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Vietnam sentences students to years in prison for anti-China leaflets

Do you know that Russia navy ship shot your militia "fishing boat" that illegally entered Russian water a few years back? What was the reaction from "big brother" PRC? Your government folded to Russia since its military is both wrong and weaker. PRC is effectively a mid-tier bully who is scare of "bigger brother."

Diplomatic maneuvering is an art that you need experiences to master. Do you know why I said PRC is a like a parking lot watcher for Vietnam and the Philippines' house, and Taiwan has the bathroom? It has another layer of meaning. If you understand that, then you will know why I bolded your sentence.

No one is trying head-to-head with PRC. Actually, your government prefer that but smaller nations are smart enough to not comply.

With that, I will leave you and your fellow Chinese-men to bath in your collective arrogant sense of "superiority."

Stop trying to divert attention... You are not responding to any of my posted comment regarding Vietnam and China. Becos its the truth and there is nothing you can do about it. You can continue to live in delusion but your useless ranting will not change the fact of Vietnam soften stances against China. Vietnam communist party is smarter and rational than you can think. You shall thank them for saving your as$ instead of being a useless nationalist fool.

Look at Philippine, what have they gained from going against China? They lose whole control of Scarborough Shoal.. And not even US send any patrol ship to support them against CMS.. PCG are outnumber by CMS. They cannot afford to play game with China. That is a reality.. Your VCP is smart to realise that. Be friend with China and compromise to our demand is more practical.
Most of Vietnamese (close to 100%) hates Chinese, anti-China activities happens daily in Vietnam, it is a national personality of Vietnamese. These students were captured because they supported collapsed regime in the South Vietnam. Anti-China is just a reason made by Anti-Communist organizations. There are many anti-China/Chinese/Chinese products/Chinese(dogs) groups on the Internet. https://www.google.com.vn/#hl=vi&sc...fp=1&biw=1366&bih=643&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&cad=b

In daily life, we don't call them Chinese(người Trung Quốc), we use the following words: Tàu(It means ship, it came from ships of Chinese refugees under dynasties), Khựa(It sounds similar with khứa (客/visitor), it means Chinese refugees were visitors, not masters), Cẩu(it means dog, 中国 - Tung Của - Tung Cẩu, teenagers usually uses this words),...
Most of Vietnamese (close to 100%) hates Chinese, anti-China activities happens daily in Vietnam, it is a national personality of Vietnamese. These students were captured because they supported collapsed regime in the South Vietnam. Anti-China is just a reason made by Anti-Communist organizations. There are many anti-China/Chinese/Chinese products/Chinese(dogs) groups on the Internet. https://www.google.com.vn/#hl=vi&sc...fp=1&biw=1366&bih=643&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&cad=b

In daily life, we don't call them Chinese(người Trung Quốc), we use the following words: Tàu(It means ship, it came from ships of Chinese refugees under dynasties), Khựa(It sounds similar with khứa (客/visitor), it means Chinese refugees were visitors, not masters), Cẩu(it means dog, 中国 - Tung Của - Tung Cẩu, teenagers usually uses this words),...
Yes, it is.
Nobody in China cares these Vietnamese's anti-China protest, it's their business or their government's troubles, not Chinese's. And China government didn't break their street party, it's Vietnam officials and officers stop them and threw these poor guys into their prisons.

So i said drink my beers and continue to watch the Show. I believe the Vietnam government will deal with these problems very well or VCP will be in trouble first.
Because since the collapse of USSR, China has become the big brother of the communist world, Vietcong still recognizes CPC as its big brother.

Despite the conflict, CPC will rather pick a fight against Japan/USA than its little communist brother. :coffee:

Now it is all about Communist (State Capitalist) China vs Western Capitalist USA.
Stop trying to divert attention... You are not responding to any of my posted comment regarding Vietnam and China. Becos its the truth and there is nothing you can do about it. You can continue to live in delusion but your useless ranting will not change the fact of Vietnam soften stances against China. Vietnam communist party is smarter and rational than you can think. You shall thank them for saving your as$ instead of being a useless nationalist fool.

Look at Philippine, what have they gained from going against China? They lose whole control of Scarborough Shoal.. And not even US send any patrol ship to support them against CMS.. PCG are outnumber by CMS. They cannot afford to play game with China. That is a reality.. Your VCP is smart to realise that. Be friend with China and compromise to our demand is more practical.
You are the one first to divert attention away from my post. I have answered your assertion that "Vietnam will be smart to fold to PRC's demand, because Vietnam is weak." I have replied by saying that Vietnam is not militarily weak like you think, nor it will succumb to PRC's outrageous demand that you dream of.

You don't have anything to refute my point, but continue showing other 'proofs' to the same point that you made earlier. As I told you before, you keep using information conforming to the same narrative. Look around, look at Vietnam news. One thing I can reveal to you right now is Vietnam is not a tightly controlled society as PRC. People know about the world's affairs and have more realistic approach than the Chinese posters here has demonstrated. Your media hides information about your military weaknesses as well as diplomatic concessions so most of you are living in a surreal world of self-congratulation. Again, do you know about the shooting of Russian navy ship? There is even a youtube video about it.

Therefore, the sparkling of protest demonstrations in Vietnam is partly reflected by the country's better freedom of the press. Btw, don't compare this to the semi violence Chinese protests against Japan. Your protests were stroke by the Party to heighten nationalistic tendencies so that the CCP can divert people's attention away from its problems. Why do I say that? Just look at all the government-allowed destructions on Japanese businesses. PRC's police is a very effective machine. Those damages were caused because they allowed it.

Of cocurse, to explain why these protests were put on hold in Vietnam, I have to reveal deeper knowledge to you. I am in no way want to do that. So you can be happy and continue the party with your friends.
Do you know that Russia navy ship shot your militia "fishing boat" that illegally entered Russian water a few years back? What was the reaction from "big brother" PRC? Your government folded to Russia since its military is both wrong and weaker. PRC is effectively a mid-tier bully who is scare of "bigger brother."

Diplomatic maneuvering is an art that you need experiences to master. Do you know why I said PRC is a like a parking lot watcher for Vietnam and the Philippines' house, and Taiwan has the bathroom? It has another layer of meaning. If you understand that, then you will know why I bolded your sentence.

No one is trying head-to-head with PRC. Actually, your government prefer that but smaller nations are smart enough to not comply.

With that, I will leave you and your fellow Chinese-men to bath in your collective arrogant sense of "superiority."

Are you kidding me?

We are tolerant of Russia because of their geopolitical value, not because we are weaker or afraid of them.

China is facing a far bigger threat like USA, do you think China is showing any sign of submission?

Before USA is still relevant, China won't do anything else against Russia.
Are you kidding me?

We are tolerant of Russia because of their geopolitical value, not because we are weaker or afraid of them.

China is facing a far bigger threat like USA, do you think China is showing any sign of submission?

Before USA is still relevant, China won't do anything else against Russia.
Actually Russia also knows PRC is not to be trusted with its expansionist ideas. They are worry that China will take the resource rich Siberia as well as compete with them in the Arctic Ocean. Russian newspapers urges caution in military sales to China.

But that is for another time....

So tolerant means letting them shooting your ship without saying a peep about it? If PRC's "core interest" is not protecting its people, what does its government exist for then? I would think the lives of your people worth a little more than that in the eyes of CCP? It's funny that you think the US is the your biggest threat. The US has never attacked you. PRC's move into the Korea conflict is of its own doing. The "Chinese containment" happened due to your invasion of Tibet, agressiveness to Taiwan, and current aggressiveness to other nations. PRC's Communist affiliation played a role in the Cold War for containment. But the CCP right now is no Communist, just a Totalitarian regime keen on graping more resources for itself. On the other hand, I can say China is the biggest threat against Vietnam because it has attacked Vietnam many times before, and has been illegally trampling on our territories for many years, disregarding any International laws or common decency.

I will use a different word than "tolerant," but if you are insisting on it, the same diplomatic move can be use with Vietnam. I can say Vietnam "tolerates" China because our biggest concern right now is economic stability, not because we are afraid/weaker than China. See, the words can be easily twisted, can't they?

Btw, find me any Chinese diplomat has the gut to say: "we are only tolerating you people" to the Russians. Also, prove that Chinese millitary is not weaker than Russia. All I see are Russian copy-cat hardware in Chinese arsenals. Do you know that all radars "made in China" sold to Ecuador broke at the same time, leaving the nation with no air defense!! It's pretty humiliating if you ask me. Many nations reject your stuffs because of "sub-par quality." There is no way your copy-cat weapons are better than the Russians.
Actually Russia also knows PRC is not to be trusted with its expansionist ideas. They are worry that China will take the resource rich Siberia as well as compete with them in the Arctic Ocean. Russian newspapers urges caution in military sales to China.

But that is for another time....

So tolerant means letting them shooting your ship without saying a peep about it? If PRC's "core interest" is not protecting its people, what does its government exist for then? I would think the lives of your people worth a little more than that in the eyes of CCP? It's funny that you think the US is the your biggest threat. The US has never attacked you. PRC's move into the Korea conflict is of its own doing. The "Chinese containment" happened due to your invasion of Tibet, agressiveness to Taiwan, and current aggressiveness to other nations. PRC's Communist affiliation played a role in the Cold War for containment. But the CCP right now is no Communist, just a Totalitarian regime keen on graping more resources for itself. On the other hand, I can say China is the biggest threat against Vietnam because it has attacked Vietnam many times before, and has been illegally trampling on our territories for many years, disregarding any International laws or common decency.

I will use a different word than "tolerant," but if you are insisting on it, the same diplomatic move can be use with Vietnam. I can say Vietnam "tolerates" China because our biggest concern right now is economic stability, not because we are afraid/weaker than China. See, the words can be easily twisted, can't they?

Btw, find me any Chinese diplomat has the gut to say: "we are only tolerating you people" to the Russians. Also, prove that Chinese millitary is not weaker than Russia. All I see are Russian copy-cat hardware in Chinese arsenals. Do you know that all radars "made in China" sold to Ecuador broke at the same time, leaving the nation with no air defense!! It's pretty humiliating if you ask me. Many nations reject your stuffs because of "sub-par quality." There is no way your copy-cat weapons are better than the Russians.

We know that Russia doesn't trust us, but Russia is very calculated on this issue, since they think it will be more beneficial to side with PRC to contain against USA.

Putin will take the golden opportunity to recover everything they lost during the downfall of USSR if they assist PRC to ovethrow the world order set by USA. :coffee:

PRC has a 10 trillion economy, while the Russian Federation is only 2 trillion, PRC can pull out far more amount of money and scientists than the Russian Federation.

Putin knows that he is not in the same league with China, but he will take China as a bus rider to recover everything that USSR has lost.
^ your comment is partly true but it is not the whole picture. Putin will take all available channels to bring more money into His country. Russia is not too dependent on PRC like most Chinese gleefully dream.

As we can see, Russia relationship with the West is getting warmer by the day, especially with the US and Japan. Putin also uses China as a bargaining chip to force to US to get closer to him, just like what China did with the Soviet Union and Vietnam in 1980s. All parties understood that China is a threat (due to its aggressive nationalist tendency, not economic development). Most government in the world deal with China with eyes behind their backs. That's the consequence of your country's history of back-stabbing in foreign relations, stealing of intellectual properties, and narcissistic talks about causing war with everybody.

Money is not as important as a strong military and good foreign relations. Friendship is not built by money alone. Just look at how much money the US spent on the Middle East and the result of it. As long as the PRC think they can buy everything, they will suffer more and more diplomatic setbacks
lol, to all those anti-China/pro-ROV members here, if you keep making too much noise, CPC will probably assist their little brother Vietcong to hunt you down.

Vietcong has assisted CPC to hunt down the anti-China Falungong members in Vietnam, so this time CPC will do their little brother a favor. :coffee:
lol, to all those anti-China/pro-ROV members here, if you keep making too much noise, CPC will probably assist their little brother Vietcong to hunt you down.

Vietcong has assisted CPC to hunt down the anti-China Falungong members in Vietnam, so this time CPC will do their little brother a favor. :coffee:
Not sure who you are talking to, but only myself and 2 other Vietnamese members have responded to this thread. If it is about the forum as a whole, I don't know since I have just been here recently.

Anyways, I'm neither of whom you said. I'm not anti-China, just the CCP's policy. Btw, China is not exclusively PRC, there is Taiwan as well. I'm not pro ROV since that is the government of the past. Only unity within ourselves will bring us to the bright future and repel any foreign aggressors. I also respect all ROV's soilders who died protecting the Paracel Islands from the PRC

Falungong are Chinese as well. They are abused minority group within PRC which once had had more followers than the official CCP's membership. That's why they were deemed a threat for the Party's ideological hegemony and were persecuted. The crack down of several millions people was so brutal that there were wide spread of reported human right abuses. Just go to youtube and search for Falungong. Any talks about this practice had been banned in PRC since the media is controlled. There are accusations of "crime against humanity" by the CCP. These accusations alleged that CCP officials harvested Falungong prisoners' organs to speed up PRC organ transplanting science. Google Kilgour-Matas report or Youtube Falungong organ transplant and decide for yourself.
Not sure who you are talking to, but only myself and 2 other Vietnamese members have responded to this thread. If it is about the forum as a whole, I don't know since I have just been here recently.

Anyways, I'm neither of whom you said. I'm not anti-China, just the CCP's policy. Btw, China is not exclusively PRC, there is Taiwan as well. I'm not pro ROV since that is the government of the past. Only unity within ourselves will bring us to the bright future and repel any foreign aggressors. I also respect all ROV's soilders who died protecting the Paracel Islands from the PRC

Falungong are Chinese as well. They are abused minority group within PRC which once had had more followers than the official CCP's membership. That's why they were deemed a threat for the Party's ideological hegemony and were persecuted. The crack down of several millions people was so brutal that there were wide spread of reported human right abuses. Just go to youtube and search for Falungong. Any talks about this practice had been banned in PRC since the media is controlled. There are accusations of "crime against humanity" by the CCP. These accusations alleged that CCP officials harvested Falungong prisoners' organs to speed up PRC organ transplanting science. Google Kilgour-Matas report or Youtube Falungong organ transplant and decide for yourself.

LMAO, the Falungong even said that they can predict the future, so they can spread the bullsh!t whenever they want.

BTW, your govt is anti-Falungong and treating them like cults, so be obedient to your own govt ok. :coffee:

PRC recognizes SRV as the only legitimate Vietnamese regime, same for SRV's position about PRC.

If you are against it, then you are going to against your own government.
LMAO, the Falungong even said that they can predict the future, so they can spread the bullsh!t whenever they want.

BTW, your govt is anti-Falungong and treating them like cults, so be obedient to your own govt ok. :coffee:

PRC recognizes SRV as the only legitimate Vietnamese regime, same for SRV's position about PRC.

If you are against it, then you are going to against your own government.
I'm sorry, I just feel kind of strange that someone can be so hating on their own people. The same goes with India-Pakistan hatred. Of course, those feelings are understandable, but sometimes, I think we need a bit of basic humanity. I knew Vietnamese oversea that still hate the leaders of our country. Such a tragic fate for our people. Back to Falungong, don't dismiss right away what you are about to see, just let logic and critical thinking guide you.

Of course, Falungong threatens the country hegemony as well. After all, the two countries operate under similar ideology. However, Falungong is also a foreign practice that contains many Chinese traditional customs unfamiliar with Vietnamese. The government considered it a cult, but did not persecute it as brutally as CCP did.

People are free thinkers so they must be allowed to express their opinions. I'm not anti Vietnamese government, but it does not mean I withhold my right to criticize its short-comings. Remember, nothing is perfect. Thus, you can stop slapping that anti-government title on me now.
Martian is a naive simpleton. :omghaha: A few years ago, Viet Nam did not even allow people to demonstrate on the streets. This kind of demonstration won't ever be allowed without the approval of the VCP. This anti-China protest once again reiterates the views from many Vietnamese that the Communists in Viet Nam are heading toward a more "democractic" path day by day and more anti-China than ever before. Hopefully, more people will be arrested for protesting against China since more arrests mean more protests allowed by the VCP:yahoo:
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