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What IF? Fictional aircraft and liveries for the Pakistan Air Force


Mar 28, 2009
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This thread is for Mil Photoshops and other wishlist enthusiasts who wish to put up fictional Scenarios for the PAF and what could have been had the PAF bought something else, or painted a jet in a different way.
Got an Idea? Make a small backstory and Ill see what I can do with it(although not all may be entertained)

Thunder based on PAF Canadair F-86E's used by 17 sq in during the 70's
Backstory: In the Fall of 2016, 17th sq Tigers switched over to the JF-17 Block-I-M it was decided to paint the squadron flagship in the same livery used by squadron on their Canadair F-86E's during the 71 conflict.



Pakistan Air Force No 25 Squadron "Night Strike Eagles" JF-17 commemorative Camo

Backstory: After much consideration the Pakistan Air Force decided to have no 25 squadron Relinquish their Mirage-V ROSE aircraft for JF-17's during the fall of 2014. With the new aircraft came a new doctrine to provide interdiction and close air support for Pakistan Army units operating in the Thar desert and it was decided to adapt the pattern used by 25 sq F-6's when the unit operated the type during the early and mid 70's.



Pakistan Air Force Mirage 2000P-5

Backstory: After a scandal that rocked the country and led to the dismissal of the PPP Government and its replacement by Islami Jamhoori Ittehad Government, the PAF appealed to the new Prime minister on the dire need for a new combat aircraft and stood adamant about purchasing the Mirage-2000-5. After another round of scandal packed negotiations with Dassault in which rumours of kickbacks, commissions and private financing the PAF finally signed an MoU with Dassualt in June 1991 to Purchase 36 Mirage 2000P-5 aircraft at 40 million $ each along with A-310 MRTT's. Deliveries began in January 1993 and the first unit to equip was No-5 squadron.


After two consecutive crashes and subsequent grounding of Indian Mirage-2000 air-crafts, PAF decided to cancel the above order, however desperate to retrieve their reputation, the French offered to set up a Rafael production line in South Waziristan to bring prosperity into the area, French and Pakistani officials were present at the roll out ceremony.

After the 1979 soviet invasion of Afghanistan , PAF faces continuous air space violations by soviet Sukhois which were going undeterred. Assessing the gravity of the situation and facing the possibility of a Soviet invasion of Pakistan , the Pakistani Govt lead by Gen Zia ul haq puts forward a demand to the cold war alliance leader the US President Ronald Regan to approve the sale of Boeing F-15 Eagle along with General Dynamics F-16 fighting falcon.

After intense diplomacy , the sale is approved and Pakistani air force receives its first F-15 eagle during the first quarter of 1983 along with the F-16A delivery.
Although if PAF was going to order then they will might going to order about 110 Mirage-2000s with local production but I prefer the Mirage-IIIs with advanced avionics from E.U countries along with E.U weapons in 1980s.
15th May 2016. At the conclusion of 16th round of strategic dialogue between Pakistan and US, both the parties agreed to increase co-operation against militant groups operating in Afghanistan. However, despite disputes between the parties over Haqqani network and TTP, it was agreed to keep the process going so as to reach a mutually agreeable position. Pakistani officials requested their US counterparts for defence equipment for urban warfare. In a surprising move, US Sectratary of State told the media that to enhance the capability of PA and PAF against the militancy, US is considering the proposal to release its A-10 III warthhogs for PAF/PAA. While having rejected the pltform in early 80s Pakistani officials welcomed the move and said that these platforms would allow Pakistani military to engage the militants in a much better way. A-10 III is the latest upgraded version of long out-of-production A-10 which USAF uses for its ground attack role. The aircraft is considered as an excllent ground support aircraft and is nicknamed as "tank killer" oweing to its performance in gulf war.
Deviating from PAF norms, the aircraft were given bright coloured country markings in an effort to dispel any impression that these were American aircraft operating over Pakistan territory.


Nice.. it seems to have caught on. Will see what I can do about the these backstories and make those jets come alive in PAF colors.
Pakistan wanted this baby too, but the deal couldn't materialize, since the Americans who were major component supplier of this jet including the engine, dissented.
After the 1998 Nuclear tests, It seemed that the French deal for Rafale may be called off..but after Pakistani officials threatened to expose the involvement of corrupt French officials in the Mirage-2000 and Agosta deals the then French Government under Jaques Chirac agreed to continue the deal and the first Rafale-C's were delivered to the PAF in the fall of 2000. They were assigned to No 14 squadron which regained its status in the PAF as the operator of Pakistan's "Cutting Edge".




With Initial deliveries taking place in the winter of '83, Pakistan's small order of some 36 F-15As quickly took up the task of defending against the USSR's incursions during the Afghan War alongside its F-16s. After the end of the war the fleet suffered the effects of the Pressler Amendment just as the F-16s did but fared better due to assistance from the Saudi Kingdom in exchange for Pakistan's covert promise of defending the Kingdom with its untested nuclear capability in the event the House of Saud was threatened by any external agressor.
Like the F-16's during the embargo by the United States, PAF's F-15s were also pooled into a single force for use by any of the two squadrons assigned to fly them and therefore lacked any squadron markings apart from Serial numbers.
These aircraft also formed a flight at the prestigious Combat Commanders School at Sargodha AB and were invaluable in providing DACT training to other PAF squadrons when simulating a larger adversary aircraft like the IAF's newly ordered




Great thread and interesting back stories .

Just a quick question , which flight sim is it ?

Strike fighters 2.
Would you be interested in joining in this parade?
I have quite a few other aircraft that would look great in PAF colors..and I suck at Photoshop.

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