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What Africans really think of China !!!!

Oh wow, the leaders of africa are corrupt and they are actually making foolish comments about China?
China is honestly doing their best to have a better ties with africa, without China I don't think africa will get anywhere; no infrastrucutre no investments
the only hope they have is China, would they rather have the europeans invading again?

According to some Indian who claims to be living in Africa and now is trying to represent Africans at the absence of genuine African, Africa is better off with western colonialists.

Okay here goes. I am an African resident and an Indian citizen who has resided in Africa for most of my life. The African drums are starting to beat against China. China has this foreign policy of doing trade with whomsoever is in power in Africa. They don't care about the popularity or legality of the regime which is in power. Their attititude is simply that they are there to trade and the internal problems of the country which they are trading with is none of their concerns. It may have been a wise policy in the early 80's and 90's but the times are a changing in Africa which is starting to embrace democracy fervently. In fact, a popular ANC leader in South Africa recently remarked that "we were better off under the European colonialists. At least they built infrastructure, educated our people, brought us religion and employed the locals in their projects. With the Chinese, they even bring in their labour and food from China and give us nothing in return except to pay us miserably for our natural resources which they ship off straight to China." It is no secret that most African countries are practically virgins at self governance. They are easy to manipulate. The Chinese have learnt this since the late 80's. When a tin pot government like Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF government is about to be toppled by the popular opposition, the Chinese via North Korea smuggles in weapons into Zimbabwe despite the arms embargo placed on that country by the UN. The Chinese are rewarded with free minerals by the ZANU government for this "favour". Colonialism by the Chinese is not in the form of sending in their troops to take over a country. It is in the form of exploiting the resources of that country for material gain with little material or other form of reward to the country except to prop up some of the illegal rulers and to limitedly build weak and useless infrastructure. The Chinese have this policy of no freebies from us but selfishly run riot with the natural resources of Africa paying a pittance for its resources. Giving African dictators free guns for minerals of that country is worse than the early White colonialists who gave tribal chiefs plastic jewellery and mirrors as payment for their land. The Chinese here generally look down upon the Africans and refuse to respect their culture or to even learn their language. The racism of the Chinese during the 80's when they ran riot assaulting and insulting the African refugees in China is an issue which is still remembered by many Africans. The insistence of Chinese traders and the giving in by the government of that time during the 70's and 80's in apartheid South Africa that they be classified as "Whites" to enable them to participate in the South African apartheid economy is something which South Africa has not forgotten. India had sanctions against the apartheid regime and point blank refused to have any trade with that government, and instead hosted the African National Congress as a South African government in exile in India. India reaped the dividends post apartheid when the ANC allowed her businesses to flourish in SA. Tata and Mithal etc are now leading businesses in SA.

Now before the Indians smirk at the above, India is also following the route of China. During the 90's and as of recently, India was regarded as a fellow brother of Africa whose people settled peacefully in Africa as indentured labourers or small scale traders. Recently however in Central Africa, India has started competing with the Chinese. Whilst India is a respected and loved trading partner in Southern Africa, she should be watching her business investors in Central Africa. They are competing with the Chinese and are starting to duplicate the Chinese way of doing business. Africa is a continent of different states but lose your good reputation in one African country and you are bound to be ostracized in most other African countries. Unlike Asia, there is a stronger bond of brotherhood in Africa. Therefore India, beware.
According to some Indian who claims to be living in Africa and now is trying to represent Africans at the absence of genuine African, Africa is better off with western colonialists.

It would indeed seem that I am more African than you are Chinese. Nope, I did not make any statement to that effect. Just quoted Julius Malema, leader of the ANCYL. He certainly would qualify as an authority on African affairs. Go google it yourself and then come back to counter argue my post.
The africans may as well say sayanora to China and hello to poverty.

If they say sayonara to the Chinese, they will get thrashed by the Chinese.

Sayonara is goodbye in Japanese.

And the Chinese love the Japanese and vice versa as a snake loves a mongoose!!

I think it goodbye is Min tian jian in Mandarin, but I could be wrong.
It would indeed seem that I am more African than you are Chinese .

Why say so? I am 100% Chinese, are you 120% African?

Nope, I did not make any statement to that effect. Just quoted Julius Malema, leader of the ANCYL. He certainly would qualify as an authority on African affairs. Go google it yourself and then come back to counter argue my post.

Do you agree what you quoted? If not, why did you quote something you disgree? What kind of argument were you making by quoting something you disgree?
If they say sayonara to the Chinese, they will get thrashed by the Chinese.

Sayonara is goodbye in Japanese.

And the Chinese love the Japanese and vice versa as a snake loves a mongoose!!

The poster also doesn't seem to understand that the only African nations which will face "poverty" in the absence of China are the tin pot dictator regimes. The legitimate regimes (South Africa etc) are being daily wooed by other nations such as France, Britain, India, USA, Malaysia etc. In those countries the Chinese foothold is not so strong since the legitimate rulers have no reason to practically give away their resources for guns and other logistics to keep them in power. Sayonara indeed it maybe for those dictators but Aloha it may turn out for the people of those countries.
On topic: We're not doing what the colonialists did. What the colonialists did was steal their resources, and turn their people into slaves.

All this talk of "new colonialism" is complete BS, which African country have we taken as a "colony"? Which African country has joined the PRC?
You are doing exactly what the Colonial powers of past did. Exploit the people and resources. However, this time around China is not carrying the extra baggage of political colonialism. Simple.

China enters a country, does some token construction works and grabs contracts to exploit their resources by bribing government officials and loots the resources at a fraction of their international rate. Now isnt that exploitation? If you think its business acumen you are grossly mistaken.
To be a "colonialist", you need to establish "colonies". Obviously, that is the primary definition.

Where are the Chinese colonies in Africa then? Which African country has joined the PRC?

To exploit a people or a country, one does not need colonization. China does it without any colonies.
Typical Indian. :lol:

India's training of LTTE terrorists is not a conspiracy theory. Nor is the fact that they have been hosting China's largest separatist group for over 50 years.

And look up the definition of "colonialism".

Then tell me, which African country has joined the PRC as a colony?

What has terrorism got to do with this thread? Again India is nothing compared to what China does propping and supporting rogue regimes, either to garner political clout or to exploit a country's resources.
Why say so? I am 100% Chinese, are you 120% African?

Do you agree what you quoted? If not, why did you quote something you disgree? What kind of argument were you making by quoting something you disgree?

Jeez I dunno whether to laugh or get frustrated with your posts. What has my personal opinion to do with anything???? I am on a defence forum. If I post my personal opinion I usually state so. Otherwise the opinion of an authority like Mr Malema has nothing to do with mine. And where exactly did I mention that I either disagreed or agreed with the quote? My personal view will remain exactly that unless I decide to share it with others. By the same token, why do you get so aggrieved with any negative news on your purported country? Are you insinuating that China is Uthopia and that the Chinese are all angels?
UNP has criticized SL government for building Hambantota port in that area, they tell that area isn't the suitable area for a port coz of some rock in that area etc. they haven't criticized the China for that!
I only saw one news article on newspaper, some people in that area have complained their pets (dogs) are gone missing ect.
[documentary] Friendship Forever 1/2 The China-Africa Forum

[documentary] Friendship Forever 2/2 The China-Africa Forum
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UNP has criticized SL government for building Hambantota port in the that area, they tell that area isn't the suitable area for a port coz of some rock in that area etc. they haven't criticized the China for that!
I only saw one news article on newspaper, some people in that area have complained their pets (dogs) are gone missing ect.
Really?Care about donkeys either,they are more favorable food materials for chinese:lol:
If you think China is not doing enough in Africa, then go there and do more. I believe the Africans are wise enough to determine who is their best client.

No one is stoping you from investing in Africa, it is a very fair game, you pay the highest price, Africans sell you what you want. If you are outbidden by others, blame yourself for lacking a deep pocket.

Spot on. Indian influence in Africa is minimal and the Chinese are all over the continent and have trade deals in practically every state. If the Indian posters on here are really concerned that Africa is not getting a fair deal then they should urge their firms to go forth and take the opportunities and at the same time rescue Africans from the ruthless Chinese colonisers. The bottom line is they can't, nor do they have anything to offer Africa and Africa itself has a history of contempt for the Indian immigrant, you only need to look back to Uganda and Kenya to see evidence of this.
UNP has criticized SL government for building Hambantota port in that area, they tell that area isn't the suitable area for a port coz of some rock in that area etc. they haven't criticized the China for that!
I only saw one news article on newspaper, some people in that area have complained their pets (dogs) are gone missing ect.

care to explane how china going to recover their investment spent on build Hambantota port ..

the port will be under their control and you will be paying tax to them for next 50 years...
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