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Wahabi infiltration worries Sri Lanka


May 10, 2010
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Wahabi infiltration worries Sri Lanka

COLOMBO: Moderates among the Muslims in Sri Lanka are expressing deep concern over a massive and determined Saudi petro dollar backed effort to spread the extremist Wahabi ideology among Muslims in the island nation, who have traditionally been a peace loving and tolerant community.

Sufi leaders, who have taken up the cause on behalf of the moderates, told Express here on Sunday, that there was a real danger of Wahabism preparing the ground for Islamic terrorist activity in Lanka. This could reach India also, the warned.

SAUDI MONEY: The Sufis see a Saudi hand behind it all. “The Saudis are spending US$87 billion per year :eek::eek:on spreading Wahabism across the globe,” said Riyyaz M Sally, president of the Islamic Solidarity Front (ISF). He pointed out that there was a proliferation of mosques promoting Wahabism in the island and most of these were unauthorised.

“The Wahabis (who belong here to a variety of organisations like the Tawheed Jamat and Jamat e-Islami) give money to a poor Muslim to take a house in a locality, convert it into a Madrasa and then into a mosque. Most of these mosques are not registered as registration has to have the approval of three other mosques in the locality, a requirement which the promoters will not be able to fulfil. Only 35 of the 300-odd mosques in the island are registered,” Sally said.

Scholarships are given to young Lankan Muslims to go to religious institutions in Saudi Arabia. They are sent back to spread Wahabism. Funds are no problem.

STATE APPARATUS INFILTRATED: If the authorities are turning a blind eye to this, it is because the state apparatus has been infiltrated by Wahabis over the last 15 years, says Sally. He said the three members of the reconstituted Waqf Board were Wahabis, who he feared, would start using the mosques’ assets for promoting Wahabism.

According to fellow Sufist Ahmad Shah Maulavi, the Wahabists have infiltrated the Muslim broadcast section of the state owned Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC).

“Ninety eight percent of the participants and staffers in the Muslim section are Wahabi and use the programmes to propagate its tenets,” Maulavi said. The Wahabists run private unlicensed radio stations too, as a recent seizure showed.

SCHOOL CURRICULUM: With the Wahabis entrenched in power, the prescribed texts for Islamic studies in the English medium Ilmi international schools are being revised to rid them of any reference to variations in Islamic laws and practice. These are substituted by the rigid Wahabist thought. “References to the four Madhhab or schools of law, namely, Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki and Hanbali have been steadily shortened over time and substituted by Wahabi laws,” the Maulavi said.

FOMENTING CONFLICT: Wahabism was creating animosity not only towards the non-Muslims but also towards Muslims, the Sufists said. “The Wahabis force others in their family to follow them.They attack mosques of the Sufi sect and have attacked Sufis leaders with guns (in the Eastern province). The incorrectly interpret Jihad as a war against non-Wahabis and non-Muslims, while it is a battle against one’s ego,” Ahmad Shah said.

Wahabi infiltration worries Sri Lanka | | | Indian Express
All they need to do is ban any saudi or emarati organisation from operating charity or saudis getting involved in charitable work...such actions by arabis is nothing of a new discovery. pakistan is a living example of how arabis reward their fellow muslims!
Dont read too much into Indian media. I have not seen any Sri Lankan media outlet reporting it. Bhartis surely are finding excuses for diverting attention from LTTE terrorists.
Dont read too much into Indian media. I have not seen any Sri Lankan media outlet reporting it. Bhartis surely are finding excuses for diverting attention from LTTE terrorists.

Bhartis surely are finding excuses for diverting attention from LTTE terrorists

Dont read too much into Indian media. I have not seen any Sri Lankan media outlet reporting it. Bhartis surely are finding excuses for diverting attention from LTTE terrorists.

The only aspect where I agree with 'somebozo' is w.r.t. Saudi-Wahhabi oil money being pumped into countries worldwide to propagate their ultra-hardcode Wahhabism and poison thousands of impressionble minds worldwide.

You need to realize that Saudi (and other Arab) oil money has brought Pakistan to the brink, instead of indulging in 'Orange media conspiracy' nonsense.
srilanka should learn lessons from pakistan , dont let these moron wahabis in they are looking for safer heavens now as pakistan is no longer a wahabi paradise
Opps........What an issue!...
Srilanka will slowly get there.....

I hope they made some improvement post LTTE era, but looks like they have another issue now.
Do not turn this thread into a sect bashing thread. Extremists exist in all sects and religions, its not in the best interest of everyone to paint all of them with one brush.
What suceeded in Bangladesh is what failed in Sri Lanka..that is GoI back terrorist gurellia bringing the government down to its knees and turning the country into unoffical client state of indian union.

Indias Industrial-Terrorist complex might be the biggest marvel of shame in this world!
What suceeded in Bangladesh is what failed in Sri Lanka..that is GoI back terrorist gurellia bringing the government down to its knees and turning the country into unoffical client state of indian union.

Indias Industrial-Terrorist complex might be the biggest marvel of shame in this world!
Indias Industrial-Terrorist complex might be the biggest marvel of shame in this world

whole world criticizes u for this.dont bring india in this
What suceeded in Bangladesh is what failed in Sri Lanka..that is GoI back terrorist gurellia bringing the government down to its knees and turning the country into unoffical client state of indian union.

Indias Industrial-Terrorist complex might be the biggest marvel of shame in this world!

Err... speaking of terrorism, maybe you wanted to refer to a certain country to the West of India called (gasp) - PAKISTAN! That country which has gained world renown for terror export!

That country of which two neighbours constantly and openly accuse it of terror export, while the third also occasionally does the same! That country which the world's major intelligence agencies refer to as the 'fountainhead of terror'. That country which the world's renowned leaders call an 'International Migraine' and 'Terrorism Central'. That country which neutral heads of state refer to in diplomatic language, as being a terror exporter!

Now, when that country accuses India of being a 'terror exporter', it is a laughing matter.

Any country which does as Pakistan has, will have to face the prospect of getting badly singed by the same fire which they light to burn others. India made one foolish mistake in Sri Lanka, and the Indian head of state paid for it with his life. That is Karma.

However, Pakistan has made so many mistakes, has spread so much evil, that the one-time Indian activity in Sri Lanka pales in comparison. The results are there for all to see. Now, Pakistan is reaping the fruits of its Karma with daily bomb blasts, suicide attacks, gun attacks in major cities, and so on. It has become like, almost one terror attack per day, unfailingly.

Trying to equate India and Pakistan in this aspect is the most ludicrous thing that one can come up with.
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