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Village of Tears - Australia's asylum disaster


Sep 18, 2011
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Village of Tears - Australia's asylum disaster - YouTube

Lebanese officials are blaming Australia for the deaths of 39 asylum seekers in a boat sinking off Indonesia last week. In their village of Qabeit, locals are mourning the deaths of 18 men, women and children.

The anger and despair felt by this small community is shown in the words of local leader Sheik Ali Khoder: "Listen, Australia. The boat sought help and rescue. The coastguard kicked the boat out and told them 'Go back to where you came from'. Shame on you". A family who lost 9 of its members explains how poverty forced them to look to Australia despite the "perilous journey". One bewildered survivor asks, "Just tell us why they didn't rescue us".

Journeyman Pictures : short films : Village of Tears
They can blame Australia all they want, but if these so called "Asylum Seekers" wish to commit suicide then that's up to them.

The majority of these people coming by boat to Australia are bogus Asylum Seekers who are coming for economic reasons but are instead pretending they are fleeing conflict. They come by boat because they know they can bypass the proper channels of seeking Asylum.

Our government has made it very very clear that if you come by boat you will most likely die because of the dangerous seas plus you won't gain asylum. So it's basically suicide for them.

These people still decide to take the journey anyway out of greed and they pay the ultimate price.
its hard to believe that the Australians didnt help a boat/ship in trouble.
They can blame Australia all they want, but if these so called "Asylum Seekers" wish to commit suicide then that's up to them.

The majority of these people coming by boat to Australia are bogus Asylum Seekers who are coming for economic reasons but are instead pretending they are fleeing conflict. They come by boat because they know they can bypass the proper channels of seeking Asylum.

Our government has made it very very clear that if you come by boat you will most likely die because of the dangerous seas plus you won't gain asylum. So it's basically suicide for them.

These people still decide to take the journey anyway out of greed and they pay the ultimate price.

Yeah Australia is not liable to any of these people. You fuk your country up why should Australia pay for you. Or you can get educated and migrate the right way
its hard to believe that the Australians didnt help a boat/ship in trouble.

The boat sank an hour off the coast of Indonesia in Indonesian waters. The Indonesians should have helped them. The Australian navy was 10 hours away.

These people are blaming Australia because they hope that putting enough pressure on the government via the media will force the government to accept these bogus asylum seekers.
The boat sank an hour off the coast of Indonesia in Indonesian waters. The Indonesians should have helped them. The Australian navy was 10 hours away.

These people are blaming Australia because they hope that putting enough pressure on the government via the media will force the government to accept these bogus asylum seekers.

It's an emotional outburst based on the tragedy - the only fault lies with 1) the situation of the country the asylum seekers come from and 2) the Human smugglers who put these people's life in danger. The only solution for this is that the situation back home improves.
I see no fault with Australia here.The new prime ministed made it clear that "boat people" won't get asylum but they still keep coming.

I find it odd how these "poor people" find 80.000 $ to pay for the journey.How many of you have 80k lying around ? Me,having what i consider a good job in a country with higher living standards then Lebanon,sure don't have it.
It's an emotional outburst based on the tragedy - the only fault lies with 1) the situation of the country the asylum seekers come from and 2) the Human smugglers who put these people's life in danger. The only solution for this is that the situation back home improves.

They must do that in all aspects not only in economy, because in some cases there is so many asylum seekers came from Saudi Arabia and UAE, you can ask me because so many of them came in contact with Indonesian people before they depart and going to Australia with boats
It's an emotional outburst based on the tragedy - the only fault lies with 1) the situation of the country the asylum seekers come from and 2) the Human smugglers who put these people's life in danger. The only solution for this is that the situation back home improves.

They must do that in all aspects not only in economy, because in some cases there is so many asylum seekers came from Saudi Arabia and UAE, you can ask me because so many of them came in contact with Indonesian people before they depart and going to Australia with boats
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