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Wali killed on a tip-off by Hakimullah supporter


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
Wali killed on a tip-off by Hakimullah supporter – The Express Tribune


The US State Department has disclosed that Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan’s deputy chief Waliur Rehman was targeted and killed by a drone attack on a tip-off provided by a member of the Hakimullah Mehsud-led Taliban group.
Sparking fresh controversy by the statement, it said the US will award the informer $5 million.
According to INP, the State Department refused to disclose the name of the informer; however it has confirmed that the award will be paid. It said that anyone who provides reliable and actionable information deserves the award under the justice programme.
According to media reports, there are serious differences between Waliur Rehman and Hakimullah Mehsud groups of the TTP. These two groups are opposing each other and the person who provided information about the presence of Rehman belongs to the Hakimullah group.
Khan Syed alias Sajan has succeeded Rehman and the Shoaib Khel tribe of the Mehsud group has welcomed his appointment.
This is what these Criminal Gangs are all about. They will turn each other in for reward money.
This is what these Criminal Gangs are all about. They will turn each other in for reward money.

Well it's no news that in the guise of jihad, these scum bags are there for money in the first place.
I did read to the effect that they are paid around Rs. 20,000/month while a suicide bomber's family is awarded with something like Rs. 200,000.......in those rural areas, they would never earn this kind of money in a legit manner.
Why is anyone surprised ?

For years US has always killed the particular TTP leader who just happens to want to talk to Gov . on an anonymous tip from inside the TTP.

TTP cannot survive without tactical support from a world class agency .... i will let you guys figure out which agency ..
Or maybe this could be one of those countless articles sponsored by our agencies to cause rift and fighting amongst the terrorists so that we could break the ttp?
This is propaganda in an attempt to divide and rule.

countless Drones have been swarming Pakistan from as far as the Swat region. I infer that the US decided to lay off strikes during the election time was to monitor the ant trails of the militants which led to the deputy.
Now it is confirmed to me that CIA and ISI are Collaborating on this....it is an ISI tactic, killing two birds with one stone....deprive them of important commander then create suspicions and rifts within taliban organization from his death....some of hakimullah mehsud men might be asking themeselves, is our amir collaborating with kafirs and killed maulana wali rehman?..............

ISI was the one to spread rumor that hakimullah and wali rehman are at each other throat.
Now it is confirmed to me that CIA and ISI are Collaborating on this....it is an ISI tactic, killing two birds with one stone....deprive them of important commander then create suspicions and rifts within taliban organization from his death....some of hakimullah mehsud men might be asking themeselves, is our amir collaborating with kafirs and killed maulana wali rehman?..............

ISI was the one to spread rumor that hakimullah and wali rehman are at each other throat.

whats wrong with that?
Now it is confirmed to me that CIA and ISI are Collaborating on this

Working together to kill the "kafir TTP" is a good thing......CIA and ISI worked together and got rid of the USSR and now its the turn of the TTP......if our interest overlap on certain issues make full use of american tech.

....it is an ISI tactic, killing two birds with one stone....deprive them of important commander then create suspicions and rifts within taliban organization from his death....

Good tactic.....but its probably just about money and revenge.

some of hakimullah mehsud men might be asking themeselves, is our amir collaborating with kafirs and killed maulana wali rehman?

The whole of the TTP is "collaborating with kafirs".
World is a better without this idiot hope more such people are droned
^ What a hypocritical post!!!

First you acknowledge that its good that ISI and CIA work togather.. Lols.. then later on you say TTP is collaborating with kaffirs.. wah..

So who is a CIA agent? Ppl they kill with drones or ppl they have given 18 billion dollars to?
Well it's no news that in the guise of jihad, these scum bags are there for money in the first place.
I did read to the effect that they are paid around Rs. 20,000/month while a suicide bomber's family is awarded with something like Rs. 200,000.......in those rural areas, they would never earn this kind of money in a legit manner.

So the americans will under the banner of the reward pay the talibans 5mil.

Well it's no news that in the guise of jihad, these scum bags are there for money in the first place.
I did read to the effect that they are paid around Rs. 20,000/month while a suicide bomber's family is awarded with something like Rs. 200,000.......in those rural areas, they would never earn this kind of money in a legit manner.

So the americans will under the banner of the reward pay the talibans 5mil.

Well it's no news that in the guise of jihad, these scum bags are there for money in the first place.
I did read to the effect that they are paid around Rs. 20,000/month while a suicide bomber's family is awarded with something like Rs. 200,000.......in those rural areas, they would never earn this kind of money in a legit manner.

So the americans will under the banner of the reward pay the talibans 5mil.
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