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Vietnam-ASEAN Relations

Singapore is too tiny too raise her voice, anyway, your're not Singaporean but china 50cent army, just sit and wait until Russia finishs building our sub-marine base ,then you will have the answer soon:coffee:

We only keep good chinese who willing support VN, bad chinese will have No chance to live in ASEAN. you can learn lesson from chinese in VN-Laos-Camb-Thailand's border in 1979

In an other word all Chinese in ASEAN countries that don't submit to Vietnam will be slaughtered or deported, just like you did in Cambodia and Laos. Didn't you killed or deported those Hoas in Vietnam even if they submitted to you? BTW how much money did you make for robbing those Hoas of their properties and businesses? Is it true you charged exit fee too, if so how much per Hoa?

I wonder what will happen to those Malays and Filipinos that don't want to submit to Vietnam when you takeover ASEAN.
Interesting! Could you share some links on how you defeated the US 7th fleet? They are ideal for bedtime reading.
The war end, VN won, US seven fleet had to withdraw with high casualties
LST's with casualties were assigned to either one of the CTF's where they had casualties that occurred onboard them, not to Com7th Fleet, as all the other ships were at the time they sustained their casualties onboard. If you would like the LST causualties information please go to MRFA.org under CTF-116 and CTF-117. Thanks, also, to shipmate John Armstrong for his help in this project. Close this window to return to the referring page.

[B]Com7th Fleet Vietnam Ship Casualties - US Naval Ships[/B]

USS AMERICA CVA-66 07/20/72 - BM1 Larry J. Young, Calhoun, GA - [South China Sea] 08/14/72 - ABEAA Joseph E. Frasher, Columbus, OH - [South China Sea]
[url=http://web.meganet.net/kman/7thfleet.htm]Com7th Fleet Casualties Vietnam War[/url][/QUOTE]
[QUOTE]Battle of Đồng Hới


The U.S. warships involved were the 7th Fleet flagship, guided missile cruiser USS Oklahoma City (CLG-5), the guided missile frigate USS Sterett (DLG-31), and destroyers USS Lloyd Thomas (DD-764) and USS Higbee (DD-806).
The American warships were shelling North Vietnamese coastal targets around Dong Hoi, Quang Binh Province, Bac Trung Bo when attacked by North Vietnamese aircraft. This was the first MiG attack on U.S. naval forces in the Gulf of Tonkin. The battle site is in the Gulf of Tonkin, near the DMZ along the 17 parallel, the provisional borderline of the Republic of Vietnam and Democratic Republic of Vietnam.

USS Higbee
One of the MiG-17F's, flown by [B]NVAF pilot Le Xuan Di, scored a direct hit on Higbee with a BETAB-250 (250kg/551lb) bomb[/B], after failing to hit his target twice on two previous attack runs. The MiG was then shot down by a Terrier surface-to-air missile fired from Sterrett. The explosion destroyed Higbee's aft 5-inch gun mount and wounded a disputed two to four sailors in the gun mount's upper handling room. The gun mount itself was empty, the 12 man crew having been evacuated following a "hang fire" (a round stuck in one of the barrels). Oklahoma City received minor damage from shrapnel resulting from shore fire. Two of several North Vietnamese torpedo boats were sunk by gunfire when they engaged the U.S. ships as they escorted the Higbee from the area.

After their bombing run, the North Vietnamese pilots retreated back to their air base. If there were any remaining torpedo boats, they withdrew as well. The U.S. warships would engage several more MiG-17s over the next few days, shooting down at least three more enemy aircraft, they also continued shelling North Vietnamese ground targets and rescuing downed aviators.
[url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_%C4%90%E1%BB%93ng_H%E1%BB%9Bi]Battle of[/url][/QUOTE]
Some pics about battle of Dong Hoi

In an other word all Chinese in ASEAN countries that don't submit to Vietnam will be slaughtered or deported, just like you did in Cambodia and Laos. Didn't you killed or deported those Hoas in Vietnam even if they submitted to you? BTW how much money did you make for robbing those Hoas of their properties and businesses? Is it true you charged exit fee too, if so how much per Hoa?
pls Ask our former leaders about it, I don't know. I only knew that we killed , looted, captured bad chinese like Pol Pot in Laos-Camb- border of Thailand
I wonder what will happen to those Malays and Filipinos that don't want to submit to Vietnam when you takeover ASEAN.
We have no problem with them, and they don't have lethal weapons to harm us , too.
Ofcause vietnam the poorest country in asean wants to have good relations with all asean, But the question is do rich asean countries want to have good relation with poor vietnam? hint have you seen rich people want to have good relation with poor people and the answer is a definite NO::rofl:
"We only keep good chinese who willing support VN, bad chinese will have No chance to live in ASEAN. you can learn lesson from chinese in VN-Laos-Camb-Thailand's border in 1979"
"we killed , looted, capture bad chinese like Pol Pot in Laos-Camb"

To quote a Dai Viet patriot

In essence this is what will happen to the Chinese Diaspora if Vietnam control ASEAN and he hasn't decide what he'll do to the others if they don't behalf.

Good luck to ASEAN-Vietnam oops I meant Vietnam-ASEAN relations.
cited from country-data.com/cgi-bin/query/r-14724.html

Vietnam the Prussia of Asia

Just as Prussia has been Europe's most fought-over ground, Vietnam is Asia's. For centuries the Vietnamese battled the Chinese, the French, the Americans, the Khmer, and again the Chinese. In between they battled the Thai, the Burmans, the Lao, the Cham, the montagnards, and each other in regional and dynastic combat. In the view of Vietnam's neighbors, Vietnamese campaigns since the fifteenth century have been offensive rather than defensive. But Vietnamese school children are taught that in these wars the Vietnamese always were the victim, never the aggressor. With respect to Vietnam's national security, the point is not whether Vietnamese perceptions are factually correct, but that the Vietnamese act on them.
"We only keep good chinese who willing support VN, bad chinese will have No chance to live in ASEAN. you can learn lesson from chinese in VN-Laos-Camb-Thailand's border in 1979"
"we killed , looted, capture bad chinese like Pol Pot in Laos-Camb"

To quote a Dai Viet patriot

In essence this is what will happen to the Chinese Diaspora if Vietnam control ASEAN and he hasn't decide what he'll do to the others if they don't behalf.

Good luck to ASEAN-Vietnam oops I meant Vietnam-ASEAN relations.
Hehe, you may find many better quotes from VN's view toward chinese in 1979 , my words seems still so soft and polite :P

We don't like to live with chinese, everyone know that, and we don't hide it ,too. So good luck for Bad chinese in ASEAN :coffee:
If your statement does represent the general view of all the Vietnamese people, the conflicts will be greatly simplified.

Hehe, you may find many better quotes from VN's view toward chinese in 1979 , my words seems still so soft and polite :P

We don't like to live with chinese, everyone know that, and we don't hide it ,too. So good luck for Bad chinese in ASEAN :coffee:
If your statement does represent the general view of all the Vietnamese people, the conflicts will be greatly simplified.
As I said, you can take a look again our govt.'s statement in 1979.
SRVN Statement79
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(AUGUST 7, 1979)
On July 30, 1979, China made public in Peking some documents in an attempt to justify its claim of sovereignty over the Paracels and Spratly archipelagoes.

As regards this issue, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam declares:

1. The Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes are part of Vietnamese territory. The Vietnamese feudal states were the first in history to occupy, organize, control and exploit these archipelagoes in their capacities as Statees. This ownership is effective and in conformity with international law. We have sufficient historical and legal documents proving Viet Nam's indisputable sovereignty over these two archipelagoes.

2. The Chinese interpretation of the September 14, 1958 note by the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam as recognition of China's ownership over the archipelagoes is a gross distortion since the spirit and letter of the note only mean the recognition of a 12 -mile limit for Chinese territorial waters.

3. In 1965, the United States intensified its war of aggression in South Viet Nam and launched a war of destruction by air and naval forces against North Viet Nam. It declared that the combat zone of the U.S. armed forces included Viet Nam and an adjacent zone of about 100 nautical miles from Viet Nam's coast line. At that time. in their anti-U.S. struggle for national salvation the Vietnamese people had to carry out their fight in all forms to defend. their territorial integrity. Moreover, Viet Nam and China then maintained friendly relations. The May 9, 1965 Statement by the Government of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam had its raison d'être only with this historical background.

4. Since 1972, following the Shanghai Joint Communiqué, the Chinese rulers have colluded with the U.S. aggressors and betrayed the Vietnamese people, causing more and more obstacles to the war of resistance of Viet Nam. Early in January 1974. just before the Vietnamese people won complete victory in Spring 1975, China occupied by armed forces the Hoang Sa archipelago then administered by the Saigon administration.

The Republic of South Viet Nam then clearly stated its position as follows:

- Sovereignty and territorial integrity are questions sacred to every nation.

- As regards territorial border questions, there often exist between neighboring countries disputes left by history, which may extremely complicated and should be thoroughly studied.

- The countries concerned should consider this question in the spirit of equality, mutual respect, friendship and good neighborliness and settle it by negotiations.

5. At the talks held on September 24, 1975 with the Vietnamese Party and Government Delegation on a visit to China, Chinese Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping admitted that there were disputes between the two sides on the problem of the Paracels and Spratly archipelagoes and that the two sides should later discuss with each other to settle the problem.

6. By illegally occupying the Hoang Sa archipelago by military force, China has encroached upon the territorial integrity of Viet Nam and trampled underfoot the principles of the United Nations Charter which calls for settlement of all disputes by peaceful negotiations. After launching a large-scale war of aggression against Viet Nam, the Chinese side again raised the question of the Hoang Sa and Truong Sa archipelagoes while creating an increasingly tense situation along the Vietnamese border and refusing to discuss urgent measures to ensure peace and stability in border areas of the two countries. It is clear that the Chinese rulers have not given up their attempt to attack Viet Nam once again. Their actions pose a serious threat to peace and stability in Southeast Asia and expose more clearly their expansionist ambitions, big-nation hegemonism. bellicose nature, their volte-face and their traitorous character

Ha Noi, August 7, 1979.
SRVN Statement79
As out govt. said:" chinese have volte-face and traitorous character", that's why, we don't like you:coffee:
....all activities in the East Sea....

Did ASEAN nations vote for the name change from SCS to East Sea yet? If not, the spokesperson of Mr Le Luong Minh, the nominee for ASEAN Secretary-General, is already using the ASEAN name on Vietnam's behalf. I question where his loyalties lies if he gets elected.

Call a name for the Sea is "East Sea" (by way of Vietnamese) or "West Philippine Sea" (by way of Filipinos) or "South China Sea" (by way of the West) or "South Sea " (by way of the Chinese) ... without prejudice to the interests of ASEAN.

No regulations required that a Secretary General of ASEAN was forced to call the Sea is SCS.

What reason for your complaint?
Nation grows in step with ASEAN role
| vir.com.vn | Aug 07, 2012 09:18 am

Vietnam’s 17 years of ASEAN membership has enhanced the country’s big role in linking bloc members to build the ASEAN Community by 2015, and significantly expanded Vietnam’s trade and investment with these nations. Khoi Nguyen reports.

On July 28, 1995, Vietnam arrived on the international stage by officially becoming the seventh member of ASEAN in Brunei, the host country of the 28th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting.

Since then, Vietnam has actively riveted ASEAN’s cooperation and made substantial contributions to shaping the bloc’s future, especially in 2010 when it played a key role as ASEAN chair.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh said Vietnam had proposed key priorities for ASEAN’s development. The priorities included translation of the association’s visions to actions and building the bloc’s roadmap to an ASEAN community. The priorities also comprised a deepened relationship between the association and its partners, and the enhancement of the association’s capacity in coping with rising challenges regionally and globally.

Minh noted Vietnam had successfully organised the 16th ASEAN Summit in April 2010, the 43rd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and related meetings in July 2010, and the 17th ASEAN Summit and related meetings in October, 2010.

“This has created firm and important groundwork for ASEAN to boost its actions in these priorities, helping concretise the vision about the ASEAN Community,” he said.

Minh said that under Vietnam’s ASEAN watch, many strategically important decisions were adopted in 2010, such as the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, declaration on strengthening cooperation in overcoming aftermath of economic crisis and climate change, the decision to expand the East Asia Summit and invite Russia and the US to join this summit, and the lifting of ASEAN-South Korea relationship to a strategic level.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Quang Vinh said that at the Phnom Penh-based 45th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM 45) and related meetings in July, 2012, Vietnam urged other member countries to stress the bloc’s urgency to build the ASEAN Community by 2015, strengthen regional links and solidarity and ASEAN Connectivity, narrow countries’ development gap and develop ASEAN’s relationship with partners.

According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ leaders, the bloc’s member countries appreciated Vietnam’s great role in joining the countries’ efforts to deepen intra-bloc relationship and ties between ASEAN and its partners so as to create the strength to cope with common challenges like natural disasters, climate change and financial crisis.

Vinh noted that from now to 2015, when the ASEAN Community would be established, Vietnam would focus on important tasks as follows.

Firstly, Vietnam would together with ASEAN to boost and propose proper policies to further strengthen the regional solidarity and cooperation, to continue expanding and sharpening the ties between ASEAN and its partners.

Secondly, Vietnam would continue enhancing ASEAN’s role in boosting dialogues, cooperation and building up confidence for the sake of peace, security and stability in the region. Also Vietnam would together with other countries in the bloc prevent conflicts and settle all disputes peacefully.

Thirdly, Vietnam would combine with other member countries to give due attention and resources to fully and responsibly implement all agreements in the roadmap to build the ASEAN Community, ensuring all targets would be reached on time and effectively solving and coping with current challenges.

According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), ASEAN has been Vietnam’s third largest export market, after the US and European Union. Also, ASEAN has always been Vietnam’s second largest goods supplier, after China.

The trade turnover between Vietnam and other ASEAN member countries has significantly augmented year-on-year. Specifically, the turnover soared from $1.1 billion in 1995 to $14.91 billion in 2005 and $29.77 billion in 2008. In 2009, the global economic crisis reduced the trade turnover to $22.41 billion, down nearly 25 per cent on-year. However, this figure increased to $23.8 billion in 2010 and $34.5 billion last year.

According to the General Statistics Office, this year’s first seven months saw the turnover reduce to $21.4 billion due to the local and global shrinking demand for production and consumption.
Vietnam’s annual exports to ASEAN markets include farm produce, crude oil, garments and textiles, footwear and electronics goods which occupy nearly 40 per cent of Vietnam’s total export turnover.

According to the MoIT, Vietnam would have more opportunities to boost its exports to the ASEAN member markets in the future, because ASEAN member countries would remove all non-tariff barriers by 2015.

For instance, regional countries would have to reduce 90 per cent of import tariff lines to zero under free trade agreements (FTAs) within ASEAN by 2015. The majority of the remaining tariff lines will have to be slashed to zero per cent by 2018.

For instance, under the ASEAN FTA’s Common Effective Preferential Tariff, from 2010 to 2013, Vietnam would have to cut import tariff lines of its key products like rice and wheat, petrol and oil, garment and footwear materials, and automobiles from the respective levels of 6.43, 40, 2.39 and 29.96 per cent to 3.21, 12.23, 2.3 and 22.35 per cent, respectively.

Truong Dinh Tuyen, former Minister of Trade, said FTAs were “great opportunities for Vietnam to access markets, export goods and attract foreign investment in ASEAN.”

According to Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI), by June, 1995, ASEAN member countries invested nearly 200 investment projects with total registered capital of over $2 billion in Vietnam, occupying 15 per cent of the country’s total registered foreign direct investment (FDI).

By late July, 2012, Vietnam was home to 2,019 investment projects with total registered capital of $45.86 billion from eight ASEAN member countries, with Singapore (1,063 projects with registered capital of $23.32 billion), Malaysia (422, $11.13 billion), Thailand (289, $5.92 billion), Brunei (129, $4.85 billion), the Philippines (63, $303 million), Indonesia (32, $220 million), Laos (9, nearly $67 million) and Cambodia (12, $53.7 million).

ASEAN investment into Vietnam currently occupies 22.23 per cent of the country’s total FDI.
MPI Minister Bui Quang Vinh said the government would in 2013 continue its big investment promotion programmes in many key destinations in the world including ASEAN member countries.

“Investment potential in ASEAN member countries is great and we should continue luring investors from ASEAN,” Vinh said.

According to an April, 2012-released ASEAN Business Advisory Council (ABAC) survey conducted among 405 businesspeople in the region about ASEAN business environment, investors in South East Asia ranked Vietnam second in terms of most attractive investment destination.

Vietnam Investment Review - World news - Nation grows in step with ASEAN role

Ofcause vietnam the poorest country in asean wants to have good relations with all asean, But the question is do rich asean countries want to have good relation with poor vietnam? hint have you seen rich people want to have good relation with poor people and the answer is a definite NO::rofl:

Idiot, this is called a win-win cooperation.
Call a name for the Sea is "East Sea" (by way of Vietnamese) or "West Philippine Sea" (by way of Filipinos) or "South China Sea" (by way of the West) or "South Sea " (by way of the Chinese) ... without prejudice to the interests of ASEAN.

No regulations required that a Secretary General of ASEAN was forced to call the Sea is SCS.

What reason for your complaint?

Why shouldn't I complain, I searched for more than two hours in Google and Yahoo maps and couldn't locate where East Sea is and than all the sudden I realized some yoyo unilaterally changed an international recognized name to suit its agenda in some dispute.

The ASEAN meeting is an international forum, when a member of a nation changes an international recognized name outside its border into the name of its country, he should have the courtesy of including the original name so that layman like me know what the heck he's talking about when I watch it on TV.

The world doesn't revolves around Vietnam, you know.
Why shouldn't I complain, I searched for more than two hours in Google and Yahoo maps and couldn't locate where East Sea is and than all the sudden I realized some yoyo unilaterally changed an international recognized name to suit its agenda in some dispute.

The ASEAN meeting is an international forum, when a member of a nation changes an international recognized name outside its border into the name of its country, he should have the courtesy of including the original name so that layman like me know what the heck he's talking about when I watch it on TV.

The world doesn't revolves around Vietnam, you know.

Just like the name that the Chinese call it "South Sea", "南海" "Nan hai", you may not be easy to search it on Google.

If you want to search "East Sea" (SCS) on google, you would type "Vietnamese East Sea" or "Biển Đông"

Dont worry, you'll get familiar with the names such as "East Sea" or "West Philippine Sea" that is like in the past, the West taught you call it is "South China Sea".

South China Sea is the dominant term used in English for the sea, and the name in most European languages is equivalent, but it is sometimes called by different names in neighboring countries, often reflecting historical claims to hegemony over the sea.
The English name is a result of early European interest in the sea as a route from Europe and South Asia to the trading opportunities of China. In the sixteenth century Portuguese sailors called it the China Sea (Mar da China); later needs to differentiate it from nearby bodies of water led to calling it the South China Sea.[2] The International Hydrographic Organization refers to the sea as "South China Sea (Nan Hai)".[3]
Historical Chinese names include Zhang Hai (Chinese: 漲海; pinyin: Zhǎng hǎi; literally "distended sea") used in records from the Han Dynasty, and Fei Hai (Chinese: 沸海; pinyin: Fèi hǎi; literally "boil sea") used during the Southern and Northern Dynasties period. Usage of the current Chinese name, Nan Hai (South Sea), became gradually widespread during the Qing Dynasty.[4]
In Southeast Asia it was once called the Champa Sea aka Sea of Cham, after the maritime kingdom of Champa that flourished there before the sixteenth century. The majority of the sea came under Japanese naval control during World War II following the military acquisition of many surrounding South East Asian territories in 1941. Japan calls the sea Minami Shina Kai "South China Sea". This was written 南支那海 until 2004, when the Japanese Foreign Ministry and other departments switched the spelling 南シナ海, which has become the standard usage in Japan.
In China, it is called the "South Sea", 南海 Nánhǎi, and in Vietnam the "East Sea", Biển Đông.[5][6][7] In the Philippines, Malaysia, and Indonesia it was long called the "South China Sea" (Dagat Timog Tsina in Tagalog, Laut China Selatan in Malay), with the part within Philippine territorial waters often called the "Luzon Sea", Dagat Luzon, by the Philippines. However, following an escalation of the Spratly Islands dispute in 2011, various Philippine government agencies started using the neologism "West Philippine Sea". A Pagasa spokesperson said that the sea to the east of the Philippines will continue to be called the Philippine Sea.[8]

East Sea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Protests in Vietnam as anger over China's 'bullying' grows | World news | The Guardian
Just like the name that the Chinese call it "South Sea", "南海" "Nan hai", you may not be easy to search it on Google.

If you want to search "East Sea" (SCS) on google, you would type "Vietnamese East Sea" or "Biển Đông"

Dont worry, you'll get familiar with the names such as "East Sea" or "West Philippine Sea" that is like in the past, the West taught you call it is "South China Sea".

When Chinese talk among themselves (as in media/TV) in Chinese they use 'South Sea', when they converse with foreigners in English the use SCS. They don't call the the US 'Mei Guo' on their English media, do they.

Not every is as smart as you or as computer literate as you. It's so easy for your minister to insert an international name after the national one, or perhaps he's as arrogant as you?

When Vietnam is strong enough to influence the world then you talk, right now nobody care about the name 'East Sea'. BTW your bringing Philippines into every discussion on disputes shows how alone Vietnam is.
When Chinese talk among themselves (as in media/TV) in Chinese they use 'South Sea', when they converse with foreigners in English the use SCS. They don't call the the US 'Mei Guo' on their English media, do they.

Not every is as smart as you or as computer literate as you. It's so easy for your minister to insert an international name after the national one, or perhaps he's as arrogant as you?

When Vietnam is strong enough to influence the world then you talk, right now nobody care about the name 'East Sea'. BTW your bringing Philippines into every discussion on disputes shows how alone Vietnam is.

Well, now the West dominates the world, we accept the name which called by the West for the Sea as an "international name".
But not so that you insist that you dont know the "local" names, which called by who live around the sea. For example, "East Sea", "South Sea", "West Philippine Sea" ..

BTW: You are confused, guy is alone who is not Vietnam.
It's not that everyone should use the western name or the west dominates the world. We're happen to be an international forum that uses English. You guys doing it properly by inserting SCS after East Sea but your minister doesn't have the same courtesy as you by not following the proper protocol because the ASEAN forum is also an international arena. His usage of only East Sea can be viewed as ignorant at best but arrogant at worst.
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