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Valentine's Day vs Haya Day: Liberal, conservative students clash over Valentine’s Day in Peshawar


Jan 19, 2013
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PESHAWAR: Rival students groups clashed in Peshawar university over Valentine Day celebrations in the campus, SAMAA reported.

Some Pakistanis celebrated Valentine's Day with balloons and flowers, but others denounce it as an anti-Islam tradition.

According to SAMAA correspondent, dozens of students associated with religious student party, Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT), and nationalist student group, Pakhtoon Student Federation (PSF), clashed using sticks and stones.

Reports said the clash erupted when PSF, a student wing of the Awami National Party (ANP), attempted to organized an event in connection with Valentine Day which is being observed today. The holding of such an event infuriated supporters of IJI, a student wing of politico-religious Jamaat-e-Islami.

The free use of iron and wooden sticks and stone-pelting turned the campus into a battle field and a student injured.

The clash prompted police to intervene. Heavy contingents of the law-enforcers entered the university premises and fired shot in the air to disperse the angry students. However, the angry mob also clashed with police.

Minutes later, reports said, some IJT workers entered university’s New Hostel and ransacked rooms occupied by the rival group. Books and furniture were also set on fire outside the hostel rooms.

Police, who tried unsuccessfully to control the situation, could not arrest any of the student activists.

Peshawar: Liberal, conservative students clash over Valentine’s Day fete | SAMAA TV

Happy Valentine day to everyone!

Its not necessary to have bf/gf to celebrate this day. Wish your loved ones on this day i.e your parents, cousins etc.

You may not know it but for the extremist and religiously seduced crowd out there , all things/practices/events Western MUST be negative , evil and need to be stopped by force . Ironic is the fact that almost all of the things they use in their day to day life are indeed from the same infidel West .
You may not know it but for the extremist and religiously seduced crowd out there , all things/practices/events Western MUST be negative , evil and need to be stopped by force . Ironic is the fact that almost all of the things they use in their day to day life are indeed from the same infidel West .
using products from the west and taking their culture is a huge difference don't you think?
Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (IJT) is complete rubbish. I hope they got a good beating
we all know how pakis are.
pakis aren't mature enough to celebrate this holiday.
all they do is go after girls like horny goats thats all.
I'm glad they are getting an *** whooping, no family should have to worry about sending their daughter to college and getting eloped by bastard who then later will abandon her.

Fcuk all conservative islamic scum bags ...i hate such people .So called thekeydaars of islam :angry:

I'm glad they are getting an *** whooping, no family should have to worry about sending their daughter to college and getting eloped by bastard who then later will abandon her.

Your location shows the United States of America , bon ami . You enjoy the freedom of speech and actions under the same secular law to the extent that you wouldn't like to live/work in Pakistan but here , you will act all conservative and religious . You like/love to live/work in the same country/culture/society but you wouldn't like us to enjoy the same freedom . Why is that ? I am quite sure their daughters possess a free and critical thinking mind and are mature enough to make right choices unlike toddlers or children who need to be told constantly , what is good for them . Its an insult on a person's intelligence . Do not you think ? :D
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