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Vietnam-India strategic partnership in spotlight

Actually, you seemed to have made sense here (which seems rare) , however, stronger economic ties with Taiwan , would mean default recognition of Taiwan as a nation.

But then again is Taiwan a nation? or an unrecognized state or a region of PRC, which the CCP has zero control over?

So i hope you understand the conundrum Indians and Vietnamese are when it comes to Taiwan. :pop:

Hope you can help us out here.

When it come to Taiwan, stay with economic relationship. Don't make it too complicated. You should focus on developing your own country instead of worry about other countries issues.
Joe shearer is one of the few Indians in here that I have utmost respect,

I doubt that.

unlike you high caste Indians who look down on none Indians as how you would treat a dalit.

Above sentence lacks logic or sense.

Its no surprise that even Indians believe that you guys are the most racist people out there.
That I have to agree with the Indians.

You are agreeing on opinion just because it suits you Indophobic perversion, not survey, no proof.
But the way how does one quantify racism?

And we are talking about the tech support Indians, not casino Indians, correct?

Whatever is that supposed to mean

When it come to Taiwan, stay with economic relationship. Don't make it too complicated. You should focus on developing your own country instead of worry about other countries issues.

Like i said deeper economic ties mean implicitly recognized Taiwan as a nation. So what do we suppose we Indians and Vietnamese do , recognize Taiwan?
When I think of good things coming out of Vietnam and India, I think of food. Pho and Indian food are some of my favorite. I think the people of these two countries should just focus on making better food for others and don't do things that they are not good at, such as running a country. British run India very well and united the whole country. You Indians should welcome back the British instead of being ruled by an Italian waitress. But the French were terrible colonialist. I won't wish the French on Vietnam again.

we are way better off than you Indians,China is streets ahead of India in all social factors of human life.you are the home of one third of the world's poor,enjoy world's highest infant fatality rate and children starvation...that's not government oppression?maybe you can call that government sponsored genocide.

this poor India produces 20 times more milk than China :lol:

overwhelming, isn't it?

Chinese Milk Output> 2,900,000 tonnes

Indian Milk Output> 59,210,000 tonnes

Unfortunately for Vietnamese, there are no free Vietnam any where else in the world as the whole Vietnam is under communist rule. I wish Vietnamese American like Gambit would recover Vietnam from you communist.

Taiwan is another example of East Asian culture can absorb western technology and develop the economy. Maybe you Vietcong should invite Taiwanese to help build your country instead of shooting at the Taiwanese island in the Spratleys.

Also, no excused for why Vietnam has a failed economy.

Therefore, Taiwanese should not listen to the enticing of communist China. On the issue of freedom, the chinese communist rule harshly much more than the vietnamese communist.
Jeez, all you do is laughing.

all you do is post few off-topic one liner,miss...if a MOD is here around,you'll be in a big trouble..


we really appreciate friendship with Vietnam..

I heard a slogan when Vietnam war was on,"Amar Naam,Tomar Naam...Vietnam"...to show solidarity and support Vietnam.thats what I really mean.. :tup:
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