Abdullah S.

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Why didn't you hang him if he was caught in the Agartala case? Where is the proof? A poorly made video of some of Bengali rajakars don't change history.
I am not a Mujib fan .But labeling him traitor is a historical mistake.
Mujib used Bengali sentiment to gain vote Bank. He promised Yahya the post of president in future cabinet so that the election could take place. After the election Mujib refused to honor that promise. Bhutto utilized the situation and asked Yahya not to hand over the power. Mujib started strike. Pakistan Army started transporting Baloch and Punjabi troops in East Pakistan to put an end to country wide strikes. Bengali officers gave the intelligence to Mujib. Some of mujib's party member asked him to declare independence. But Mujib refused saying it would be treachery. Then he was arrested and flown to West Pakistan. He had no clue what happened in Bengal. After the war Bhutto came to him freed him and asked him to keep the United Pakistan. Mujib expressed his wish to keep united Pakista the first Bengali he met in London. But he was warned that that was not possible after a bloody war. Otherwise he will face coup.
From the moment Mujib landed in BD, he asked indian army to leave BD breaking a war time treaty. Then against the will of Indira gandhi he joined OIC in Lahore.
If you call this gaddari, there is no loyal Pakistani.
One of our biggest mistakes as a nation is not hanging traitors by the balls when their plans become apparent. We didn't do that in 60s and 70s and we are still not doing it now. Now even former Indian Foreign office and RAW officials are writing in their books the details of how Mujib worked with them since 1962 to break Pakistan. Here's a sample of that from Moeed Pirzada's book review:
"India, Mujib-ur-Rehman, Bangladesh Liberation & Pakistan by Sashanka Bannerjee (Ex-Indian Diplomat) - available in Kindle Edition. I finished reading this a day ago. If you can put up with Bannerjee's hatred of Pakistan and its army then this is an interesting account of India's Intelligence operations in former East Pakistan. It is worthwhile to read, because Bannerjee was a Political Counselor in Indian Consulate in Dacca and provides you graphic minute details of Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman's meeting with himself, Sourja Komar Choudhry (Deputy Chief of Mission) and Col Ghosh (Station Chief, Indian Military Intelligence) as early as December of 1962 where Sheikh writes a letter to Nehru asking for all kind of help for creating an Azad Bangladesh. And how Nehru then resonds instituting financial, political, logistical, political help setting into motion a 7-8 years long intelligence operation to create hatred, mistrust and desire for freedom that culminates in Pakistan's military operation in 1971. Fascinating read because it helps you to understand that Indian Intelligence has edge and specialization in cultural, education and information warfare. Book also provides some insights into ISI's counter moves into Mizoram, and Indian Punjab in 1970's....simple to read and easy to follow....Bannerjee now lives in UK after his retirement..."
Moeed Pirzada - India, Mujib-ur-Rehman, Bangladesh... | Facebook
And after independence, you know what your Mujib did? He thew the false 3 million killings and rape allegation on Pakistan to tarnish Pakistan's image. Then he conspired with India again and threatened to start trials of Pakistan army officers in East Pakistan if Pakistan didn't accept Bangladesh's independence. One of the biggest traitors in the history of Islam. Puts Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq to shame. If you're no fan of him then please don't defend him. Forget about him and start defending your country from Indian onslaught.
We trained Bengali army officers in PMA, they were a part of Pakistan army. But they turned around and stabbed us in the back. They broke our army in two. They conspired with India against Pakistan! They provided intel to India! I'll never advocate for allowing them back in again. Military indiscipline seems to run in Bengali blood as is apparent from 71 and whatever happened in Bangladesh till now. They cannot be trusted. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.I totally agree Sir. Without jumping onto ideal situation, an understanding may be reached to have atleast common defence policy. It would be better if both Bangladesh and Pakistan armies send their officers to each other training institutions in the first phase and on deputation to each others units in second phase. In the third phase, 3-5 units ONLY can be rotated by both countries by sending into each others countries as a goodwill gesture.
An advanced stage may include two prime ministers, one president to be filled in alternately by Pakistani and Bangladeshi in every 4 year turn. However, both countries may be allowed to follow their own economic policy that suits them and some degree of independence in even foreign policy.
A relationship is built of trust first and foremost. China trusts us not to share their latest technologies with India or US. We never ever betrayed their trust and never will. We will get their stealth planes, our pilots fly their top of the line Su30MKKs & J-10s on deputation, our militaries war game with each other sharing tactics and strategies all around the year, we walked in China's space facilities as the only foreign nationals to set foot in them, we are the only country after China that has access to military grade signal of their Beidu GPS, heck, they even shared a nuke bomb design with us, all based on that trust! If we had turned around, like Iran did with Pakistan on the centrifuges issue, and made this public or leaked China's tech or secrets, you can bet that China would never share their stuff with us again. Same is the case with Bangladesh and Pakistan. I cannot imagine us sharing our military tactics, hardware or strategic foreign policy with Bangladesh because we cannot trust them to keep it safe from India. That trust is gone, probably forever, or at least until India exists as a nation.