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View of Pakistan's influence

I don't know bro..
what are you trying to state??

in that report Pakistan's view is majority negative
I don't know bro..
what are you trying to state??

in that report Pakistan's view is majority negative

And that is why we must think of ways to counter that negative view and turn it positive.

Advertisements, campaigns, programs, contests.

Anything possible that can turn that frown upside down.
And that is why we must think of ways to counter that negative view and turn it positive.

Advertisements, campaigns, programs, contests.

Anything possible that can turn that frown upside down.

Well being Muslim does not help, mass conversion to another more western friendly religion is the only way it seems or total submission to them.

Their media has a big role in shaping perception, we are not in their good books and wont be for some time.

But things change and let's see.
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Well being Muslim does not help, mass conversion to another more western friendly religion is the only way it seems or total submission to them.

That is quite a fallacious argument. Atheistic South Koreans or Germans don't care about your religion, for they are unlike Dawkins are largely peaceful atheists (not anti-religion).

According to this poll, Germans have the highest negative perception of Pakistan. The German media is usually tolerant of Pakistan and takes good notice of anti-terrorism efforts. Der Spiegel, the most widely circulated magazine in Europe, has by and large done positive reports on Pakistan. Their negative perception obviously emanates from the fact that the people want to get out of Afghanistan, and they see Pakistan's unwillingness over the past decade to deal with militants in the tribal areas as a sign of state sponsored terrorism. Perceptions will definitely change now with success in Rah e Rast and Rah e Nijat. Adding to the fuel is the fact that Germans are quite sensitive about religious intolerance, fascism and world domination terrorist ideologies for obvious reasons.

The media creates a wide impressions, but Scandinavians are definitely not going to view Pakistan positively as they hardly hear news of bombings in their own places, and when they hear of a place where known terrorists went to get training and a place where there are daily suicide bombings, what else do you expect.

The "media paints us bad" crowd is usually filled more or less by pan-Islamists, knee jerk caliphate dreamers, "west is anti-islam", 9/11 was an internal conspiracy, kill all jews and convert the infidels crowd.

As much as I dislike biased journalism, I hate the "western media paints us bad" crowd. See for yourself what's going on. Even we struggle to find positive notes in these difficult times, why would Brazilians want to know more than the fact the thousands die in Pakistan in terrorism. To them, it is a land of terrorists. To us, it is a home facing difficult times. The "media" might paint us worse than we are, in our opinion, but seeing from the eyes of somebody in Norway or Austria, I have never expected them to praise us.

One thing is amazing to me though.

Only 7% Indians had a positive view about Pakistan, 63% had a negative view and therefore 30% had no opinion.

8% Pakistanis have a positive view about India and 48% had a negative view. Therefore, 46% had no opinion.

Therefore, Indians had a much higher negative opinion about Pakistan than Pakistanis had about India.

I'm usually a big supporter of peaceful resolution and enhanced relations b/w the two countries, but this clearly is not a good sign. Any Indian members want to express their views on this? This poll was conducted in the days following the Mumbai attacks (Decemeber 20, 2009 to January 10, 2010) and obviously perception was negative but I'm flabbergasted at this result.

The most amazing thing is to read the views of Pakistanis for other countries:-

1. Only 9% Pakistanis had a positive opinion about the influence of the UK. Lowest rating by and far from any country. We have our second biggest diaspora there, nearly a million people but people still have negative opinion about the influence of the UK. This of course, emanates b/c of British-American association and involvement in Afghanistan and Iraq. Not a positive sign though.

2. France's lowest rating also comes from Pakistan. Maybe because our media likes to talk way too much about the French ban on Burqas and not talk about religious tolerance in Pakistan. What is surprising though is that unlike Pakistanis, other Muslims normally have a smaller or non existent dream of pan-Islamism and don't seem to be worried too much about "ummah" stuff. Countries with positive views about France with significant Muslim populations include Indonesia (48%), Azerbaijan (44%), Egypt(42%) and Nigeria (52% although Nigeria is nearly even Christian-Muslim). Turkey is worried b/c they themselves are dealing with a religious identity and expression crisis since time immemorial.

3. South Africa isn't viewed favourably globally but again Pakistan gives the lowest positive grade but we have a nearly 75% of having no opinion about them as well.

4. Israel has a higher negative perception in Japan than in Pakistan. Surprising. No Muslim majority country gives Israel a thumbs up but neighbouring Egypt of course has the most negative opinion.

5. Canada gets the lowest rating from Pakistan. 70% of people had no opinion but with quite a significant diaspora in Canada, this is not a good sign especially when there was a negative 8% relation b/w positive and negative perception.

6. The EU gets its lowest positive rating and the second highest negative raing from Pakistan (Turkey is really pissed at not granting membership :))

7. Russia's lowest rating comes yet again from Pakistan and with nearly half of the people expressing their views, this can be counted as a significant thing. Looks like the anti-communist propaganda hasn't died down nor have been the memories of the war.

8. Iran gets its most positive rating from Pakistan. Pakistanis will generally love anybody who in their view stands up to Uncle Sam, regardless of ground realities.

9. Brazil gets its lowest positive rating from Pakistan as well but with 69% of people having no opinion, this can be disregarded. Although Brazil has a very high negative perception about Pakistan.

10. Germany isn't popular either and yet again 69% had no opinion.

11. Same holds for South Korea. 13% positive (lowest from any country) and 70% with no opinion.

12. The US has the lowest positive rating in Pakistan but the second highest negative rating from us (Turks hate American policies more than us). 39% people still had no opinion about US influence. What? Uncle Sam's policies and you have no opinion? Are we so indifferent?

13. China has a 56% approval rating from our population b/c obviously everybody's been told about the "friendship". Nonetheless, 33% had no opinion about Chinese influence. Surprising.

By and large, out of the countries polled, Pakistanis are the most indifferent of population (not intended in a bad way). We're too busy with our plethora of problems that we simply don't care thinking about others, for we obviously don't have time for it. Nor do we have a very literate, educated populace who would care about International issues. We obviously have our hands filled with our dozens of problems but the fact that Pakistanis had generally a higher negative perception than positive (more people giving negative opinion than positive, disregarding no opinions) is alarming to me. It seems we don't like anybody. This outpouring on unapproval is not a good sign for our society. We disapprove of nearly everybody in the world. Disregarding those who had no opinion, a higher percentage had a higher negative opinion that positive which is surprising. Even Brazil had a higher negative role in the opinion of our population than it had a positive role. I'm surprised for hardly has our media ever covered Brazil, then why do people have a negative opinion about Brazil's role? Brazil is a big player on the world stage now, Lula is a global hero these days and regardless of our un-opinionated population, why do people have a negative perception about every country in the world?

I'd like some commentary, some genuine commentary, not one-liners trying to summarize history, philosophy, reality and complex events.
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That is quite a fallacious argument. Atheistic South Koreans or Germans don't care about your religion, for they are unlike Dawkins are largely peaceful atheists (not anti-religion).

According to this poll, Germans have the highest negative perception of Pakistan. The German media is usually tolerant of Pakistan and takes good notice of anti-terrorism efforts. Der Spiegel, the most widely circulated magazine in Europe, has by and large done positive reports on Pakistan. Their negative perception obviously emanates from the fact that the people want to get out of Afghanistan, and they see Pakistan's unwillingness over the past decade to deal with militants in the tribal areas as a sign of state sponsored terrorism. Perceptions will definitely change now with success in Rah e Rast and Rah e Nijat. Adding to the fuel is the fact that Germans are quite sensitive about religious intolerance, fascism and world domination terrorist ideologies for obvious reasons.

The media creates a wide impressions, but Scandinavians are definitely not going to view Pakistan positively as they hardly hear news of bombings in their own places, and when they hear of a place where known terrorists went to get training and a place where there are daily suicide bombings, what else do you expect.

The "media paints us bad" crowd is usually filled more or less by pan-Islamists, knee jerk caliphate dreamers, "west is anti-islam", 9/11 was an internal conspiracy, kill all jews and convert the infidels crowd.

As much as I dislike biased journalism, I hate the "western media paints us bad" crowd. See for yourself what's going on. Even we struggle to find positive notes in the se difficult times, why would Brazilians want to know more than the fact the thousands die in Pakistan in terrorism. To them, it is a land of terrorists. To us, it is a home facing difficult times. The "media" might paint us worse than we are, in our opinion, but seeing from the eyes of somebody in Norway or Austria, I have never expected them to praise us.

I largely agree with you but in terms of general perception, it is based on what a general population might know of you and your country largely through media. Similarly as you pointed out others would not have much interest or knowledge apart from what they have heard/watched or read and this is the reason why media has become a tool for forming opinions on another country or people.

Take the der spiegal example you gave, because our and these countries interests do not always meet, they consider us to be an obstruction in their path of resolving the matters that did not even effect them in the first place. Germany was never a target for Muslims, but their partnership with western countries made them take on a mission that will require them to take a one sided view of the matters at hand. This clash of interests causes them to alter views of a nation in such a manner that will allow them to use us as a scapegoat to blame all their shortcomings.

What I mean by submission to them is that we have to follow all their orders, which they do not know as to how much these can cause damage to us.

As for my religion point, this whole episode of terrorists is a tag that we cannot loose because of being muslims and that further negates our image.

Also note that this list only included countries of interest and left many countries out, we as a nation have not done much to harm the people of any other nation. Though there are elements from our nation that have done so, we are just like other people who suffer because of the actions of a few.

And in my opinion these so called 'surveys' do not mean much or present a true image of a countries real perception. Overall image is just a figment of collective current event induced opinion.

May I also add that I will not choose Iran (most negative influence country according to this survey) as a country of negative influence, simply because it has not done anything to cause any problem for the common man of any country. Maybe a government of a country but not ant thing remotely negative that effects an individual person hailing from a nation.
Its not really the media that paints us bad, its just that no one tells our side of the story.
Also note that this list only included countries of interest and left many countries out, we as a nation have not done much to harm the people of any other nation. Though there are elements from our nation that have done so, we are just like other people who suffer because of the actions of a few.

We are at the heart of a modern war that has taken way too many lives and is losing popularity rapidly in the opinions of the people in the countries which waged the war. Accept it or not, we did not handle the militants in FATA for way too long. Nobody will like that.

Also, if 10 people from our country go and blow up a building with 300 civilians in Berlin (hypothetically), Germans won't give a damn as t what the other 170 million think. They simply won't give a damn as to what the general populace is composed of. Governments will most definitely be more objective and rational, but public opinion mostly negative. It's a hard fact we have to swallow.

And in my opinion these so called 'surveys' do not mean much or present a true image of a countries real perception. Overall image is just a figment of collective current event induced opinion.

Central width lobe is inversely proportional to sample space and height of central lobe directly proportional to square of sample space. A carefully selected group of 5,000 is more than enough to present a real picture of opinion in Pakistan. The problem is the selection of the sample space, but even the most indifferent of sampling will lead to a maximum of 6 or 8 percent deviation in these cases.

Methodology states a maximum of 6.9 percent error. I generally accept surveys depending on the reputation of the conducting group and their methodology.
Can Fashion change Pakistans Image

We have the talent, ability and characteristics to change others perception, alas we are bound to be stopped by people that do not know the importance of such to improve many of our problems.

If say tomorrow, we get rid of our bad elements and follow the true path laid out by Jinnah, we will be so much better off. It is not a difficult path to get ourselves on the right track, we emulate a lifestyle that is known to us but we are not known to others. I would love to take on the challenge of altering peoples view on matters and the best way is to to educate and inform them of what something is.

Usually people are indifferent, so are we but we have a large number of domestic problems that sometime seem to be influenced by outside interference.

I have gone to places in the UK where people were shocked to hear that I hailed from Pakistan, the image instilled in them is of a very vocal minority from our country who we ourselves have allowed to represent us.

I say, we release ourselves from the shackles that bound us and take on the role of brand ambassadors for our country to nudge out the overtly religious elements that plague us. Initial replacement of the bad elements and representation of our country is the need of the hour. Let's work to change the views that we have allowed to be formed.
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I generally agree with you. I had a rhetoric and another composition class and I wrote papers on socialism and revolutionary thought in general and my instructors and peers alike were amazed at my proficiency of English and one bunch was shocked at my non-terrorist views (revolutionary thought gave one of them the idea that I would write on pan-Islamist ideologies :p).

It's not just the perception. We cannot deny the nature of the problems either. We know the level of irrationality, intolerant behaviour, hegemonic ambitions and totalitarian views that dominate many a mindset in our country. Many members are a testament to this. We cannot deny the existence of terrorists and the threat the global community feels from them.

It's a world ruled by fear and nightmares these days. We have to handle the terrorists and extremist mindset even more rigorously, not just militarily now. It's a long, slow process requiring a bottoms up approach. Painting a positive image is a necessity but will breed itself if we are able to handle our problems.

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