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What is Status Quo in India

fear not my friend! Me on my way!

Kitna deti hai? As in, what's the mileage on that? :partay:
Just need an uniform civil code.

Gandhi was a traitor who messed up the whole sub-continent. Even Ambedkar wanted India to send the troublemaker community across the border. He predicted the future right.

At that time we only had gandhi and nehru. Now we have thousands of leaders more worse than them.
le..nimage nijavaagalu esthu avathaara idhaare?? ootaa aayitha??
Although IF we don't stop the prevalence of parties and politicians who barter away the security of the nation and use the falsely appropriated cover of secularism (given that Indians don't even know what the term actually stands for by and large, at least as evidenced by our political class's usage of it) to perpetuate their hold on the nation then I'll still have to catch that boat.

So me is actually stuck between a rock and a hard place. :(
We know that Indian Constituition and the preamble is sacrosanct.

But we all see that all the idealistic principles mentioned in the constitution are bashed left right centre right from corruption to etc etc.

I do agree that there is a dire need for a well intented and positive spirited status quo presence like the Indian constitutions and Judiciary to exist.

But if the pseudo secularism and shameless minority appeasement keep going on,will the whole of India repent like Kerala & Bengal do so now?

Is it time to demand a proper amendment of the constitution and demand a dharmic republic of Bharat instead of the verbose republic that India has become.

How do you define status quo?

Basic structure doctrine that protects basic features of the constitution won't allow parliament to amend what you are suggesting.
As Modi said yesterday according to SC judgment Hinduism is not a religion its a way of life of Indians and Indian origin people living around the world irrespective of their religion, culture, race, nationality etc
Lol That sounds familiar. I have heard mullahs say Islam is a way of life and some bishops say the same about Christianity. Revel in your superiority complex. But I am sorry that's an old ruse to sell religion to masses. Because religious extremism now sounds taboo, they sell it as a 'way of life'. They are all the same.
Lol That sounds familiar. I have heard mullahs say Islam is a way of life and some bishops say the same about Christianity. Revel in your superiority complex. But I am sorry that's an old ruse to sell religion to masses. Because religious extremism now sounds taboo, they sell it as a 'way of life'. They are all the same.

Dude, you are alive ? :o: :enjoy:

Welcome , don't see you so often . All well > ?
left liberalism is a cancer affecting the country
Liberalism is neither left nor right.

Textbook lefties are known for not tolerating religion, promoting dictatorship(hail the proletariat) and brutally persecuting erstwhile aristocrats. That was not being liberal.

It just happened that today the right is the one which has fascist elements left and rising. So they now call every obstacle to their agenda as some combination of left, liberal and fascist.

If you call Sonia Gandhi a liberal or lefty and then blame the lefties and liberals then I am sorry for you. You better call the moon as monster and blame it for your nightmares.
Great Idea. That will then clear out the poverty, corruption, lack of infrastructure etc in India. What do we do with the Muslims and Christians thereafter ? Gas them or just kill them with bare hands ? :undecided:

India has done a great balancing act between socialism/capitalism.

Now,is the time to take the right decisions and not random verbosity.
Lol That sounds familiar. I have heard mullahs say Islam is a way of life and some bishops say the same about Christianity. Revel in your superiority complex. But I am sorry that's an old ruse to sell religion to masses. Because religious extremism now sounds taboo, they sell it as a 'way of life'. They are all the same.

Lol I am not the one one saying that its Supreme court ruling which said that. Now if you believe SC is a religious extremist organization not even god can help you.

Hinduism is a way of life: SC - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site
We know that Indian Constituition and the preamble is sacrosanct.

But we all see that all the idealistic principles mentioned in the constitution are bashed left right centre right from corruption to etc etc.

I do agree that there is a dire need for a well intented and positive spirited status quo presence like the Indian constitutions and Judiciary to exist.

But if the pseudo secularism and shameless minority appeasement keep going on,will the whole of India repent like Kerala & Bengal do so now?

Is it time to demand a proper amendment of the constitution and demand a dharmic republic of Bharat instead of the verbose republic that India has become.

Dharmic Republic of Bharat? o_O

Seems like you had enough time during your ban to come up with even more BS

Oh and what do you suggest to do with the over 200 million people who dont believe in dharmic religions?

Gas them or dumb them into the ocean?
How do you define status quo?

Basic structure doctrine that protects basic features of the constitution won't allow parliament to amend what you are suggesting.

Secularism is not a fundamental part of the constitution.


The proverb means,what a girl might think to be a secret might just be the gossip in the marketplace.

Lol That sounds familiar. I have heard mullahs say Islam is a way of life and some bishops say the same about Christianity. Revel in your superiority complex. But I am sorry that's an old ruse to sell religion to masses. Because religious extremism now sounds taboo, they sell it as a 'way of life'. They are all the same.

Religious extremism is still very very present.

If true secularism exists,religious fights wont exist.
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