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Vision 2030: Superpower India

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Mar 16, 2011
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Indigenous Agni-V missile’s successful testing has inspired several Indians to dream of a better and powerful India. It has also inspired a few enterprising netizens to make fictional videos depicting India as an economic superpower.

A video clip titled India in 2030, from the Kannada film Super, is gaining a lot of popularity.

The seven-minute YouTube video portrays a new India 18 years hence. A Briton alights from a British Airways plane which was scheduled to land at Bengaluru airport but is diverted to Mysore due to bad weather. On landing, he finds himself in a city dotted with skyscrapers, foreigners lining up for employment and the world preferring the Indian rupee over the British and American currencies.

Though the video has been in circulation for quite sometime now, the success of the Agni-V missile has apparently led to the video going viral.

Mayuukh Vashney, a student, said, “I think producing videos such as Indian in 2030 is the people’s way of showing their enthusiasm and love for the country. Such events definitely inspire us.”

After the successful Agni-V test, several online forums saw Indians involved in verbal duels with Chinese nationals over the capability of the missile. And a feeling of elation among Indians was clearly visible.

P.V.S. Chandra Sekhar, a chartered accountant, thinks it is only natural for people to celebrate their country’s success. “We always feel joyous when our country achieves something because it is also, in a way, our own success.”

Whether or not India becomes a superpower by 2030, Agni-V has definitely made Indians proud

Vision 2030: Superpower India | Deccan Chronicle

watch the video interesting.

Well the definition of being a superpower changes over time I believe India will be on the forefront of changing it.
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This video made me cringe so hard. 20 years later and India still needs a white man to come to their country and inspect and validate their progress? With this kind of slave-mentality, superpowerdom can only be a wild fantasy.
This video made me cringe so hard. 20 years later and India still needs a white man to come to their country and inspect and validate their progress? With this kind of slave-mentality, superpowerdom can only be a wild fantasy.

dude calm down, this is no official video, its just made by some random guy. this thread has been opened for the purpose of trolling so stick with that.
dude calm down, this is no official video, its just made by some random guy. this thread has been opened for the purpose of trolling so stick with that.

How is this trolling I have a high opinion of India and interested on how it progresses, I also only post things about India from the Indian Media so it is fair.
Good video but wet dreams. India is not going to change but will progress..
This video made me cringe so hard. 20 years later and India still needs a white man to come to their country and inspect and validate their progress? With this kind of slave-mentality, superpowerdom can only be a wild fantasy.

As India grows richer you will start seeing Brits come back to India, this time Indians will be master and the brits will be working.
This video made me cringe so hard. 20 years later and India still needs a white man to come to their country and inspect and validate their progress? With this kind of slave-mentality, superpowerdom can only be a wild fantasy.
and people say indians are trollers
plz stop derailing the thread
As India grows richer you will start seeing Brits come back to India, this time Indians will be master and the brits will be working.

india is not china, we are not as fast as china. we are a democracy. it will take a long time. but yes eventually india will be ahead of west and china. but then we wont allow brits in here, infact we will invade them this time like a boss. :devil:
Even if it's not government affiliated, it shows the difference in mentality. China fights to become a superpower to topple Anglo-Saxon hegemony. India strives to become a superpower to impress the Anglo-Saxons and make them proud.
Even if it's not government affiliated, it shows the difference in mentality. China fights to become a superpower to topple Anglo-Saxon hegemony. India strives to become a superpower to impress the Anglo-Saxons and make them proud.

This isn't about china rather India stop derailing or you will be reported.

india is not china, we are not as fast as china. we are a democracy. it will take a long time. but yes eventually india will be ahead of west and china. but then we wont allow brits in here, infact we will invade them this time like a boss. :devil:

I can see India ahead of the west but behind China basically China then India then the USA.
and people say indians are trollers
plz stop derailing the thread

The white man narrator/protagonist was totally unnecessary. It could simply have been a first-person PoV of the fanciful Indian cities of the future. Shows a lot about the psychology behind the maker.
This isn't about china rather India stop derailing or you will be reported.

I can see India ahead of the west but behind China basically China then India then the USA.

well i doont know how much u understand economics but the biggest mistakes the western economists did was to think big, populated and poor countries will ever remain forever poor mainly india and china. they though these countries will never come to bite them. they though powerfull will remain forever powerfull.

reason- the completely ignored population as a factor for rapid economic growth.

i can assure u india is slower than china but faster than russia and brazil. it will overtake usa and china too in economic size. china will not forever remain fast as it is now.

The white man narrator/protagonist was totally unnecessary. It could simply have been a first-person PoV of the fanciful Indian cities of the future. Shows a lot about the psychology behind the maker.

dude u didnt get the sence in the video leave it.
well i doont know how much u understand economics but the biggest mistakes the western economists did was to think big, populated and poor countries will ever remain forever poor mainly india and china. they though these countries will never come to bite them. they though powerfull will remain forever powerfull.

reason- the completely ignored population as a factor for rapid economic growth.

i can assure u india is slower than china but faster than russia and brazil. it will overtake usa and china too in economic size. china will not forever remain fast as it is now.

dude u didnt get the sence in the video leave it.

Yes I agree India will overtake the west but China is unlikely or have to wait, China economy has slowed down but India's as well not to mention political changes in China as well as india that take place over the next decade.
Indigenous Agni-V missile’s successful testing has inspired several Indians to dream of a better and powerful India. It has also inspired a few enterprising netizens to make fictional videos depicting India as an economic superpower.

A video clip titled India in 2030, from the Kannada film Super, is gaining a lot of popularity.

The seven-minute YouTube video portrays a new India 18 years hence. A Briton alights from a British Airways plane which was scheduled to land at Bengaluru airport but is diverted to Mysore due to bad weather. On landing, he finds himself in a city dotted with skyscrapers, foreigners lining up for employment and the world preferring the Indian rupee over the British and American currencies.

Though the video has been in circulation for quite sometime now, the success of the Agni-V missile has apparently led to the video going viral.

Mayuukh Vashney, a student, said, “I think producing videos such as Indian in 2030 is the people’s way of showing their enthusiasm and love for the country. Such events definitely inspire us.”

After the successful Agni-V test, several online forums saw Indians involved in verbal duels with Chinese nationals over the capability of the missile. And a feeling of elation among Indians was clearly visible.

P.V.S. Chandra Sekhar, a chartered accountant, thinks it is only natural for people to celebrate their country’s success. “We always feel joyous when our country achieves something because it is also, in a way, our own success.”

Whether or not India becomes a superpower by 2030, Agni-V has definitely made Indians proud

Vision 2030: Superpower India | Deccan Chronicle

watch the video interesting.

Well the definition of being a superpower changes over time I believe India will be on the forefront of changing it.

Neutral Citizen you are a good man lol
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Yes I agree India will overtake the west but China is unlikely or have to wait, China economy has slowed down but India's as well not to mention political changes in China as well as india that take place over the next decade.

i dont think soo. things are very dynamic today. today china is a middle income country. it is at a point where it has to make a choice between domestic or foreign market.

china will have way over 200 million empty apartments by 2018 and to fill them china has to increase already rising pays and concentrate towards domestic markets. if it does that it will immediately manufacturing edge to india which produces 800000 engineers and technicians and is already preparing land for huge manufacturing bases. all the ports are undergoing massive expansion

it it doesnt turn domestic then trillions invested in building will simply go wasted and banks and investors bankrupt. and empty buildings will eventually rot and will need refitting.

china is beautifull from outside, kindly do some research. they have their own problems to solve and india has their own.
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