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what do you want from us


Jun 28, 2010
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"What do you want from Us?" - A Chinese poem on Western bias

When we were the Sick Man of Asia,We were called the Yellow Peril.
When we are billed as the next Superpower, we are called The Threat.

When we closed our doors, you launched the Opium War to open our markets.
When we embraced free trade, you blamed us for stealing your jobs.

When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and demanded your fair share.
When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again, Free Tibet, you screamed. It was an Invasion!

When we tried communism, you hated us for being communist.
When we embraced capitalism, you hated us for being capitalist.

When we had a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.
When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.

When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.
When we lend you cash, you blame us for your national debts.

When we build our industries, you call us polluters.
When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.

When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.
When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.

When we were lost in chaos, you demanded the rule of law.
When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it a violation of human rights.

When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.
When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed xenophobes.

Why do you hate us so much? we asked.
No, you answered, we don't hate you.

We don't hate you either,
But do you understand us?

Of course we do, you said,
We have AFP, CNN and BBC. . . .

What do you really want from us?
Think hard first, then answer . . .

Because you only get so many chances.
Enough is Enough, Enough Hypocrisy for This One World.

We want One World, One Dream, and Peace on Earth.
This Big Blue Earth is Big Enough for all of Us.

What I don't like is some Chinese take the bait. The West will never accept the Chinese because Chinese wanting acceptance is power for the West. Why would they give something which means China will stop begging and they can't get things from China in return? It's embarrassing when Beijing continues to beg for China to be a part of the International Space Station. Give it up! Power comes when China doesn't need them. The recent NASA dust-up over banning Chinese nationals from science conferences just because NASA was involved shows weaknesses China should exploit in such policies. The lawmaker who authored this ban even backtracked clarifying the intention when not too long ago they banned Chinese journalists from covering a launch that had a Chinese payload onboard. That's a change in policy when before anyone involved with the Chinese government was allowed in anything doing with NASA. Not exactly sure why the change but I know it had nothing to do with China begging. I bet it's simply because of the embarrassment of it being meaningless and serves no point. How does China do that overall is they have to do whatever themselves and as China surpasses them in whatever fields, that becomes the West's embarrassment that they ban China when it's ahead.

Also I don't like this "sick man of Asia" stuff. In the West that's like an admission that Chinese are less. It doesn't get sympathy like some try to use it. Some people think it's a good thing to admit your faults. Not in the West. That's a sign of weakness. It's ironic that some Chinese think bowing your heads to the West is the best course that will get Chinese respect. No, again that's admitting to be inferior to their superiority. Westerners give respect when they can't beat you and not when you're a follower.

Look at Filipinos. They are everything the West loves in a non-white group. They worship Westerners and what has it gotten them? They have never been a threat to or challenged Western power. Yet Filipinos are very sensitive when Westerners joke about them. There are several celebrities in Hollywood that are Filipino but try to hide their heritage. Vanessa Hudgens and Vanessa Mannillo are both of Filipino heritage yet go out of their way not to be identified as Filipino. If the West respects and loves Filipinos the way they are, why are there Filipinos ashamed of being identified as one. It's because the West doesn't respect them as equals. So the difference between being liked by the West or not is the difference between accepting their racist world and your inferior place in it or not.

I found this poem on the net and it's like what Hellraiser said, the West want China to be a completely submissive nation, obeying without question whatever the West wanted - to be their slave.

I also agreed that China having to bow her head asking for US "permission" to join the ISS, only to get rejected is really shameful. The West only respects power so what should China do ? Be so powerful to the extent that the West will think twice, thrice, many many times before they try to do ANY KIND of "funny" things.

Simply being "just" powerful enough is not enough anymore.

I feel sorry for those Filipinos who still have fighting spirit and stand up to the West but the many of you guys are the yes-men to the West and not only the West will keep it that way, these suckers won't likely to change in the future either.

China needs power in the realist sense: Get somebody to do something that somebody would not otherwise do. Being apologetic and low-profile do not help. They help up to some point, to be exact, until the country gets on its feet. But China is well-ahead of that stage now. China needs to be able to project power equal to its strength. If not today, when?

Strategy, in my view, is not the best use of your capabilities; it is using your resources to achieve more than what would your resources would otherwise enable you to achieve. China does not even strike equal to its strength, let alone beyond that. Look at Russia, how active and effective it is. Russian media is way ahead of the Chinese media in information dissemination in a way that would serve to its interests. They strike equally, if not more, when the Western media disparages Russia in any way. China suffers constant threats, accusations and unfair treatment, yet, only words and almost no action on part of China.

This is not a good way to mobilize people and stick them around national causes. Even the reaction to "kill all the Chinese" remark was kind of misplaced. What is the point in going out, asking for justice, and sit back silently when justice is "given?" China should not demand anything to get anything; it should be able to get what it wants -- be it a terrorist separatist, or an apology. And, China should execute the rule of reciprocity. Eye for an eye, if you harbor my terrorist, I will harbor your terrorist. If you harbor my dissenter, I will harbor your dissenter. Hasn't Russia done just that when it allowed the American dissent into its land, rubbing Obama's nose into dirt? Hasn't Russia supplied and supported Assad strongly, when the US was so into attacking Syria? Now Russia is a more respected country。

China does not need respect, in international relations, out of love or admiration. It needs respect out of fear. States are not to be loved; they are to be feared. Cultures could be admired; but the culture of a weak state will never be strong, and language of a weak state will never be the lingua franca.

So what does the West want from China ?????
Old. :)

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