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Vietnam Defence Forum

Since the mods totally let you trolls run around so guess we can play around a little.
How is posting some relevant article me being a troll?

A PLAN J-15 with engine fire due to bird strike. The pilot manage to make safe landing and the fire was put out before it reach the fuel tank and weapons. Could have wish the the plane crash right at the hangar and kill everyone there but I don't since making low blow is not my thing. But well, if there are still people that wish Vietnam to "Bend the knee" then probably my wish is not too cruel....
I am quite glad you posted this actually, since it perfectly demonstrated the skills of Chinese pilots in landing damaged planes as well as the durability of those said planes even after losing one engine.
there is a saying in VN: a good man does not join the army.
120mm is a big stuff. VN uses 100mm only I believe.
The Chinese say the same thing as you.
You are right, this look smaller than the 120mm and this barrel have an extra muzzle.
I think 100mm is a better choice, it should be easier to handle and to carry short distances.
Especially for Vietnamese who are generally shorter.
Maybe you can post some translated accounts of those stories here.
Or at least 1 or 2 if you don't have time.
I know its tedious to translate when there is no direct equivalents between the languages.
From What I read from our veterans. They surely don't underestimate Chinese soldiers but also don't evaluate them too good in military skill. Compared the Chinese with South Vietnamese are baseless and no evidence to suppose the Chinese are better than them. The South Vietnam soldiers fought with North VN more than 10 years. In some battles, they are really more outstanding than NV soldiers.

I think @Viet should try out military life.
The camaraderie in military life is incomparable.
When I had my 1st dig in.
The brigade commander came to inspect our battalion and was shocked that nothing was being done.
On asking what happened, we said we were waiting for the crawler to come and dig for us.
We didn't laugh for the next few days.
Its not a joke, this really happened.
In Vietnam, the student including male and female have 2 to 3 months for fighting training. I know It same as in China.
How is posting some relevant article me being a troll?

I am quite glad you posted this actually, since it perfectly demonstrated the skills of Chinese pilots in landing damaged planes as well as the durability of those said planes even after losing one engine.

"Relevant" ? Oh you think that the article with that dehumanizing title is "relevant" to this thread ? As i said before, "Thetrumpet" , or commonly know as "Theshietshow", is not even deserve to be put in the same league as The Sun or tabloids like it. You expect article from that garbage to be "relevant" in here ? With one google click, i can throw at your face thousands of articles that try to analyze this situation with better choices of words and still crap at heart. Or you just never heard about the word "reliable" ? Even better, i can smack your face with American tabloid that prove to be very "relevant" to the USA - China stance in this region. If you find that shitty article of your to be "relevant" then you will love my articles

And sure, great for that pilot to get out alive. I'm genuinely happy for him. Best result you could hope for after patching together technology from the Soviet era.
From What I read from our veterans. They surely don't underestimate Chinese soldiers but also don't evaluate them too good in military skill. Compared the Chinese with South Vietnamese are baseless and no evidence to suppose the Chinese are better than them. The South Vietnam soldiers fought with North VN more than 10 years. In some battles, they are really more outstanding than NV soldiers.

In Vietnam, the student including male and female have 2 to 3 months for fighting training. I know It same as in China.
I think Chinese and South and North Vietnamese are all East Asians and therefore have only slight differences either way.
I really feel uncomfortable hearing these fighting each other. Fighting is no fun, really really no fun.
Its really frightening to fight with knives, bottles and weapons, not to say with guns.
A deep knife wound takes a long time to heal, a few months, and very painful with every movement whenever you turn in your sleep or taking a bath. I know.
Its also very terrifying when broken bottles fly around you and you have not learned how to catch them with your 2 fingers. And in your terrifying moment you will lose your humanity and strike out viciously.
Yes, we kill each other out of fright and not bravery. Do not talk lightly about fighting. Its a very cruel thing.
So lets not talk about fighting especially if never ever fought before.

Better to do economic competition.
Lets look forward to when Vietnam will surpass Singapore and how happy your people are.
I think it will be exciting to see Vietnam compete with Indonesia and Philippines.
I think @Viet should try out military life.
The camaraderie in military life is incomparable.
When I had my 1st dig in.
The brigade commander came to inspect our battalion and was shocked that nothing was being done.
On asking what happened, we said we were waiting for the crawler to come and dig for us.
We didn't laugh for the next few days.
Its not a joke, this really happened.
Ah yeah I still remember my time during the service. I was training to be a marine in the TNI-AL which is funny because my dad was in the army.

My fondest memory was back when we were forced to march 1k with full gear without any shoes. Thankfuly though it rained yesterday so its easier on everyone & it feels really nice to walk around with a muddy feet.

Good time...
Yes and Luckily, when you and I don't live in the war and suffer the pain because of war. I know the Chinese people are not bad, even with Chinese soldiers who attend the Vietnamese-Sino War, they are simply the farmer I read one novel from Mo Yan, It said like that. When I was a child, My biggest dream It is one time to come to China. When I was 10, the second language I choose to learn It is not English, It is Chinese. At that time I wrote a letter to Chinese radio station to require a Chinese book for my learning. 3 days after the Vietnamese postal worker send me an answer, they said they can't send my letter to cross China border to Beijing. It made me disappointed a long day:laughcry: .
I am not so lucky like you, being young.
I lived through racial riots and have witnessed violence 1st hand.
I truly am saddened by this animosity between your 2 peoples.
Last time they had this letter sold at the post office, forgot the term for it, where you can send to anywhere cheaply at fixed price.
So you wrote in Vietnamese or Chinese.
Maybe you post it on my profile page so we don't clutter this thread.

Ah yeah I still remember my time during the service. I was training to be a marine in the TNI-AL which is funny because my dad was in the army.

My fondest memory was back when we were forced to march 1k with full gear without any shoes. Thankfuly though it rained yesterday so its easier on everyone & it feels really nice to walk around with a muddy feet.

Good time...
No Joke.
For us Singaporeans who don't walk around barefoot, our soles are soft, how to march 1k without shoes, and full gear as well. Maybe now think of it, it wasn't so soft then after so much of marching, but still.

Rain will make our skin softer and more readily cut by stones and gravel.
Ya, its fun to think of those good old days.
I missed the rifle shooting.
Simply amazing how accurate the rifle can be.
I have also shot using those old .303 rifle where you get a kick on your shoulder.
I am not so lucky like you, being young.
I lived through racial riots and have witnessed violence 1st hand.
I truly am saddened by this animosity between your 2 peoples.
Last time they had this letter sold at the post office, forgot the term for it, where you can send to anywhere cheaply at fixed price.
So you wrote in Vietnamese or Chinese.
Maybe you post it on my profile page so we don't clutter this thread.

No Joke.
For us Singaporeans who don't walk around barefoot, our soles are soft, how to march 1k without shoes, and full gear as well. Maybe now think of it, it wasn't so soft then after so much of marching, but still.

Rain will make our skin softer and more readily cut by stones and gravel.
Ya, its fun to think of those good old days.
I missed the rifle shooting.
Simply amazing how accurate the rifle can be.
I have also shot using those old .303 rifle where you get a kick on your shoulder.
Nevertheless you can feel happy all things of the past, will never return. Ah you know Vietnamese may constantly talk of the past but we are not people that hang on what can't be changed. We are always for cooperation but if the Chinese think can piss on VN at any occasions that is their choice. We move on.

A new Japanese language school in Saigon like many existing in VN and many more to come.

there is a saying in VN: a good man does not join the army. Lol why should I join the army? well unless the chinese or other gangsters run amok, I will join the army for sure like other compariots. VN people tradionally dislike militarism. seriuosly speaking, if we does not possess any external threat, our army can be reduced to a minimum. VN maintains a standing army mainly because of China threat. since we annihilated other powers in the region as Champa, Khmer, Siam kingdoms they don´t play any role more in VN strategic calculus.

I dont think National Service aka Conscription should exist anywhere. All should be volunteers.

Some say that is good, but in my opinion such things degrade the moral of army, that Armed Forces even unable to find people who ready to fight for country. That is really discouraging for any army. What kind of message this give to serving NCOs and JCOs? That nobody want to protect or take oath to protect the constitution.

As for Singapore, that is highly secured. I dont know what is the reason for National Service. I can tell you this, there are non disclosed security agreements between India & Singapore.

Such agreements dont exist between any other ASEAN country and India. But if shit hit the roof, Singapore is pretty secured.
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I think @Viet should try out military life.
The camaraderie in military life is incomparable.
When I had my 1st dig in.
The brigade commander came to inspect our battalion and was shocked that nothing was being done.
On asking what happened, we said we were waiting for the crawler to come and dig for us.
We didn't laugh for the next few days.
Its not a joke, this really happened.

Soldiering is not a lifestyle that suit everyone, yes, it's good fun when you are up in your barrack and talking or joking with your mate, or go to the range and pop out a few round, or chuck a few grenade and watch it roll back down the hill...It's all good when you experience military service in peacetime, but I can tell you this, War ain't no fun.

I have been to real war twice, been shooting at people. being shot at, I have even once bombed by our own guy, because my platoon made exceptional progress and the CO of my company refused to believe it and he drop arty danger close around me. I have seen people, confident people snap at an instant, people that aren't adapt to the pressure crumble real quick. Combat stress is going to get to most people, and small, mundane everyday task become impossible to do. Hot Meal, Toilet and even down to tissue paper all of a sudden become luxury item, I meant, I was born in a farm, I growth up doing number 2 just about everywhere, but in war? Finding a place you can sit for 10 minutes or so in peace so you can do you thing is hard to come by, and eventually you just don't care, you let it rip in your pants.

Adrenaline run wild when you are in combat. You don't sleep for 1,2 or 3 days straight, not that you don't want to, but you can't, you need to know what happened every moment and every second when you are in combat, you want to know what happened every second, even if it's your turn to get shut eye, you do sleep with 1 eye open, when you are in your crib, you keep eyeing on the doorway/hallway with at least one eye open, thinking about people are going to rush in any minute, if's you are lucky, it's your men, rush in and tell you we are under attack, if you are not, it's the Taliban or the insurgent, they broke thru and come and kill you with your pants up around your ankle...You can do all that during combat, because you run on adrenaline, but when you are airlifted back to your COP or FSB, your adrenaline will be gone, and you are going to be hit with a massive headache

However, if you can stand all that, then you will be awarded by the lifestyle, nothing more accomplishing when you take an objective and to some extend, you may call me a psychopath, but nothing felt better than you kill a man before he kills you, you felt superior, you felt alive. And usually the most amazing thing happened during the worst of a battle, well, otherwise I wouldn't be here talking about it. I was once being bombarded by mortar for 12 hours and when we finally find the guy who is spotting for the Mortar and saw the Apache ahead rocketing the whole hill, we all come out of hiding and cheer the Apache lol, even if mortar still dropping left and right of us.

I wouldn't felt much about camaraderie amongst my men, I was an Officer so, I am not allow to mix with my men, there are an arbitrary boundary I need to set otherwise they will not respect my order, so I wouldn't know much about Combat jab and something like that. In the army, officer are segregated with the man, so most of the time, it may sounded strange to you but you actually felt lonely even when you are with 40 of your men, because, they just can't felt what you feel, you are the one that make all the decision, and the responsibility is you and you alone, and that is what my men does not understand me. Well, it's hard to tell you about it...

But yeah, Military Service is a once in a life time experience, it's adventure for some, redemption for other, then there are always people see that as a responsibility for a nation.
I dont think National Service aka Conscription should exist anywhere. All should be volunteers.

Some say that is good, but in my opinion such things degrade the moral of army, that Armed Forces even unable to find people who ready to fight for country. That is really discouraging for any army. What kind of message this give to serving NCOs and JCOs? That nobody want to protect or take oath to protect the constitution.

As for Singapore, that is highly secured. I dont know what is the reason for National Service. I can tell you this, there are non disclosed security agreements between India & Singapore.

Such agreements dont exist between any other ASEAN country and India. But if shit hit the roof, Singapore is pretty secured.
That can't be adopted everywhere.

Because it depends on many factors whether national service is best suitable. Israel as a small country with little population but surrounded by numerous enemies has conscription including both men and women. Same goes to Vietnam. Ok VN conscription service only goes for young men not women. When VN defeated the southern Han army and regained independence from China the year of 938, there was a need for establishing a standing army as we were surrounded by enemies. From the northern to the southern front.

Today it is China that still poses the biggest threat to VN national security. Both Israel and Vietnam need a huge standing army. Not to forget the cost factor. Conscription costs less than paying for professional soldiers.

Germany had national service with a giant standing army during the Cold War, but now turns to voluntary service, because the time has changed. Germany faces no longer immediate enemy attack from the eastern front.

Same goes for the United States that also had conscription but now volunteer army. However the reason behind the move is different: the conscription service was blamed for the loss of Vietnam war. The US army today has turned into a professionally run company that kills enemies in most effective ways. One of the results can be witnessed in the Gulf wars.

Vietnam today has zero chance to win a war against the US army.

Singapore sees Malaysia and Indonesia as major threat.

How's about India?

If true India has secret security agreement with Singapore then it is very interesting.
I dont think National Service aka Conscription should exist anywhere. All should be volunteers.

Some say that is good, but in my opinion such things degrade the moral of army, that Armed Forces even unable to find people who ready to fight for country. That is really discouraging for any army. What kind of message this give to serving NCOs and JCOs? That nobody want to protect or take oath to protect the constitution.

As for Singapore, that is highly secured. I dont know what is the reason for National Service. I can tell you this, there are non disclosed security agreements between India & Singapore.

Such agreements dont exist between any other ASEAN country and India. But if shit hit the roof, Singapore is pretty secured.
Conscription army is effective in defense of the homeland and not so much in foreign wars.
Singapore have military training arrangements with US, Taiwan, Brunei, Australia, Thailand and India.
We do not need India's Surgical Strikes in Singapore.
We have experience of the backstabbing and traitorous nature of useless Indian soldiers from WW2.
No Thank You.
Indian National Army in Singapore
That can't be adopted everywhere.

Because it depends on many factors whether national service is best suitable. Israel as a small country with little population but surrounded by numerous enemies has conscription including both men and women. Same goes to Vietnam. Ok VN conscription service only goes for young men not women. When VN defeated the southern Han army and regained independence from China the year of 938, there was a need for establishing a standing army as we were surrounded by enemies. From the northern to the southern front.

Today it is China that still poses the biggest threat to VN national security. Both Israel and Vietnam need a huge standing army. Not to forget the cost factor. Conscription costs less than paying for professional soldiers.

Germany had national service with a giant standing army during the Cold War, but now turns to voluntary service, because the time has changed. Germany faces no longer immediate enemy attack from the eastern front.

Same goes for the United States that also had conscription but now volunteer army. However the reason behind the move is different: the conscription service was blamed for the loss of Vietnam war. The US army today has turned into a professionally run company that kills enemies in most effective ways. One of the results can be witnessed in the Gulf wars.

Vietnam today has zero chance to win a war against the US army.

Singapore sees Malaysia and Indonesia as major threat.

How's about India?

If true India has secret security agreement with Singapore then it is very interesting.

All examples were during when a country was in somekind of state of war.

Israel is still in state of war. Germany had to deal with whole Soviet army that any movement capable to capture whole Berlin.

BTW, India is also still in state of war, if not declaratory one.
Conscription army is effective in defense of the homeland and not so much in foreign wars.
Singapore have military training arrangements with US, Taiwan, Brunei, Australia, Thailand and India.
We do not need India's Surgical Strikes in Singapore.
We have experience of the backstabbing and traitorous nature of useless Indian soldiers from WW2.
No Thank You.
Indian National Army in Singapore
Why dont you ask with your own Govt. That what are the plans for Sembawang Naval Base?

Let me tell you some open source info, you can verify this with your own sources. After construction of a full fledged Indian Naval base in Seychelles. India coming in a big way in SCS.

That is plan of 2015, not a new plan. In 2015, India approached Vietnam for permanent basing rights, that was plan of GoI to deploy warships in SCS permanently. But Vietnam refused for some reasons, and given these rights to Russia.

After this India approached Singapore for such rights. India plan to construct armament and maintenance depot, and deploy Brahmputra and Rajput class initially. This base come under A&N command.

And only after these deployments ONGC start building oil and gas rigs in SCS allotted by Vietnam. That plan conceived long ago.


Block 128 allotted by Vietnam.

Without these deployments, drilling beyond 9 dash line is almost impossible.
I think @Viet should try out military life.
The camaraderie in military life is incomparable.
When I had my 1st dig in.
The brigade commander came to inspect our battalion and was shocked that nothing was being done.
On asking what happened, we said we were waiting for the crawler to come and dig for us.
We didn't laugh for the next few days.
Its not a joke, this really happened.

A war cannot be won without soldiers. Soldiers cannot win without the support of weapons. Weapons cannot be made without a team of engineers. You cannot be an engineer without an education.

In the end, a war can be won without a fight. Brain power is more lethal than anything in the world. That is why knowledge is power. Someone with a bigger brain can destroy an entire city in one blow or end a war in 2 blows.
Why dont you ask with your own Govt. That what are the plans for Sembawang Naval Base?

Let me tell you some open source info, you can verify this with your own sources. After construction of a full fledged Indian Naval base in Seychelles. India coming in a big way in SCS.

That is plan of 2015, not a new plan. In 2015, India approached Vietnam for permanent basing rights, that was plan of GoI to deploy warships in SCS permanently. But Vietnam refused for some reasons, and given these rights to Russia.

After this India approached Singapore for such rights. India plan to construct armament and maintenance depot, and deploy Brahmputra and Rajput class initially. This base come under A&N command.

And only after these deployments ONGC start building oil and gas rigs in SCS allotted by Vietnam. That plan conceived long ago.

Block 128 allotted by Vietnam.

Without these deployments, drilling beyond 9 dash line is almost impossible.
Singapore has said before we are neutral and open for business to friendly nations who will pay for docking services in our ports.
We welcome the US, China.
If Indian sucker wants to pay us as well, we are glad to take that money.
You are an excellent example of that Big Talking Claim the Skies Indian.

Since 2002, Singapore has granted the Indian Navy in principle access to Sembawang Port and Indian patrol boats escorting American Naval ships through the straights of Malacca.
So India is in Singapore since 2002 by grace of being lapdog of USA.
You talk as if India Supa Powa want to turn Sembawang into your offshore base.

If Singapore is dependent on India for its defense, then you should ask Modi to rescind it since Singapore dared to "Singapore blocks visas for Indian IT professionals".

@xiao qi, this is a good example of Indian bragging for you.
Lets not clutter this thread with more Indian garbage.
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