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What if Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India?

Bombay Dude

Sep 11, 2011
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What if Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India in 2014?

What will be the Geo political implications on South Asia - Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka?
What if Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister of India in 2014?

What will be the Geo political implications on South Asia - Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka?

What if I became Prime Minister of India? I may, citing national security reasons cut off your internet access if only to prevent you from posting stupid threads.:P
It will be good for industrial sector, but a new revolution in defence sector could be expected due to aggressive approach. Hoping that India won't be a soft-power than.....
Atleast won't be good for adversaries
In india we believe if you seen dream in morning than it will become true. So, its 12.30 morning in india, and it will going to be true ( thanks for realizing me)

Whateva gets you through the day sonny
I think that Modi did crimes in gujrat just for sake of political power and that happened so bad but it happened in a cornor state of india and in smaller region of Gujrat .IF Modi will be selected as PM of India i bet you that he would never do bad with muslims like that because his goal is not to kill muslims but to become the Prime Minister and as PM no body can play with 200 millions muslims in India and atleast not the Modi because to him power and governance is more important than bloodshed so he wont do it again on national scale , maybe he can initiate it on much smaller scale but dont worry thats not gonna happen in all India.
worth taking a risk but hope he wont work as a supreme agent of Gujarat at center...
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