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What will happen in 2014?


Mar 3, 2014
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Russian Federation
I want to discuss some ideas as a future prediction. Please participate if you want to put posts of value. No trolling.


-In the middle of 2014, Brazil World Cup will face a Terror crisis. A militant socialist group will take a european soccer team as hostage. They will call for stop of us imperialism in south america. The crisis will last for just two days and the Brazilian Special forces will kill all Militants. International Terrorism will be back on Global agenda again. Global Markets will plunge down because of fear for a new world crisis. Socialist members in the EU parliament will condamn brutality of brasilian police. US white house spokesman will congratulate brasilian government for their successfull actions. Venezuela and Cuba will condamn the brasilian action.

-Russia will be isolated over Crimea. Russian Think Tanks will openly call for russian departure from UN.

-In the end of 2014, Artilery Rockets with chemical warheads will hit a turkish town on the syrian border and kill at least a hundred civilians. Syrian Government will take no responsibility and accuse FSA.

-Iranian Mullahs will discuss the issue and decide to not participate in a possible turkish/syrian war. Iranian state TV will anounce that Iranian Government condamns the use of chemical weapons against civilians.

-Turkish Air Force will bomb damascus and Syrian government buildings in retaliation. Shoot down several outdated Syrian Migs and neutralize 50% of Syrian Air defence. A turkish special unit will pass the border and try to assasinate Al Asad in retaliation. They wont succeed. Syria will capture the troops and hold them as hostages.

-Turkish ground troops will enter Syrian soil. Start to erase Syrian Government forces town by town. FSA will get turkish army uniforms and weapons.

-Hezbollah will leave Syria and head back to iran. Militant sunni groups will fill the vacuum and spread terror gainst Shia minorities

-Syrian government will give an Ultimatum to Turkey to pull back its forces.

-The Ultimatum will pass. Turkish hostages will be hanged in public.

-International Community will condamn the killings of the turkish troops. Turkey will have full western support. Russia and China will remain neutral. Turkish navy will try to intimidate Russian black sea fleet with joint NATO Maneuvres. Russia will send Admiral Kruznetsov Air carrier and several heavy missile cruisers for support of its Black sea fleet. USA will send its 6th fleet to intimidate Russia and avoid any Action against Turkey. Chinese vessels will get order to leave the black sea.

-Turkish ground troops will defeat Syrian military quickly. Al Asad will be captured by FSA fighters who wear turkish uniforms. He will be killed in public. Beheaded. World community will be shocked seeing "turkish soldiers" beheading the Syrian dictator.

Turkey will face huge protests from pacifists on its european embassies. EU will call Turkey for pacification. US White house spokesman will congratulate Turkey. Obama will not give a commentary. Russia will condamn turkish actions in UN security council. UN will not respond for this call. Instead UN will condamn Russian annexation of Crimea.


-Russia will declare UN as obsolete and leave security council.

-Germany will take permanent Russian place in World security council. Angela Merkel will be pleased and will announce that Germany will take more responsibility in the world again. USA, Britain and France will congratulate Germany.

-China will be isolated in the UN over the Taiwan issue.

-Tensions between Northkorea and Southkorea will rise. China will face civil unrest in East China and Tibet. Taiwanese Far right parties will gain political ground and spread Propaganda.

-Erdogan will rise on a record high in his popularity. He will get 60% of the votes.

-US Senate will pass Armenian Genocide bill.

-Erdogan will declare that he is not pulling Troops back from Syria. He will bring the humanitarian mission as excuse.

-UN and EU will condamn Turkish occupation in Syria and call it Neo ottoman imperialism. Greece far right party Golden dawn will call for sanctions against Turkey. EU will consider it. US Senate will discuss an Embargo against Turkey, but no moves will be taken.

-Israel will alarm its Forces and double its air+navy patrouls in the region. Iran will take countermeasures.

-Qatar National Bank declares bankruptcy. Many middle east Banks struggling. Hedgefonds will lose value and rich qataris will take their money out of the banks and invest in Gold. Goldprice will rise. Oil price will shrink.

-Turkish economy bubble and real estate market bursts.

-Arab nations will condamn presence of turkish occupation Troops in Syria. EU will accuse Turkey of neo ottoman imperialism.

-Russia will have a new President. Putin announcing his resignation and introduce of Medwedew as new President.
We'll see but a lot of things will happen for sure
Between 2015 and 2020
For China
-China will be sanctioned in 2015 because it will try to replicate Putin
-Unlike Russia, China's entire economy is based on export. China will face total economic crises
-Massive protest and chaos will errupt in the country
-Japan will exploit this and will heavily invest in south-east China, those provinces will try to brake free from Beijng and compete for Japanese investment
-Japan, India and Turkey will help Tibetians and Uighur to brake free
-Coalition of the willing who have disputes with China will invade and silence Beijng
Sanctioning China would only speed up its Militarisation. Chinese Communist party knows what happened to Soviet Union. They will pick up a fight unlike the Soviets. Dont mess with the Dragon. They can easily put out a 100 million men army.
So is this based on a mere negative side of thinking or just forecasts of something in a category ? Lol
To me it basically seems to be on unrest that is expected to happen or not.

And i find myself not making sense again. Good Night
I've heard Taliban will take over Afghanistan and ISI will kill all Indians there and take over the infra they have tried to build. That will automatically put an end to foreign funded TTP and all will sing Kumbaya!
Between 2015 and 2020
For China
-China will be sanctioned in 2015 because it will try to replicate Putin
-Unlike Russia, China's entire economy is based on export. China will face total economic crises
-Massive protest and chaos will errupt in the country
-Japan will exploit this and will heavily invest in south-east China, those provinces will try to brake free from Beijng and compete for Japanese investment
-Japan, India and Turkey will help Tibetians and Uighur to brake free
-Coalition of the willing who have disputes with China will invade and silence Beijng
Interesting prediction. Some points:

1. Based on what will China be sanctioned? Replicate Putin? Until now NO COUNTRY on this planet criticizes China's choice on Ukraine crisis. Europe Union, Ukraine and Russia all express their appreciation to China. I cannot see there is any chance for a sanction regarding to this.

2. Since I cannot see a coming sanction so your other standpoints are invalid. But still, I want to talk something more about your 'South-east breaking from China', because based on your reply I can tell you have no clue about China, let alone South-east China. First, there is absolutely no separatism in south-east China. Second, they want to break from China because Japanese investment? Southeast China is one of the most developed area in China, the problem they face is not lacking of investment, but industrial updating. Your prediction stands on nothing.

I type these words, knowing that you will not agree. But I think many of your prediction do not deserve a serious reply, as even one who is the most anti-China but have a clear mind, would know your prediction is too exaggerated.

I am very curious personally, cause based on my long time observation, you are extremely extremely anti-China. Could you please tell what makes you hate China so much? Just for some discussion, I am willing to communicate intellectually with people who have different opinions. Looking forward to your reply.
I want to discuss some ideas as a future prediction. Please participate if you want to put posts of value. No trolling.


-In the middle of 2014, Brazil World Cup will face a Terror crisis. A militant socialist group will take a european soccer team as hostage. They will call for stop of us imperialism in south america. The crisis will last for just two days and the Brazilian Special forces will kill all Militants. International Terrorism will be back on Global agenda again. Global Markets will plunge down because of fear for a new world crisis. Socialist members in the EU parliament will condamn brutality of brasilian police. US white house spokesman will congratulate brasilian government for their successfull actions. Venezuela and Cuba will condamn the brasilian action.

-Russia will be isolated over Crimea. Russian Think Tanks will openly call for russian departure from UN.

-In the end of 2014, Artilery Rockets with chemical warheads will hit a turkish town on the syrian border and kill at least a hundred civilians. Syrian Government will take no responsibility and accuse FSA.

-Iranian Mullahs will discuss the issue and decide to not participate in a possible turkish/syrian war. Iranian state TV will anounce that Iranian Government condamns the use of chemical weapons against civilians.

-Turkish Air Force will bomb damascus and Syrian government buildings in retaliation. Shoot down several outdated Syrian Migs and neutralize 50% of Syrian Air defence. A turkish special unit will pass the border and try to assasinate Al Asad in retaliation. They wont succeed. Syria will capture the troops and hold them as hostages.

-Turkish ground troops will enter Syrian soil. Start to erase Syrian Government forces town by town. FSA will get turkish army uniforms and weapons.

-Hezbollah will leave Syria and head back to iran. Militant sunni groups will fill the vacuum and spread terror gainst Shia minorities

-Syrian government will give an Ultimatum to Turkey to pull back its forces.

-The Ultimatum will pass. Turkish hostages will be hanged in public.

-International Community will condamn the killings of the turkish troops. Turkey will have full western support. Russia and China will remain neutral. Turkish navy will try to intimidate Russian black sea fleet with joint NATO Maneuvres. Russia will send Admiral Kruznetsov Air carrier and several heavy missile cruisers for support of its Black sea fleet. USA will send its 6th fleet to intimidate Russia and avoid any Action against Turkey. Chinese vessels will get order to leave the black sea.

-Turkish ground troops will defeat Syrian military quickly. Al Asad will be captured by FSA fighters who wear turkish uniforms. He will be killed in public. Beheaded. World community will be shocked seeing "turkish soldiers" beheading the Syrian dictator.

Turkey will face huge protests from pacifists on its european embassies. EU will call Turkey for pacification. US White house spokesman will congratulate Turkey. Obama will not give a commentary. Russia will condamn turkish actions in UN security council. UN will not respond for this call. Instead UN will condamn Russian annexation of Crimea.


-Russia will declare UN as obsolete and leave security council.

-Germany will take permanent Russian place in World security council. Angela Merkel will be pleased and will announce that Germany will take more responsibility in the world again. USA, Britain and France will congratulate Germany.

-China will be isolated in the UN over the Taiwan issue.

-Tensions between Northkorea and Southkorea will rise. China will face civil unrest in East China and Tibet. Taiwanese Far right parties will gain political ground and spread Propaganda.

-Erdogan will rise on a record high in his popularity. He will get 60% of the votes.

-US Senate will pass Armenian Genocide bill.

-Erdogan will declare that he is not pulling Troops back from Syria. He will bring the humanitarian mission as excuse.

-UN and EU will condamn Turkish occupation in Syria and call it Neo ottoman imperialism. Greece far right party Golden dawn will call for sanctions against Turkey. EU will consider it. US Senate will discuss an Embargo against Turkey, but no moves will be taken.

-Israel will alarm its Forces and double its air+navy patrouls in the region. Iran will take countermeasures.

-Qatar National Bank declares bankruptcy. Many middle east Banks struggling. Hedgefonds will lose value and rich qataris will take their money out of the banks and invest in Gold. Goldprice will rise. Oil price will shrink.

-Turkish economy bubble and real estate market bursts.

-Arab nations will condamn presence of turkish occupation Troops in Syria. EU will accuse Turkey of neo ottoman imperialism.

-Russia will have a new President. Putin announcing his resignation and introduce of Medwedew as new President.

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