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War Veteran Air Cdre Sajjad Haider insulted by islamabad police

That police man only?

If I could, I would terminate all these baygairat haramkhor police and raise a total new professional honest force. Pakistan police has been the worst, corrupt, inefficient, phuddu underperforming crooks. Sharabi darpok zani harami.

They are the whores of of corrupt Pakistani politicians, they don't serve Pakistan, they serve the worst corrupts of Pakistan.
All Pakistanis are from the same population pool. You would have to initiate large scale educational reform which would take decades to cause any effect.

Pakistanis don't want to acknowledge the fact that short term violent and dramatic measures will not fix the country.

I hope someone is keeping list of the names of all these enablers of PDM and Establishment.

There will be a need to do a grand purge of all these elements.

This starts with Asim Munir down to patwaris.
While PDM is unpopular, this would set a precedent for purges for political gain - what if after this, enablers of PTI are purged?
All Pakistanis are from the same population pool. You would have to initiate large scale educational reform which would take decades to cause any effect.

Pakistanis don't want to acknowledge the fact that short term violent and dramatic measures will not fix the country.

It is easy to blame the population when for many decades they have been deprived all the basic facilities to build a healthy society. The state because of the corrupts has failed common Pakistanis. What you are seeing now is the silent majority who have had enough of this.

There is so much when can tolerate, but then there comes the time when anyone can just become a rebel and a traitor.

And if I could, I will cut off their ****** so that they can't even reproduce and spread their germs.

I hope your leader has taken note of all this and will do the needful in his next term.
That police man only?

If I could, I would terminate all these baygairat haramkhor police and raise a total new professional honest force. Pakistan police has been the worst, corrupt, inefficient, phuddu underperforming crooks.
This is one critical mistake of Imran Khan, which I hope he has learned from. He thought that if bureacrats and police are left alone without political interference, they will magically become good overnight. A leopard doesn't change its spots. Once corrupt, almost always corrupt.

The bureacrats, police, judges were picked by PMLN. They served their masters by slowing down and sabotaging PTI and now revealed their true colors. I hope Imran Khan has learned his lesson, replace all the bureacrats & police with fresh young people.
It is easy to blame the population when for many decades they have been deprived all the basic facilities to build a healthy society. The state because of the corrupts has failed common Pakistanis. What you are seeing now is the silent majority who have had enough of this.
Well, regardless of who the blames of past mishaps lies on, the only solution going forward is long term reforms.
This is one critical mistake of Imran Khan, which I hope he has learned from. He thought that if bureacrats and police are left alone without political interference, they will magically become good overnight. A leopard doesn't change its spots. Once corrupt, almost always corrupt.

The bureacrats, police, judges were picked by PMLN. They served their masters by slowing down and sabotaging PTI and now revealed their true colors. I hope Imran Khan has learned his lesson, replace all the bureacrats & police with fresh young people.

Very much true and I agree, plus these are mafias actually.

I have a school fellow, classmate, roommate (not the very bright kind) in police service, he was pro PTI as long as there was no news of curtailing the perks and privileges' these CSS babuz enjoy. Soon after that he was anti IK.

Well, regardless of who the blames of past mishaps lies on, the only solution going forward is long term reforms.

Long term permanent policies and national interests that no government can change or revoke.
This is one critical mistake of Imran Khan, which I hope he has learned from. He thought that if bureacrats and police are left alone without political interference, they will magically become good overnight. A leopard doesn't change its spots. Once corrupt, almost always corrupt.

The bureacrats, police, judges were picked by PMLN. They served their masters by slowing down and sabotaging PTI and now revealed their true colors. I hope Imran Khan has learned his lesson, replace all the bureacrats & police with fresh young people.

Excuse me? Were you sleeping when PTI government in Punjab was playing musical chairs with every institution on the platter? PTIs government solely relied upon Thana culture to survive.

The way each institution was managed through whatever means available gave PTI propaganda machine enough confidence to say Niazi would rule for 15 years.

PTI seems to be obsessed with PMLn and Punjab. It's like PPPs B Team in Punjab.

Even if he is not a war hero who fought for this country. This is not a way to talk with a senior citizen. That police man for sure lacked a good upbringing and tehzeeb.
They are haramis, words will fall on deaf ears. Without a fight, we will not change anything. Sadly, there is no fight in Pakistani people.

This f**king cockroach.No respect. Make a note of all these people. Lets see how brave they are when IK is back in power.
The chances of that are almost 0, which is why these people are getting bolder.
no explanation required


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The seeds , of Chaos , were / are continuously planted by Nawaz Sharif Gang in all institute of Pakistan to build a subdivision Inside Police force

The cancer is now spread to maximum capacity

Even if he is not a war hero who fought for this country. This is not a way to talk with a senior citizen. That police man for sure lacked a good upbringing and tehzeeb.

this SOB is true example and the outcome of what we have seen of PMLN been doing for 30 years.

this is what they have make people like with their buying and selling of conscience.

no one has done so much damage to the society the way they have ruined it.

they were crying over damage to MM Alam plane (not correct in any sense though) but they can't give respect to a living legend.
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