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Vietnamese Prime Minister chosen to be leadership icon in Asia

most of the state owned enterprises are a burden for the government as they make losses. many local banks suffer too as these dinosaurs owed them money. The plan is to radically reform the companies, injects money and sell them later at stock exchanges.

by the way, the government has very few options as Vietnam is going to join TPP soon, and the Americans demand Vietnamese government to reduce its stakes in major companies.

personally I find the step is good, as foreigners will bring in money and expertise.

The critical SOE is not running for profit, but for the national security. The privatization will only make it worse.

You can privatize those unimportant small SOEs (if it keeps losing money and it is not efficient) and sell it to some large private enterprises who are willing to pay a fair amount of money.

Remember those hydro companies and electricity companies, do you think they should take profit before people? The privatization of these type companies would only lead into disaster.
Does this Prime Minister seek relations with major powers?
Does this Prime Minister seek relations with major powers?





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The critical SOE is not running for profit, but for the national security. The privatization will only make it worse.

You can privatize those unimportant small SOEs (if it keeps losing money and it is not efficient) and sell it to some large private enterprises who are willing to pay a fair amount of money.

Remember those hydro companies and electricity companies, do you think they should take profit before people? The privatization of these type companies would only lead into disaster.
TPP and other free trade pacts Vietnam wants to join leaves few rooms for state owned enterprises. Well, you are right, for national security and major important sector like oil and gas, Vietnam keeps the defence industry and PetroVietnam. for the rest, the government plans a sell-off via IPO this year. the list includes:

Vietnam Airlines
Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex)
Vietnam Motors Industry Corporation (Vinamotor)
10 companies from the transport sector, other three from the subsidiaries of the Transport Ministry
Viet Nam Waterway Construction Corporation (Vinawaco)
Thang Long Construction Corporation (TLG)
Transport Engineering Design Inc. (Tedi)

already at the stock exchange recently:
Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)
Investvine » Share price of Vietnam’s BIDV rises 4% in IPO

Plus the government wants to drastically reduce all subsidies.
TPP and other free trade pacts Vietnam wants to join leaves few rooms for state owned enterprises. Well, you are right, for national security and major important sector like oil and gas, Vietnam keeps the defence industry and PetroVietnam. for the rest, the government plans a sell-off via IPO this year. the list includes:

Vietnam Airlines
Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group (Vinatex)
Vietnam Motors Industry Corporation (Vinamotor)
10 companies from the transport sector, other three from the subsidiaries of the Transport Ministry
Viet Nam Waterway Construction Corporation (Vinawaco)
Thang Long Construction Corporation (TLG)
Transport Engineering Design Inc. (Tedi)

already at the stock exchange recently:
Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)
Investvine » Share price of Vietnam’s BIDV rises 4% in IPO

TPP should be regarded as an option, but not necessarily a must.

The reason that US creates TPP is to subsidize itself, not for other nations.

Everyone knows that USA has very little manufacturing capability left, what bread and butter they can offer right now?
computer guy

I misunderstand KirovAirship?

you seem to understand the Japanese. let me ask you a question.
Do you know why the Japanese are unwilling to say "Sorry" to China, to apologize what they did to China? A word can change the world, can improve the relation forever. Why does Japan refuse to say apology? actually that does not cost anything.

Does it root to their shogun culture? rather to commit suicide than say sorry, "I have done something wrong!"
Because China is weak. Simple. Japan is a country that respect stronger.

Now I know why China's island TW still under US's occupation .

China govt. is corrupted to the core, Chinese peasants only care abt their own lives , no one really care abt their country. After 60 years in peace, still a dirty-developing nation with TW lost to US , that why our PM got praise in Asia when he promise to pull VN out of the sh1t hole where VN and China r standing now :laugh:
You do have no qualification to say that. Let's see if Taiwan open her border to Vietnam tomorrow and every Vietnam people can stay there without a Taiwan pass. How many people will stay in Vietnam? If you come from Japan, just say that, no peoblem, because Japanese people do live very good, but look at yourself first. Dont tell me stupid 2020, just being a successful developed country, and than laugh China, that's your ability.
computer guy

I misunderstand KirovAirship?

you seem to understand the Japanese. let me ask you a question.
Do you know why the Japanese are unwilling to say "Sorry" to China, to apologize what they did to China? A word can change the world, can improve the relation forever. Why does Japan refuse to say apology? actually that does not cost anything.

Does it root to their shogun culture? rather to commit suicide than say sorry, "I have done something wrong!"
I mean "missunderstand" because you dont know what the "5cent" is. Yes, I absolutly know what Japan is. Do you know the "Black boat incident"? General Perry commanded American navy and open the door of Japan. Guess what did Japanese do for Perry? They set a statue for the general in Nagasaki, and wrote "The begining of modern Japan". It is impossible for Chinese people to set a statue for the English general, nor for Vietnam people set a statue for the French general! Cant Believe. But this is Japan!

computer guy

I misunderstand KirovAirship?

you seem to understand the Japanese. let me ask you a question.
Do you know why the Japanese are unwilling to say "Sorry" to China, to apologize what they did to China? A word can change the world, can improve the relation forever. Why does Japan refuse to say apology? actually that does not cost anything.

Does it root to their shogun culture? rather to commit suicide than say sorry, "I have done something wrong!"
When "made in China" = "made in Japan", and when Chinese people's manner can overpass Japanese people, They will really respect China.
computer guy

I misunderstand KirovAirship?

you seem to understand the Japanese. let me ask you a question.
Do you know why the Japanese are unwilling to say "Sorry" to China, to apologize what they did to China? A word can change the world, can improve the relation forever. Why does Japan refuse to say apology? actually that does not cost anything.

Does it root to their shogun culture? rather to commit suicide than say sorry, "I have done something wrong!"

You take it wrong,

almost all of the Japanese civilian including some of their political leadership in Tokyo doesn't know exactly what had happened in WW II and what kind of atrocities their military had committed during the great war. Their present history book in which educated to students in their school doesn't teach them all about that, you will find it hilarious they just mentioned about WW II sections only in two small paragraphs or one maybe two pages at best and doesn't telling at all about their military conquest in Pacific areas. My Japanese friends too, find it with a disbelieve and almost in shock when she is reading it with her own eyes about our history books in which mentioned if they had come to as far as Netherland Indies/Indonesia and occupying our country for almost 4 years and doing some horrible atrocities here too. They always had a believe if they are the victims of WWII, they always will be memorizing when the Tokyo had been bombed into the ground, when Hiroshima and Nagasaki had been nuked. But almost all of them had no idea why such things can be happened. In sum their history perspective had been distorted for so long, let alone they will say sorry for all the past attrocities they had committed, the current Japanese people is also the victims of their past generation leader and some right wing leader who are in charge right now, who trying to distort and hide the truth from their younger generations.

And for your info, the Japanese people is always had a great impression for all of their first time and they always will act and stick with their opinion based on the first impression they have got.
U r simply just a narrow-minded (thiển cận) man. Did u know that South VN was US's ally (it'd better to call S.VN is DOG like S Korea-Japan ) and it was even far richer than S Korea that time ??

And why VNese decided to chose the poor life than being US's ally (or dog) ??

Just wait and see, 60 years in peace, low IQ Chinese cant help their country to become developed nation . We only have more than 20 years in peace, still have long time to prove we r not only smarter than u in Fighting skill but in developing our country ,too :pop:

And I think u should read this fable to widen ur narrow mind

The Dog and the Wolf

A gaunt Wolf was almost dead with hunger when he happened to meet a House-dog who was passing by.

"Ah, Cousin," said the Dog.
"I knew how it would be; your irregular life will soon be the ruin of you. Why do you not work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly given to you?"

"I would have no objection," said the Wolf, "if I could only get a place."

"I will easily arrange that for you," said the Dog; "come with me to my master and you shall share my work."

So the Wolf and the Dog went towards the town together. On the way there the Wolf noticed that the hair on a certain part of the Dog's neck was very much worn away, so he asked him how that had come about.

"Oh, it is nothing," said the Dog. "That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it."

"Is that all?" said the Wolf. "Then good-bye to you, Master Dog."

The Soviet Union was your master. I pity this self deception of yours.
TPP should be regarded as an option, but not necessarily a must.

The reason that US creates TPP is to subsidize itself, not for other nations.

Everyone knows that USA has very little manufacturing capability left, what bread and butter they can offer right now?

They always had an advantage of their high tech stuff, they don't bother too much in producing some cheap electronic equipment anymore or crude steel. And one thing they can offered to the rest of nations around the world is their highly innovative ideas and technological advancement. And until now, USA is one the largest bread basket in the world. You seems doesn't know too much about America, huh?
They always had an advantage of their high tech stuff, they don't bother too much in producing some cheap electronic equipment anymore or crude steel. And one thing they can offered to the rest of nations around the world is their highly innovative ideas and technological advancement. And until now, USA is one the largest bread basket in the world. You seems doesn't know too much about America, huh?

All they have remained is mostly about their military industrial complex, but they can't outsource these jobs to you guys.

Meanwhile you guys didn't have the proper infrastructure to handle these jobs.
All they have remained is mostly about their military industrial complex, but they can't outsource these jobs to you guys.

Meanwhile you guys didn't have the proper infrastructure to handle these jobs.

Can you read ? what i mention to you is, they had a highly advanced stuff and innovative idea to offer, and a lot of capital too. It is not like we are asking from them to outsource all they had in here.

First in your post, you are commenting if the American has nothing to offer to the rest of the world, because they are now lacking in manufacturing capability, in which i denying it for good because they are right now focusing themselves to manufacturing the most advanced and high tech stuff, not just some cheap electronics and textile products. And you asking, what the US can offer as bread and butter? I am answered, they can, in fact a lot of countries dependent of US from a lot of their products, ideas, capital, and so on, not to mention Hollywood stuff related. As a proper fact, Industrial manufacturing in US itself is still one of the largest in the world, they are still the largest producer of commercial Airplanes in which has been used around the world (including your national flight companies too using their products), they are still one of the largest producer of car and trucks in the world and in nominal value they are still in the top, US still hold the monopoly of Microprocessor markets for Desktop Computer and Laptop in the world market, and they had a lot of farms products to offer like corn, sugar, cotton, wheat and so on. Just because they are importing a lot of from you guys and got a lot of deficit because of that, you can't judge they had lost a lot of their manufacturing capability and has nothing to offer to the rest of the world.
You do have no qualification to say that. Let's see if Taiwan open her border to Vietnam tomorrow and every Vietnam people can stay there without a Taiwan pass. How many people will stay in Vietnam? If you come from Japan, just say that, no peoblem, because Japanese people do live very good, but look at yourself first. Dont tell me stupid 2020, just being a successful developed country, and than laugh China, that's your ability.
I will get ban again if I tell the truth abt TW.

btw: if TW open her border to Vietnam tomorrow, then it will need a nod from US daddy , not from China loser :P

The Soviet Union was your master. I pity this self deception of yours.
Then, thas a good Master, they didnt force us to do what we didnt want . :pop:
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