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What is wrong with the Taliban?


Dec 12, 2008
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United States
United States
There is something I don't understand...the Taliban say they seek a more perfect form of Islam, yes? From my point of view, they have walked exactly in the footprints of Mohammed: they've spent years inculcating followers and building warrior ethics, made a show of imposing some needed justice, and made temporary treaties that were deceptions to attain power.

So what is it they are doing wrong, exactly? Why are so many Pakistanis, who claim to be Muslims, now opposed to the Taliban, who possess no religion-based moral inconsistencies that I can perceive?
There is nothing wrong with them, but there is definitely some deep gaps in your brain! Which needs to be fixed ASAP or you could pose a serious threat to the world peace.

Therefore under the Taliban constitution article 420 you are hereby wajib-ul-qatal:D

You better fix you lose nuts or you would soon be executed!:bunny:

Allah ho Akbar!!

(i hope you are not staying in Pakistan-run before they get you:pop:)
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If you like them so much why don't you ask Israeli government to offer them Israeli Citizenship.You cannot impose Islam by using FORCE.Religion is a person personal choice.
warrior ethics?????? lolzzz
in Islam when u r at war, u r at war with the enemies army and not civillian population. u cant even take enemies family hostage to blackmail him. u cant target women, elderly, children, unarmed ppl. during war u r not even allowed to target economic infrastructure.
in simple words its man with a sword vs. man with a sword.

secondly their version of islam.
where exactly does islam tell us to beat women, or chop off ppl heads in public, force ppl to keep beard, force ppl to offer five daily prayers etc etc. my religion is bw me and God and not bw me and taliban
warrior ethics?????? lolzzz
in Islam when u r at war, u r at war with the enemies army and not civillian population. u cant even take enemies family hostage to blackmail him. u cant target women, elderly, children, unarmed ppl. during war u r not even allowed to target economic infrastructure.
in simple words its man with a sword vs. man with a sword.

secondly their version of islam.
where exactly does islam tell us to beat women, or chop off ppl heads in public, force ppl to keep beard, force ppl to offer five daily prayers etc etc. my religion is bw me and God and not bw me and taliban

If you like them so much why don't you ask Israeli government to offer them Israeli Citizenship.You cannot impose Islam by using FORCE.Religion is a person personal choice.

Hey both of you i have a request, already much have been done to clear the heads of Sir Solomon, but all efforts were in vain, no need to waste your time. He will keep on coming up with different BS and logics which dont even have a start or end. In common this is known as trolling, but for him it is expansion of knowledge and he proudly blogs on it!

God (if you believe in one) be with you Solomon!
secondly their version of islam.

where exactly does islam tell us to beat women, or chop off ppl heads in public, force ppl to keep beard, force ppl to offer five daily prayers etc etc. my religion is bw me and God and not bw me and taliban

The chopping off part is common in Saudi and other middle eastern countries. The wearing of veil is mandatory, prayer is highly encouraged there but is not mandatory (from my brief visit and from friends stories) .It would be great if someone said that was not the right interpretation of Islam too.
I have always believed that a literal interpretation of the books is what Saudi/Taliban is following and that they should follow the spirit of the law and not the letter.

I won't say anything more, because my views will sound anti-Islamic to many readers. I don't believe I am, but there is no way to explain the nuances unless we are talking face to face. I don't want to start a "Mohammad was/was not a good guy" or a "Quran has/has not any blemishes" fight.
u cant even take enemies family hostage to blackmail him. u cant target women, elderly, children, unarmed ppl. during war
It seems these things have been accepted in the past:
Ibn Qudama: "It is permitted to surprise the infidels under cover of night, to bombard them with mangonels [artillery Mohammed introduced to the Arabian peninsula] and attack them without declaring battle...it is forbidden to kill children, madmen, women, priests..."

Al-Mawardi: "If they use their women and children as shields in battle, then one must avoid killing them and aim only at killing the men; if however, it is impossible to kill them except by killing the women and children, then it is permitted" [al-Ahkam as-Sulataniyyah]
He will keep on coming up with different BS and logics which dont even have a start or end. In common this is known as trolling, but for him it is expansion of knowledge and he proudly blogs on it!
Wow! I'm accused of trolling my own thread! How did I manage that?

Please realize that this thread is a confession of my ignorance, not ill-will. It is topical because the GoP's opposition to the Taliban is based on Islam, not democratic legitimacy. How this can be so isn't clear to me, so I was wondering if some people here - undoubtedly more knowledgeable than I - would be kind enough to explain this.

God (if you believe in one) be with you Solomon!
Thank you for your kind prayer, enigma.
The chopping off part is common in Saudi and other middle eastern countries. The wearing of veil is mandatory, prayer is highly encouraged there but is not mandatory (from my brief visit and from friends stories) .It would be great if someone said that was not the right interpretation of Islam too.
I have always believed that a literal interpretation of the books is what Saudi/Taliban is following and that they should follow the spirit of the law and not the letter.

I won't say anything more, because my views will sound anti-Islamic to many readers. I don't believe I am, but there is no way to explain the nuances unless we are talking face to face. I don't want to start a "Mohammad was/was not a good guy" or a "Quran has/has not any blemishes" fight.

i dont know wat happens in saudi arabia and other countries... but accordin to my limited knowlege viel cannot be made mandatory by the gov.. same goes for prayers etc.....
about the head thing: this punishment is given for wat crime??
It seems these things have been accepted in the past:
Ibn Qudama: "It is permitted to surprise the infidels under cover of night, to bombard them with mangonels [artillery Mohammed introduced to the Arabian peninsula] and attack them without declaring battle...it is forbidden to kill children, madmen, women, priests..."

Al-Mawardi: "If they use their women and children as shields in battle, then one must avoid killing them and aim only at killing the men; if however, it is impossible to kill them except by killing the women and children, then it is permitted" [al-Ahkam as-Sulataniyyah]

well i dont know much about the wat ifs...... u may also find statements which contradict the ones u have quoted above. but i wont comment coz im not a religious scholor
There is something I don't understand...the Taliban say they seek a more perfect form of Islam, yes? From my point of view, they have walked exactly in the footprints of Mohammed: they've spent years inculcating followers and building warrior ethics, made a show of imposing some needed justice, and made temporary treaties that were deceptions to attain power.

So what is it they are doing wrong, exactly? Why are so many Pakistanis, who claim to be Muslims, now opposed to the Taliban, who possess no religion-based moral inconsistencies that I can perceive?

they arent working on the ethic of prophet mohammed [may peace be upon him]
please do not insult us or our religion like that
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"From my point of view, they have walked exactly in the footprints of Mohammed: they've spent years inculcating followers and building warrior ethics, made a show of imposing some needed justice, and made temporary treaties that were deceptions to attain power."

I don't know about walking in the footprints of Mohammed but your premise is sound. Despite the afghan memory of the taliban's excesses, the general view in Pakistan has always connoted a favorable view of the taliban. It explains how Pakistan has been able to tolerate so comfortably the presence of Omar's exiled taliban gov't of Afghanistan and it's army.

Omar, in turn, has been VERY careful to avoid ambitions grander than his focus upon Afghanistan. He's even worked on behalf of the Pakistani gov't to arrange a treaty between Bahadur, Nazir, and Mehsud that would bring B.M. fully on-board with the afghan insurgency and deflect his ambitions away from Pakistan.

The recently failed Waziristan treaties were government attempts at exactly such. Becoming "good" taliban has until very recently remained an ambition, it would seem, of all, including the general population of Pakistan.

The beating of the young lady has changed perceptions measurably. If I had to point to one single event, it would be thus. Odd given the beheadings we've all witnessed-many of Pakistani soldiers and civilians, this event finally drove home (I believe) the starkest implications.

I've re-iterated here that the afghanis, in general, are dismayed by the decrease in their security. This is reflected in polls that show U.S. popularity slip from the low 80s just following the Kabul re-conquest into the low 60s. Those numbers are real enough and indicate a certain decline in confidence.

What we've NEVER seen has been a corresponding increase in taliban numbers. They risen, to be sure-from about 3% to 7% in the latest ABC/BBC/ARD polls. So nobody in Afghanistan, however difficult things have been, are eager to see these men in power. They know too well what to expect.

What explains the beating video? More than anything, the sense of trust being violated. Comments and actions made clear that Faizullah's men weren't listening to Sufi Mohammad in the slightest nor was SHARIA ever intended as anything but a cheap rationale for a foothold to expand further.

Hubris and blatant arrogance had creeped into their demeanor so insidiously to not be noticed from within but apparent to all others as they watched the video of the young lady so callously demeaned by her beating.

It is what Afghanis have suffered in the past, suffer today in those areas controlled or contested, and shall suffer should Omar has his way. It is what Pakistan can expect so long as these men are revered much less tolerated on your soil.

They are the same and, for once, have failed to manage the message. The truth, uncovered, is plainly brutal and foretells the future should the Taliban win.

The media is a highway and anybody can use it. Who knows where the final nail drops from that phone camera?
well i guess Soloman really wanted us to stay on talibans side.. now he is not having much fun coz apparently we are on the same side and he has got no one to argue with.
isnt it mate??:enjoy:

You put your thoughts in an extremely vague manner claiming that Taliban are supposedly really good Muslims because they are following the Book very closely.

Would you than say that Pope Urban the II was a devout Christian who ordered the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Jews and Muslims in 1095 unleashing the First crusade? Would you label Martin Luther the father of the so called Protestant movement as a devout Christian who labeled the Jews and made statues of Pigs outside their Graveyards or even the Pope who excommunicated him for supposedly freedom of expression.

How about the righteous Christians who ordered the massacre of more than 20,000 women simply because of how they looked, or the pets they had, or because they practiced medicine in the name of Witchcraft? Drowning them in the Water or burning them on the Stake while the whole community watched?

Fact is.. these Taliban are no different than the very Christians who all over the middle ages carried out horrendous crimes in the name of Religion.

How about the massacre of the Arrian Christians at the hand of Catholics was it if i am not mistaken for not recognizing Jesus as a divine being. Or the killing of those who knew a little bit of Astrology? Lets not even talk about Pagans... God knows how many of those died for the course of more than 350 years from 1300 to late 1700's.. There are sooooo many examples of Christians doing the same in the Name of Christianity and upholding the divinity of Jesus Christ...Apparently they were also following the book to the core were they not??? How than are the Taliban so different?

Between you and me.... There is one thing that even God can't take away from us and thats Freedom of Conscience... ;)...

Good Day!!
There is something I don't understand...the Taliban say they seek a more perfect form of Islam, yes? From my point of view, they have walked exactly in the footprints of Mohammed: they've spent years inculcating followers and building warrior ethics, made a show of imposing some needed justice, and made temporary treaties that were deceptions to attain power.

Flagrant foul! Another man who watched a "documentary" on how evil Islam is and now wants to know why all Muslims are hypocrits. Intelligent books? what are those? Use my brain? can you explain how? I'll believe what one Dutch fool and a hundred youtube nerds have to say, no need to actually stimulate my brain.

The post obviously serves no other purpose other than to incite war.

An now look what you've done. You've got the anti-Islamic propagandists all hot and bothered, typing away on their keyboards. Bravo. Mission accomplished, isn't it?
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