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What do you want in a Leader?

That's what I want from the leader. He got to be a MAN, officer and true patriot.
Great leaders are people like Chairman Mao and Vladimir Putin.

Both are tough no nonsense leaders that the west hates because they do the best thing for their country.

Putin just divorced his wife and getting a young Russian gymnast as a wife.

Now he's the perfect leader. Presentable in every way.

Truth be told, a leader is really the face of a nation, you look at Putin you just know Russia is not to be messed with. Why did Kennedy dare the Cuban missile crisis? No Stalin, if that had been Stalin, Kennedy would be running for the hills.

You look at Hu, when he visits with his wife, he gives the stereotype of small, and old Asian man, and his wife is no help. They give the image of a dictator of a backwards nation. But Xi, is calm, smiling, can put two words together without choking, and is likable. His wife Peng, no contest. Though be better if she was like 10-15 years younger, but oh well. He's no Putin, but we'll settle for him.

Business and diplomacy is not all about appearance, but if you don't got it, well, you won't even need the other parts.

Lastly India, get your act together.

First lady is very important. So India get rahul gandhi on the "throne." He's still single, so a presentable first lady is still possible. You are making all asians look bad by bring an old lady as a first lady. Don't entourage the stereotype.
Götterdämmerung;4809222 said:
The last election has shown that unfortunately most people in my country prefer a leader who either sits on his/her fat arse doing nothing when confronted with problems and wait till the storm is over or crawl up the behind of the USA.

I hope Merkel will fail to find a coalition partner as she single-handedly destroyed her last partner. It will be no fun for her to rule without majority. :P
Hello Mister. I have great admiration for the German people. To tell you the truth, I think Hitler is a great leader. He is a great speaker and a person who can make the whole nation follow him. His down fall is his belief to expand Germany. Other than that, he has great leadership quality.
Xi couldn't hold Putin's jockstrap when it comes to confronting the Yankee tyrants as a tough negotiator. Xi and the other CPC leaders shamefully give in to Yankee demands. We need our version of Putin or we are finished.
Putin just divorced his wife and getting a young Russian gymnast as a wife.

Now he's the perfect leader. Presentable in every way.
Rather wife divorced Putin. Why? Because he does not have time for personal life, so she said. A rumor at the expense of gimnast - probably invented by the CIA or Hollywood or anywhere else where is always coming up with a lie.
Guys like Vladimir Putin are once in a generation or even once in a lifetime type of leader.

Putin is the most respected leader in the world. His leadership skills are absolutely incredible. Russia is so damn lucky to have a leader like him. Enjoy while he is leading Russia because the whole world will miss him when he is no longer leading Russia.
Hello Mister. I have great admiration for the German people. To tell you the truth, I think Hitler is a great leader. He is a great speaker and a person who can make the whole nation follow him. His down fall is his belief to expand Germany. Other than that, he has great leadership quality.

Excuse me, there is nothing I can admire in Hitler. We had great politicians that would have done less harm than what Hitler did.
75 % of my once beautiful city was destroyed due to his insane politics. We would have fared much better if we had co-operated with Russia instead of conquering new lebensraum. His racist outlook is condemnable in all aspects.
Certainly not a foreigner! e.g. Only in India can people justify a foreigner that has absolutely no qualifications, ruling them by saying "hey, it's OK, she is the bahoo of India". I don't think this can happen in any other country, people would not accept it, but it is accepted in India which says a lot about Indians!

Also not someone like MadMohan Singh, this man is a useless, gutless puppet and anyone who says he is an honest man and not corrupt is living in la la land.
Vladimir Putin's greatest speech was at the Munich Security Conference in 2007. That's the stuff of legends!

Putin's speech exposes the NWO - YouTube

Yea, this is an excellent speech indeed.

I will continue to advocate to the US administration (and the next US administrations) to stop the military encirclement of Russia (and China), because I firmly agree with Putin that a uni-polar world is not just impossible, but would almost exclusively create 'problems', especially for the have-not-or-little people.

Putin's idea to properly organize the production of nuclear fuel for nuclear energy (and medical purposes) would also be useful, I just hope Iran is willing to sign up to this.
Forget about our leaders. Some members of PDF have been long been here and we have seen what kind of post one makes.

Any guess if PDF is made a group then who is best suited to be the Leader??
Forget about our leaders. Some members of PDF have been long been here and we have seen what kind of post one makes.

Any guess if PDF is made a group then who is best suited to be the Leader??

Now that is something more interesting. I think hyperion is best suited to lead PDF. He is witty and no nonsense type of person who tells it how it is. Oh and also he knows how to deal with trolls. Hail Hyperion our dear leader. :big_boss: @Hyperion
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Mujhay kion marwatay ho? Paaap hai..... aisee ashubb baatein matt karro....... webby "perma ban" thok day ga, Emperor pey...... :eek:

@WebMaster.... gustakhi maaf, hazoor...... :laugh:

Now that is something more interesting. I think hyperion is best suited to lead PDF. He is witty and no nonsense type of person who tells it how it is. Oh and also he knows how to deal with trolls. Hail Hyperion our dear leader. :big_boss: @Hyperion
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