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What went wrong for the Government?

What went wrong?

Money is the most skittish of commodities on the face of the planet. Money has wings. Cast “but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle.” This is exactly what went wrong. The PTI government has scared rupees out of the economy – deep into safety deposit boxes and rupees converted into dollars. Money has left Pakistan’s economy.

What went wrong? The gas tariff went up into triple digits. The electricity tariff went up into double digits. And the dollar went up into double digits. Consequently, the disposable incomes of Pakistanis went down sharply. And the purchasing power of Pakistanis went down sharply. People have stopped going to restaurants. People have stopped shopping at shopping malls. People have stopped buying and selling. This is exactly what has gone wrong.

The wheel of the economy has stopped turning. Transactions are not taking place. Businesses are shutting down. Companies are laying off people. At least 1.1 million additional Pakistanis have been laid off. At least 4.1 million additional Pakistanis have been pushed below the line of poverty. This is exactly what went wrong.

What went wrong? The PTI government remained singularly focused on the rear-view mirror. The economic Titanic, in the meanwhile, kept on speeding towards half a dozen icebergs – the Rs1,600 billion circular debt; Rs1,100 billion losses in public-sector enterprises (PSEs) and a couple of billion dollars worth of leakages in the gas sector.

What went wrong? The PTI’s economic team (was there any team?) failed to understand that tax collection is the consequence of economic activity. The PTI’s economic team (was there any team?) killed economic activity – and that is going to result in a historical tax shortfall of Rs485 billion. This is what went wrong.

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are fought in the social media with fake news and ‘innocent’ sounding narratives. The two masked objectives are: to incite a war among citizens of Pakistan; and to incite a rift between the citizens of Pakistan and their army. This is twenty-first century warfare.

Pakistan’s economy is in a state of crisis. Walks in the enemy; twenty-first century wars are all about remaining below the opponent’s radar, keeping the intensity below the opponent’s threshold, creating political chaos behind enemy lines, using weaponized information and weaponized financial instruments. This is exactly what is happening: Pakistan’s enemies are busy funding political chaos trying to make a Venezuela out of Pakistan. Yes, explosions are out, implosions are in.

Dr Hafeez Shaikh is up against formidable challenges – controlling the price spiral; restoring business confidence; negotiating a less painful IMF programme; bringing down multi-billion dollar leakages in the electricity and gas sectors. This indeed is a tall order; an order that requires a lot of out-of-the-box thinking. To be certain, the World Bank, the IMF – and the staff trained by them – are trained to go by the book. Going by the book will make things even worse.

The writer is a columnist based in Islamabad.
Dr Farrukh Saleem

They are simply not in that mental state, due to their past and ofcourse present.
Some people don't have guts, some people are unexperienced and others are corrupt.
PTI, as it is clear now, is not the solution for Pakistan.
inflation is world wide but other countries economic growth and reserves are increasing at much higher rate than ours and here inflation is high and economic growth and reserves are declining
Only corrupt people are having issues...People should asked after 5 years now ..At least we have honest PM now ...

PTI has hired capable people from IMF and WB...We should now wait for the results...Inflation is worldwide problem as stated by Razzak Dawood.
such behavior of govt will convert Pakistan in to Syria,here people will play in hands of foreign agency for money if poverty exceeds limit
No not going to happen . We faced long 15 year war on fighting against terrorist, taliban mindset & extremism. Thousands died in suicide attacks , but we didn't leave front checkposts and faced them eye to eye those cowards terrorist . We are not coward like arabs.
About government, we require Patience. Yesterday we created 40,000 new jobs in launching ceremony of first local manufacture cars in lahore .
We need political stability. What will we achieve by throwing government? Give them shaheed status and new era of dharnas, violence. This is not solution.
Just we need patience. Government is working day & night to bring investment instead of aid. We are paying 6 billion per day on interest rate of previous loans.
Political stability is very vital for investor trust, growth, results ..
previous wave of terrorism was not due to economy but due to ideological reasons now we are facing different situation and economy is in much bad condition than in last 15yrs so unrest may result from different reasons if govt continue to destroy economy and terrorism will again start in new form which will not be limited to religious extremists but also involve liberals and nationalists movement based on ethnicity like ptm movement
No not going to happen . We faced long 15 year war on fighting against terrorist, taliban mindset & extremism. Thousands died in suicide attacks , but we didn't leave front checkposts and faced them eye to eye those cowards terrorist . We are not coward like arabs.
About government, we require Patience. Yesterday we created 40,000 new jobs in launching ceremony of first local manufacture cars in lahore .
We need political stability. What will we achieve by throwing government? Give them shaheed status and new era of dharnas, violence. This is not solution.
Just we need patience. Government is working day & night to bring investment instead of aid. We are paying 6 billion per day on interest rate of previous loans.
Political stability is very vital for investor trust, growth, results ..
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Everything has gone as planned by the Gormint. The Rich continue to get rich, the poor continue their spiral towards abject poverty.

Economic Terrorists have now even more deeper pockets then before and the Ruling party has politicized institutions for its own glorification.


Inshallah this plague shall too pass!!
got the ramzan gift by the govt. expecting eid gift after one month. petrol will be 120 rs/ litre.
If we remove subsidy, it will jump. What I feel government should eliminate subsidy , Subsidies are burden on government. Compare petrol price with India in dollar rate still we are giving it cheaper price.
Harping Mantra of corruption can gets you votes but wont bail you out of crises. PTI, PTI followers and their Gaurdian angels all just fooled masses in the name of corruption. They knew IK and its unabilities to deliver yet they due to blind hatred for Zardari and Nawaz played the game which suits them well. Now behold the follies of gaurdians angels and relish it. Corruption is ended, nepotism is extinct, sifawarish has been kicked out of the system yet system is collasping. it means only one thing problem of economy lies somewhere else and our hatred for PMLN and PPP does not let us see it. Time is Up for Pakistani power games. if we continue to live is a virtual reality of own creation we will end up stateless in our own land.
Its not 4th 5th or 6th generation wars that endangers Pakistan, its 1st Generation war of between three A --which is a sturggle for bigger chunks of the Pie.
Only corrupt people are having issues...People should asked after 5 years now ..At least we have honest PM now ...

PTI has hired capable people from IMF and WB...We should now wait for the results...Inflation is worldwide problem as stated by Razzak Dawood.
Honest PM, are you serious?
He is a liar, till now he hasn't delivered on even a single commitment.

and how proud you feel that our economics is handed over to Imf/wb baboons --- your PM said that imf kay paas nahi Jaeyn gay, liar --- your PM Imran Khan can take his honesty up in his ***
Honest PM, are you serious?
He is a liar, till now he hasn't delivered on even a single commitment.

and how proud you feel that our economics is handed over to Imf/wb baboons --- your PM said that imf kay paas nahi Jaeyn gay, liar --- your PM Imran Khan can take his honesty up in his ***
I trust IK...Millions of people voted for him and states institutions trusted him and over through the pervious corrupt regime .2018 was the year of change...As spoken by ....We don't want Nawaz to come back ..Rest is secondary...We should trust him and judge the performance after 5 years..Previous governments has artificially withheld inflation and rise in dollar..by taking more loans..PTI after five years will leave with less loans , less utility prices and reduced Fiscal plus CAD...
I trust IK...Millions of people voted for him and states institutions trusted him and over through the pervious corrupt regime .2018 was the year of change...As spoken by ....We don't want Nawaz to come back ..Rest is secondary...We should trust him and judge the performance after 5 years..Previous governments has artificially withheld inflation and rise in dollar..
Nawaz can only come back if people vote him, so why uncomfortable, have no trust in performance of your PM?

Your PM is no different from other politicians, he has already sold this country to imf, he is just another traitor.
Nawaz can only come back if people vote him, so why uncomfortable, have no trust in performance of your PM?

Your PM is no different from other politicians, he has already sold this country to imf, he is just another traitor.
Bhai 5 saal to poray krna do..Then we should decide on performance as who does it better
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Give government 5 year time. Also we have to take tough decisions. It will take some time to clean garbage of 10 years.

What exactly are those tough decisions? Further privatize everything under the sun, state doesnt own anything? Finishing of pension schemes? Introduce further indirect taxation? Target Health and Education sector further? Completely let go off currency evaluation and let the "Free Market" decide on its value. Increase energy prices through the roof?

PTI had already done all of that, IK and the current government is completely directionless. The new economic team is nothing but one appointed by IMF, and if history is anything to go by no country had gotten out of economic mess by following IMF policies of austerity.

I have little to no hope for Mr Khan and his government, under current framework nothing will work in Pakistan.
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