels in the sea has fueled a growing rift between the communist neighbors, creating strange bedfellows as Hanoi embraces closer military ties with historic foes in Washington.

The South China Sea has now become a petri dish for swirling changes churning the geopolitical landscape, analysts say, as the rising power of China up against the established economic and military might of the U.S.

"How these disputes are resolved will tell us how politics in Asia is going to play out in the next 20 to 30 years," said Mark Valencia, a fellow at the National Asia Research Program and expert on the South China Sea dispute. "This will be the blueprint."

Why is this happening now?

The competing stakes in the South China Sea are nothing new: territorial claims to the islands stretch back decades, even centuries, according to some of the nations vying in the sea grab.
The dispute took center stage earlier this month when defense officials from 28 Asia-Pacific nations gathered at the Shangri-La hotel in Singapore. China, for the first time, sent its top soldier to the annual meeting -- General Liang Guanglie -- who spoke at length about China's peace-loving nature and focus on cooperative development and security in the region.

His olive branch was met with skepticism, said Alan Dupont, a regional security analyst who was at the meeting. "It was a packed hall, and there were a lot of hostile questions directed to China from (participants from) Asia and the United States," said Dupont, director of the Centre for International Security Studies at the University of Sydney.

Many questions seem to reflect a fear of growing Chinese assertiveness in the disputed waters. In late May, the Vietnamese Ministry of Defense reported that a Chinese patrol boat slashed a submerged cable of a oil and gas survey ship operated by PetroVietnam, the state energy firm. A similar incident happened on June 9 -- just four days after Liang's address -- when a Chinese patrol boat cut cables from a Vietnamese ship doing seismic surveys off its southern coast, Vietnam's Foreign Ministry reported. Beijing maintains that Vietnamese vessels have been illegally surveying in Chinese waters and harassing Chinese fishing boats.
Vietnam is not the only nation skirmishing with Chinese patrol boats. The Philippines, on the western border of the South China Sea, also reported Chinese boats cutting cables of a survey ship and threatening to ram its boats in March, according to Manila's Foreign Ministry.

China claims both nations were exploring in disputed waters. China says it is not to blame. "If you want to know why there is tension in South China Sea, I think you have to go and ask the country or countries that have made all the provocations," Cui Lei, China's vice minister of the Foreign Ministry, told CNN in a rare interview last week.

What's the U.S. stake in this?

Last week the U.S. -- which has a defense treaty with the Philippines -- agreed to help modernize Manila's military during a Washington visit by Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario. "While we are a small country, we are prepared to do what is necessary to stand up to any aggressive action in our backyard," del Rosario said at a press conference with U.S. Secretary of State Hilary Clinton.

The United States waded into the water dispute a year ago when Clinton attended the annual defense meeting at the Shangri-La in Singapore. Clinton rattled Beijing when she offered to mediate the dispute and suggested a peaceful outcome was in U.S. national interests. At the time, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi called Clinton's comments "an attack on China."

Washington changed tack last year after a high-level defense meeting in which Beijing told the U.S. that the South China Sea was a "core security concern for China," Dupont said. "Previously only Tibet, Xinjiang and Taiwan were mentioned as a 'core security concern'."

Beijing considers Taiwan a renegade province and struggles with separatists movements in Tibet and Xinjiang, so having the South China Sea mentioned in the same breath "really raised alarm bells in Washington, and brought Clinton to Singapore," Dupont said.

The shipping lanes of the South China Sea are among the busiest in the world and a vital lifeline for China's growing hunger for commodities such as oil, natural gas and iron ore.

To hedge against a more assertive China, Southeast Asian nations are turning to Washington. Vietnam and the U.S. have announced a new round of joint military exercises, and the U.S. recently held joint drills with the Philippines. "There have been rapid defense engagements (with the U.S.) in the past 12 months," Dupont said. "The Philippines is welcoming the U.S. back after kicking them out of their naval bases a few years back."

"This is an opportunity for the U.S. to get back in Asia in a big way," Manicom added.

Who's the bad guy here?

General Liang's charm offensive in Singapore earlier this month -- and a similar trip to the Philippines after the March incident with a Filipino vessel -- shows Beijing's concern about rising tensions in the region, analysts say. But several cautioned that blaming China would be a misinterpretation of the forces at work in the South China Sea.

Nations liberally interpret maritime treaties to their own advantage, experts said. "There is a sense of sanctimoniousness on all sides," said Valencia. He points out the U.S. regularly cites the UN Convention on Law of the Sea -- which allows free navigation of seas within the 200-nautical mile "Exclusive Economic Zones" at the heart of the South China Sea debate. Yet the U.S. has never actually ratified the treaty.

"What they're talking about is free reign for their spy ships and planes," Valencia said. "From the China perspective its, 'yeah, you have right to freedom of navigation, but does that mean you can stick an EP-3 (U.S. Navy reconnaissance plane) up our nose anytime you want?' "

In recent disputes with Vietnam and the Philippines, "China says it was not the one who made the first move," Wu said. "China claims that these other countries went deeper into disputed areas. The reaction from China is believed to be firmer than in the past. On the one hand, a firmer reaction is different from a muted reaction. On the other hand, firmer doesn't mean China is about to take over the disputed areas by force."

China's Foreign Vice Minister Cui told CNN: "China has done everything possible to maintain stability in the region, and we always believe that any disputes, any possible disputes over territory, over the water in the South China Sea, should be resolved through bilateral negotiations and dialogue," Cui said. "We still have the same position now."

While China apparently wants to iron out territorial disputes individually with each country involved, its neighbors have other ideas. "The Southeast Asian nations are now starting to get together and talk about common approaches to China, which is the last thing Beijing wants," Dupont said.

The growing rift has eroded much of the goodwill China has built with its neighbors as all economies in the region benefited from Beijing's rise in financial clout, overtaking Japan last year as the world's second wealthiest nation, analysts say. "Whether it's right or wrong, China is looking like the bad guy," Manicom said. "That perception is a problem."

More on CNN
Explainer: South China Sea - Asia's most dangerous waters - CNN.com
The writer is probably a newbie. Chinese borders have always been their core interest. Errr...duh?

That's the least of my worries about a dominant China.
Star√ation;1899134 said:
That's thing is from CNN yesterday's article.
Do you think they are "newbie" or "good for laughs".

Do you konw what the "CNN" represent in china.
We often say that a man can not be too CNN.:yahoo:
CNN just a clown.
I think Viets citing CNN are even funnier.
Maybe it's even "funnier" for you to see Vietnam and US conduct join naval drill, thanks to China's pushing.
Do you konw what the "CNN" represent in china.
We often say that a man can not be too CNN.:yahoo:
CNN just a clown.
Wow, surprise!
China used to be a great civilization. Chinese used to be great people.
I don't know what's matter with you.
Star√ation;1896388 said:
It appears that the Chinese government is gradually losing control over the PLA.
J-20 leakage, Senkaku (Diaoyutai) island, and now South China Sea, it was the PLA leading first, the Chinese gov then follow to resolve the consequence.

Let's suppose that if South China Sea successfully became China's "core interest", so what would be the next?

More on CNN
Explainer: South China Sea - Asia's most dangerous waters - CNN.com
Northern part of Vietnam is China's core interest. We must take it back by 2020 at the latest.
Northern part of Vietnam is China's core interest. We must take it back by 2020 at the latest.
Hey, how about Southern Vietnam?
Vietnamese don't like to be divided! When taking the North, by the way you should take the South too.
No, no. I'm afraid 2020 would be so long. The Yankee always ask Vietnamese for docking their f@king ships at the Cam Ranh bay. By 2020 Vietnam-US relation would be close enough for them to build a naval base there. And I don't think those Yanks would agree to share that naval base with China, hmm.
Star√ation;1899271 said:
Maybe it's even "funnier" for you to see Vietnam and US conduct join naval drill, thanks to China's pushing.
You know what's even funnier? China cutting some Viet cable and wait for your reaction.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1900161 said:
We are waiting for your invasion :rofl: :rofl:
You mean a just war to reclaim our occupied islands.
Đảo Bạch Long Vỹ;1900161 said:
We are waiting for your invasion :rofl: :rofl:

Not required.

China has already scurried scared to have a discussion with Vietnam.

China does remember 1959.

The Chinese have a great sense of history!
You know what's even funnier? China cutting some Viet cable and wait for your reaction.

You mean a just war to reclaim our occupied islands.
You're free for that. Vietnamese people are not lack of cable as well as hospitality. You're welcome to cut as much as you can.
You should chance "you" in the 2nd sentence to "we". Only Chinese members on this forum provoke a war, not any Vietnamese.
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