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Wanted PKK terrorist seen briefing US commander


Nov 25, 2016
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PKK terrorist Abdi Ferhad Şahin (2-L)

Most wanted PKK terrorist seen briefing US commander in Syria’s Karachok bombed in Turkish operations

Abdi Ferhad Şahin, one of the most wanted PKK terrorists, was seen on Wednesday standing next to a U.S. commander in Syria's Karachok region, which was bombed in Turkish anti-terror operations against the PKK.

After Turkey's anti-terror operation in northern Syria, U.S. commanders visited the area accompanied by the so-called spokesman of the PKK's Syrian affiliate the People's Protection Units (YPG), Redur Xelil and senior PKK militant Şahin, which is on the Turkish Interior Ministry's list of most wanted terrorists, with a bounty of four million liras. He was seen briefing the U.S. commanders with the help of an interpreter during the tour.

The PKK militant codenamed "Şahin Cilo," is one of the senior members of the terrorist group. He was the member responsible of the PKK's European operations back in 1998 when the group's leader Abdullah Öcalan was expelled from Syria.

Şahin was in Kobani during the reconciliation process which was unilaterally broken by the PKK.

Around 70 PKK terrorists and militants of its Syrian offshoot the YPG were killed in Iraq's Sinjar and northern Syria in Turkish anti-terror operations, military sources said Tuesday.

The U.S. later issued a statement expressing "serious concern" of Turkey's anti-terror operations in the region, implying the U.S.'s worries about the death of YPG terrorists, saying "The airstrikes led to the unfortunate loss of life of our partner forces in the fight against ISIS, including the Kurdish Peshmerga."

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