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‘Vaarunastra’ trials likely later this year


Dec 11, 2013
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The prestigious heavy weight torpedo 'Vaarunastra' designed and developed by the Naval Science and Technology Laboratory (NSTL) here is set to undergo evaluation trials later this year.

It has already completed the technology trials and would be handed over to the Indian Navy for user evaluation trials (UET), according to V. Bhujanga Rao, Director-General - Naval Systems and Materials, Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

He was speaking on the sidelines of the National Science Day celebrations organised at Andhra University Department of Physics here on Friday. He said it would take at least one year after the UET for it to go into production.

The 1,500 kg heavy weight torpedo would be manufactured at the Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL) facility here. The BDL team was observing the development and assembly of the prototypes at the Talwar facility at the NSTL.

The concurrent engineering would help the BDL assimilate the technology faster and take it to production line after transfer of technology with little lead time, he explained.

The BDL facility was producing the light weight Tal torpedoes for the Indian Navy.

The Navy was evincing interest in the other prestigious project of the NSTL – underwater autonomous vehicle – and the NSTL would be able to go ahead with the project only after an official confirmation from the Navy.

‘Vaarunastra’ trials likely later this year | Business Line
Good news.

But it will be even better if we have something like Shkval Torpedo.
Varunastra Torpedo



What's it's speed ?
Cool name Btw... Reminds me of Ramayan and mahabharat type weapons :p
One of my friends used to work in that organization. :super:
Heavy weight torpedo is a difficult technology to master,hope an advanced variant of the ship launched torpedo is developed that can be fired from under water ,like spearfish,seahake,mk48.
can anybody post specs of Black Shark Torpedo and compare it with this one???probably India should buy these than those foreign "maal"..though that means no disrespect to Black Shark,which is leading heavyweight torpedo of the world,having range over 50 km and top speed over 50 knots.
Good news,hope it succeeds its user trials without any hiccups.
By the way I'm more eagerly waiting for the heavy high speed thermal torpedo.It will have ~ twice the range and speed of contemporary electrical torpedoes,a maximum engagement depth of 800+ meters but most important of all it will be equipped with a silent pump jet propulsion system,making it very difficult if not impossible for the enemy combatants to detect it at longer distances.
Good news,hope it succeeds its user trials without any hiccups.
By the way I'm more eagerly waiting for the heavy high speed thermal torpedo.It will have ~ twice the range and speed of contemporary electrical torpedoes,a maximum engagement depth of 800+ meters but most important of all it will be equipped with a silent pump jet propulsion system,making it very difficult if not impossible for the enemy combatants to detect it at longer distances.

The Thermal torpedo will be called "Shakti". Here is the picture of the engine developed by NSTL.


It has a air independent propulsion system uses a liquid mono-propellant called high-energy fuel as energy source and single stage axial flow impulse partial admission turbine as the prime mover. The turbine runs at a very high speed of 50,000 rpm. The high speed of turbine is reduced to propeller speed using a two-speed reduction gearbox.

The high-pressure liquid mono-propellant fuel pump which can develop pressure up to 400 bar, and is mounted on the gear box pod. This propulsion system also uses a pump stack mounted on gearbox pod. The pump stack contains a seawater pump, a hydraulic pump and two lub oil pumps stacked together and driven by a single shaft.

Hydraulic pump supplies oil at a pressure of 210 bar to the hydraulic fin actuation system and also to the servo valves, which runs in a closed circuit. Lub oil is used for lubrication and cooling of gears and oil is cooled in a compact heat exchanger and is re-circulated. Seawater pump, draws the water to cater to all the cooling requirements of hot gas components. This whole engine occupies a length of 1170 mm and weighs about 235 kgf.

great..do you know anything about its range???

Range should be between 30 km to 40 Km.
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