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"What the hell is going on in this country?" : Supreme Court

NO WAY WE HAVE EVERY RIGHT AND WE WILL TAKE IT. India has progressed due to nri's as much as native INdians. Wake up and smell the coffee. You have no right to say what y you are saying ....you my dear chap are an example of what is holding back India now. You don't even have all the facts but you make wild accusations. Folks left not just due to one but the corruption. Seeing rich people get into schools while poor competent students were sidelined. YOU REALLY THINK ONLY INDIANS IN INDIA PLAYED A ROLE IN INDIA'S RISE? DEAR CHAP IF YOU SERIOUSLY THINK THAT AND IF ANY OTHER POSTER THINKS THAT THEN PLEASE EDUCATE YOURSELF AND GOOGLE WHAT NRIS HAVE DONE. GOOGLE HOW WESTERN EDUCATION TRNASFORMED INDIAN MINDS, HOW THEIR CONTACTS IN THE WEST BROUGHT PROSPERITY TO INDIA. DONT LIVE IN A FANTASY WORLD KID.

Connections to West played an auxiliary part, but not the core functions. And such co-operation took place with countries all over the world, not just USA.

Also, there was no charity or favours. There was a price paid for everything and USA got its own favours.

It is still the Indians who did all the core work alone by themselves, of putting solid foundations of economy and bringing it up to 9% growth.
Thats' why MMS is allowing NRIs to vote so I guess they have a say as to how government should be run hahhahahahhahhaha

He is providing you power to vote, because he is Indian(yes, same corrupt Indian!) and he is smart. He knows how to use your types. He will TAX your money. hahahahahahahahaha
The funny thing is those talking in favor of US of A are not actual Americans but ABCDs (American Born Confused Desi). lol

Lol, about time you showed up.

Buddy, you need to get an education, land a decent job and travel the world a little bit. You know NOTHING outside of your own warped little world.

Because NRI's are loyal to noone. They run where the money is.

And who are you supposed to be, some kind of saint?

I think I was wrong about you. You aren't conceited, you're just ignorant. To be conceited you'd actually need to have some self-esteem, but your comments betray a serious sense of inferiority. You're just projecting your insecurities onto other people.

So how come 'you folks' (you too kinetic) celebrate our successes?

when India was poor, they dumped it.

India is still poor, btw.

Today, India is providing opportunities to make money, so now they want a pie. No wonder, suddenly, all are singing Indian tunes and everyone want to lecture Indians(who actually worked day-night to bring India back, when these opportunist lecturers were busy in blaming Indian politicians and singing American tunes).

See here's our problem. You sound like some small town, minimally educated, blue collar deadbeat. I'm not getting personal, I'm just trying to get some perspective as to who I'm dealing with. Feel free to correct me.

Buddy, India isn't nearly as successful or influential as you think it is. The states has plenty of opportunities and money to go around so we aren't sitting over here drooling over all the milk and honey in your fantasy country. Even still, there are better places to invest so don't kid yourself.

Lastly, no one came here with the intention of lecturing anybody. Insecure individuals like yourself can't help but get defensive and ruin a perfectly good thread.
Let it go man, this isn't about you or NRI's in general. We have a guy here who uses "you lot" when he wants to be vituperative in his utterances about India & claims to be a part of "us" when he wants. Don't think that works particularly well. No point in wading into the swamp ( actually I'm pretty sorry now that I ended getting sucked into that in the first place).
So how come 'you folks' (you too kinetic) celebrate our successes?

In the same way, as you celebrate success of corrupt Indians.

India is still poor, btw.

Yes, 90% are below poverty line.

See here's our problem. You sound like some small town, minimally educated, blue collar deadbeat. I'm not getting personal, I'm just trying to get some perspective as to who I'm dealing with. Feel free to correct me.

Buddy, India isn't nearly as successful or influential as you think it is. The states has plenty of opportunities and money to go around so we aren't sitting over here drooling over all the milk and honey in your fantasy country. Even still, there are better places to invest so don't kid yourself.

Lastly, no one came here with the intention of lecturing anybody. Insecure individuals like yourself can't help but get defensive and ruin a perfectly good thread.

Typical racist remark, which come commonly from rich NRI types. They have a tendency to look down on fellow Indians(Indian public) and most of them think that Indians are fools.

In comparison, poor NRI classes are much more civilized and humble, than what we are seeing here.
Let it go man, this isn't about you or NRI's in general. We have a guy here who uses "you lot" when he wants to be vituperative in his utterances about India & claims to be a part of "us" when he wants. Don't think that works particularly well. No point in wading into the swamp ( actually I'm pretty sorry now that I ended getting sucked into that in the first place).

No point to speak in third person if I am that person referring to. I give solid constructive criticism and though my tone may sound harsh it is the truth. Whats wrong with sounding harsh, I feel by being harsh on certain topics it denotes an importance or a sense of urgency if you will to that particular topic. Im sure it done;t work well because folks have to get over their emotions and digest the hard to swallow facts.
In the same way, as you celebrate success of corrupt Indians.

Yes, 90% are below poverty line.

Typical racist remark, which come commonly from rich NRI types. They have a tendency to look down on fellow Indians(Indian public) and most of them think that Indians are fools.

In comparison, poor NRI classes are much more civilized and humble, than what we are seeing here.

One thing is that you haven't been able to bring anything of substance to this topic about what we all can do to stop corruption. Instead, you call us uncivilized and not humble.....are you serious. What gave you that idea in the first pace.
I've been viewing this thread for a while. It seems to me misterme2 has been critical for the right reasons and only means well. However he may have "come on" a little to strongly. Hey I work for the Disney Corporation, I was born in the States, but my heart will always lie with India. True. People living abroad may not have a say in India's affairs as we are not citizens, but we do manage to proudly say that we are Indians and we do introduce Indian culture to other countries.
The main reason my father and mother left India, was because of corruption. However if you compare the past to today we are actually more successful then we could've been in India. I'm not saying that we may have never been successful. But out of a billion people, it's only natural that people start to live abroad. We have always invested money in property, banks etc in India. Seeing India today compared to what it was 20 even 5 years ago. Just shows that it is fastly improving. And I do believe misterme only meant good, but may have come out the wrong way.

Besides when I have children, I do plan on sending them to school in India and will also retire there as well.
No point to speak in third person if I am that person referring to. I give solid constructive criticism and though my tone may sound harsh it is the truth. Whats wrong with sounding harsh, I feel by being harsh on certain topics it denotes an importance or a sense of urgency if you will to that particular topic. Im sure it done;t work well because folks have to get over their emotions and digest the hard to swallow facts.

I have never questioned the validity of the original points raised by you (i have referred to that in my replies) but I have pointed out that your use of intemperate language against "you lot" is hardly conducive to a frank discussion on the points raised. Subsequently, you went way off topic & told "us lot" to clean up the ganges instead of begging for food aid .Even if your "angry" reactions are triggered by replies of other members, there is no excuse to make very stupid comments about India as a result. You are more than welcome to take on individual posters but can hardly be expected to be taken seriously as being one of "us" if you swing wildly between "we" & "you lot".
Corruption is really f-ing India up. Its so bad that NYTimes has an article about how complacent Indians are with corruption that they won;t even march or protest it. This is an utter failure on society's part. As long as you stay quiet then Politicans and any other corrupt person be it a cop, business man, teacher, whatever will act without impunity because they have no fear of repercussions or penalties. This is the truth. Each and everyone here who bribes a cop to get off a ticket is just as guilty or pay a teacher to get high grades are guilty. Wake up. You can blame the Arabs, the British, the Americans, whatever but at the end of the day it you, you people and your country who is going to suffer.

This is your first post where it all started.

So, who said Indians are silent and everyone is corrupt and they are doing nothing?

Do you think 9% GDP growth came out of NYT editor's as* if all Indians were complacent about corruption? Do you know who brought about RTI act(Right to Information Act)? Those activists were Indians, and not some aliens. And, it took them 3 to 4 years to pull through that act through parliament after heavy lobbying and public campaigns so, its not like Indians are complacent with corruption. The fight is long but every bit helps.

No country can manage a 9% growth for long if corruption is not checked. The removal of Raja(Telecom minister), PJ Thomas(CVC Chairman) might sound symbolic or public-show, but these events are real and things are changing for good. Where is complacency?

Have you seen TimesNow(its a news channel)? One commentor on live show called Indian prime minister(MMS) a puppet of his corrupt cabinet. Do you think Indians would comment like that about their prime minister if they were complacent society?

Things are changing for good, they are not as pathetic as projected by knee-jerk NYT editors, who have their twisted way of looking at India.

If you had quoted some Indian source with some factual representation of situation, reactions would been different.

And, with chidambaram at HM chair, things should be much better in security sphere but noone here is expecting magical changes. India is a huge country with too many diversities. Things don't change so rapidly even if you want to.

Just look at how many years VAT tax system took? Almost over 5 years in just planning and bringing all states(each with different tax system of their own) on board. Heck, even europe didn't do this fast.
I have never questioned the validity of the original points raised by you (i have referred to that in my replies) but I have pointed out that your use of intemperate language against "you lot" is hardly conducive to a frank discussion on the points raised. Subsequently, you went way off topic & told "us lot" to clean up the ganges instead of begging for food aid .Even if your "angry" reactions are triggered by replies of other members, there is no excuse to make very stupid comments about India as a result. You are more than welcome to take on individual posters but can hardly be expected to be taken seriously as being one of "us" if you swing wildly between "we" & "you lot".

Sry there some posters and i was referring to all of them....as for the ganges my comment stands....time for us to clean it up and stop depending on others....I know India can do it
This is your first post where it all started.

So, who said Indians are silent and everyone is corrupt and they are doing nothing?

Do you think 9% GDP growth came out of NYT editor's as* if all Indians were complacent about corruption? Do you know who brought about RTI act(Right to Information Act)? Those activists were Indians, and not some aliens.

No country can manage a 9% growth for long if corruption is not checked. The removal of Raja(Telecom minister), PJ Thomas(CVC Chairman) might sound symbolic or public-show, but these events are real and things are changing for good. Where is complacency?

Have you seen TimesNow(its a news channel)? One commentor on live show called Indian prime minister(MMS) a puppet of his corrupt cabinet. Do you think Indians would comment like that about their prime minister if they were complacent society?

Things are changing for good, they are not as pathetic as projected by your knee-jerk NYT editors, who have their twisted way of looking at India.

If you had quoted some Indian source with some factual representation of situation, reactions would been different.

Those NYT articles are by Indian writers who are trying to help India. The RTI was introduced in the West years earlier.....do you know there is still inadequate protection for whistleblowers in India. Some folks have been killed when they brought to light corruption after using the RTI. 9% is great for India....corruption can easily co-exist if the conditions are right. India has a huge population and its economy opened up fairly recently compared to others. i can point numerous more scams that haven't been brought to justice properly. Stamp, Fodder, Advarsi, numerous more. Economy can grow at 9% but it doesn't mean anything when the poor don't see the effects of it. That's why Naxalism is becoming a growing problem. Calling a PM a puppet is great but what does it do? What about the scandal involving Tata and that lady who used her connections in the MEDIA. We have miles to go, and you put it all together it is taking a toll, a huge toll. Dude, the sources can be all over read the information. Sometimes,, Indian media is slow and sometimes the reporters that have a lead, a story, or simply bribed to not report. Whatever reason, just read between the lines. The msg is still he same. You don;t have to believe every word but you gotta believe there muss be some truth to it.
This is your first post where it all started.

So, who said Indians are silent and everyone is corrupt and they are doing nothing?

Do you think 9% GDP growth came out of NYT editor's as* if all Indians were complacent about corruption? Do you know who brought about RTI act(Right to Information Act)? Those activists were Indians, and not some aliens. And, it took them 3 to 4 years to pull through that act through parliament after heavy lobbying and public campaigns so, its not like Indians are complacent with corruption. The fight is long but every bit helps.

No country can manage a 9% growth for long if corruption is not checked. The removal of Raja(Telecom minister), PJ Thomas(CVC Chairman) might sound symbolic or public-show, but these events are real and things are changing for good. Where is complacency?

Have you seen TimesNow(its a news channel)? One commentor on live show called Indian prime minister(MMS) a puppet of his corrupt cabinet. Do you think Indians would comment like that about their prime minister if they were complacent society?

Things are changing for good, they are not as pathetic as projected by knee-jerk NYT editors, who have their twisted way of looking at India.

If you had quoted some Indian source with some factual representation of situation, reactions would been different.

Do you know how annoyed I was to read that article but its worth reading because the info is correct. Obviously, if there voices being concerned there is little action behind it. I am not blaming MMS in fact I back 110% and he can tax my investments. Take a good look at George Fernadez, the ex defense minister.... he was corrupt to the bone and he he hasn't been charged with anything. Loo at how long it took to charge Balakrishan of Supreme Court.....this joker was slowing down the effort to have judges declare their assets and now we know why. We always knew why. But we drag our feet and that my friend needs change immediately. China or pakistan wont matter as long as corruption destroys us. War for them will be a lot easier.

first, your "Indian" NYT writers are India-haters. I have read most of them and I know their mentality. So, just cut the crap. It is one thing to write something with good intentions but its another thing to write for the sake of mocking Indians and India, to show how much they hate this country and just blurt out their frustrations with Indian system. It is called negative journalism.

If they really mean "good" for India, then better come here and spread their genius ideas in Indian media(if they have any). Why sit in NYT and whine about India? What purpose does it serve? Is this how intelligent american-Indians are?
Do you know how annoyed I was to read that article but its worth reading because the info is correct. Obviously, if there voices being concerned there is little action behind it.

NYT doesn't pay its writers to work on Indian interests. Use your head.

Also, why info is "correct"? Because it comes from your an American as* newspaper? Now, you are again naive.

According to you, Indians are corrupt and complacent but "Indians" in NYT must be correct. Why so, dear? Do they have some Alien source, which gives them some inside information, which Indians already don't know?
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