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War music, military propaganda and marches from around the world

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I like 'neun und neunzig luftbalons" by Nena :agree:
Thats about freedom and democracy and more melodic this other shit is used by brown nationals.. .

The brownies hate the dark colored ppl and yet you see them (dark colored ppl) chanting for the brownies .. I don't get why specially the music sounds like hobbit culture

I would rather listen to this here

On youtube app you can see the lyrics on the video
ahaha jah gaat mij niet om hun politieke ideologie, deuntje klinkt goed, en mooie tekst+beelden :D
Ik vind ze allemaal een beetje opelkaar lijken; goeie en zware orkestra, stevig koor en een gezonde volksdans gehalte. Deuntjes zijn ok maar mijn voorkeur gaat toch overduidelijk uit naar Russisch muziek. Alleen al hun volks lied is zoals je op zijn duits zegt 'total geil'. :azn:
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Croatian songs... hmmm I consider them to be modern.. and rock, personally not my taste. The serbian/bosnians songs use more traditional instruments.
There are different genres off course, they have modern pop aswell.
Btw Hungarian gypsy music is awesome. Try it sometime.
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Thats about freedom and democracy and more melodic this other shit is used by brown nationals.. .

The brownies hate the dark colored ppl and yet you see them (dark colored ppl) chanting for the brownies .. I don't get why specially the music sounds like hobbit culture

I would rather listen to this here

On youtube app you can see the lyrics on the video

If you ask what I really like is Mongolian throat singing and those Turkic hymns

There are different genres off course, they have modern pop aswell.
Btw Hungarian gypsy music is awesome. Try it sometime.

I would say Bosnian Sevdlenka is better tbh mix of western and oriental sounds
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