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V K Singh joins BJP, will he be Next Defence Minister of Country?

This can be dangerous......

A retd. Army General would have leanings towards Army which in turn can effect modernization of IAF & IN.

A neutral person would be a better DM.
I actually don't think that's the case. Yes, the IA will have a soft-spot in his heart but he's a MILITARY man and is not stupid. He is well aware India's Military needs to be strengthened across the board, he would have taken part in a number of working committees and seminars on the subject of joint-operations and it was under him that the tri-service commands for Cyber, Aerospace and Spec Ops moved foreword. Tbh the Indian Mil brass as a whole in all 3 services have woken up to the need to integrate their plans and utilise each other's strengths.

It will just be refreshing to see someone in that post who has a bloody clue about defence matters! Just by being in the Military he all understand what is needed and will undoubtedly have a great work ethic.

Whilst I am not 100% okay with a former COAS getting into politics, this just isn't the done thing in India, but I think it is just what the Indian Military needs right now and I am so hoping to see someone from a defence background in the Def Min position. VKS had been pushing for certain key procurements that Antony has sat on- ULH, RSH etc .VKS had also been pushing hard for the IA's modernisation.

Also I dont think IAF and Navy will be too pleased with him, nor would everybody in Army.
Perhaps but they will get used to it- they will have to.
He might even influence the promotions of top leadership.
Nope, he has no right to at all, no politician does. It is an internal IA matter and has been free from political control all this time, if he was to interfere that would be a major over-reach which the IA nor the Indian Govt would allow. Tbh, I don't see why he would particularly care about these things if he is Def Min.

He is a disgrace to Indian army, created lot of pain for civilian govt which never happened before.

Maybe when he is on the other side (as Def Min) he will actually work from the inside, against the institution he came to blows with, to make things better for the civilian-military ties, I don't see why not.

He has a running feud with current Army chief. He is probably the least suitable person to become defense minister. His appointment would be divisive for Army and has potential of causing communal rift within Army. Hindu-Sikh relations have barely healed from Rapine of Rajiv and this is the last thing we need.
What are you talking about?? Hindu-Sikh relations?? What has this got to do with anything??

Communal rift within the Army? Are you serious?

This is nonsense....
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General Bikram Singh is a tainted officer and this has been know since the scandalous congo mission. He was far less suitable to become Army chief. You cannot compare the impeccable credentials of VK Singh with him.
Bikram singh and his cronies needs to be flushed from the Indian army and VK Singh is the one to do it since he knows the working of the army well enough and knows the officers very well.
Dragging in religion is just pathetic.
Sheer nonsense, the Congo business happened under his command when he was a division/brigade commander (i forget which) so a few scumbags out of his command of 1000s/10,000s did these things- how does this "taint" Bikram Singh?

The only one peddling conspiracy theories is you.
Outgoing General JJ Singh wanted his cronie Bikram singh to be the next Army chief. This would have been only possible if VK Singh was removed before his tenure. That is how the entire line of succession in the Army works.
Congress appointed the corrupt JJ Singh as Governor of Arunachal Pradesh as his reward
Again, sheer conspiracy BS with little to no actual evidence, JJ and Bikram barely even know each other, the only thing they have in common is that they are both Sikhs which is meaningless in the IA context, so what's your point?

About General V K Singh, he is the first commando to become Army Chief.
During his career, he has topped all his courses including the prestigious Rangers Course at Fort Benning and the United States Army Infantry school.
He is the last army chief who had seen action in the 1971 war for liberation of Bangaldesh. None after him has actually been in a real war. (not counting Kargil as one)
Again what a useless point, given the fact that 1971 was 43 years ago it stands to reason that now no COAS will have served in that war! Bikram Singh (according to Wiki) was only commissioned into the IA in 1972! But then most top-brass will have served in Kargil (which was a war and I don't know why you've ruled that out for your own arbitrary criteria), JK (again a war/high-intensy conflict) and in a few cases (as with Bikram Singh) in the UN on peacekeeping missions. If any of these following chiefs had been of appropriate age/postion they would have been sent to war/1971 and would have fought like any one else at the time, it's not like they shirked their responsibility.

To attack all subsequent Cheifs after VKS for not having served in 1971 is like attacking them for not fighting in the Indian independence movement!

He may not be the leader of Sikh community but Army personals are regarded highly by Sikhs. One of the important grouse of khalistanis was that a Sikh has never became Army chief.

I'm a Sikh and have heard all this Khalistani BS but have never once heard this "grouse"- the IA has now had TWO Sikh COAS, the senior most Officer in the IAF is a Sikh, Sikhs have held incredibly senior posts in the Indian Mil and have been over-represented if anything in the Indian Mil so I can assure you this is not a issue for Sikhs one bit- even the Khalistani scum.

Does India not have a law like Pakistan, which prevents govt. employee to for taking part in political activies, for certain period!
I do believe their is such a period for retd Indian Mil officers actually 2-3 year IIRC.
I do believe their is such a period for retd Indian Mil officers actually 2-3 year IIRC.

Conflicting answers.... so far!
Anyhow than does general VP's political activities are not violation of such act?
Conflicting answers.... so far!
Anyhow than does general VP's political activities are not violation of such act?
I assume it is 2 years then because VKS retired in 2012. I'm not 100% sure though, this is just what I picked up last year when it looked like VKS was being courted by the BJP.
Sheer nonsense, the Congo business happened under his command when he was a division/brigade commander (i forget which) so a few scumbags out of his command of 1000s/10,000s did these things- how does this "taint" Bikram Singh?

Rhetoric's cannot substitute for facts. Gen. Bikram singh was deputy force commander during the congo mission. He was also General Officer Commanding (GOC) Eastern Division that was responsible for the North Kivu Brigade which was involved in the whole scandal. That the sexual misconduct happened under his command demonstrates clear failure of command. Court of Inquiry was held against 12 officers and 39 men under his command after the stink was raised. Worse he was involved in covering up the whole issue.

There is no fig leaf to be found here.

Again, sheer conspiracy BS with little to no actual evidence, JJ and Bikram barely even know each other, the only thing they have in common is that they are both Sikhs which is meaningless in the IA context, so what's your point?

LOL.....are you actually claiming JJ Singh and Bikram Sing did not know each other ? :cheesy:

Here is something for you to chew from a reputed publication like the Diplomat.

General Singh Pays for Integrity | The Diplomat

" .......In India, neither merit nor wealth determines promotion in the higher ranks of the military, judiciary or administration, but the calendar. Appointments are made based on the age of the person selected. A previous Chief of Army Staff, Gen. J.J. Singh, ensured that the succession would go first to a close friend, Gen. Deepak Kapoor. After that, Gen. V.K. Singh’s tenure could be shortened by a third by “persuading” the general to increase his age by a year as a condition for being recommended as chief. According to V .K. Singh, he agreed to this only as a temporary measure, no doubt expecting that his original date of birth (recorded in the hospital where he was born) would be restored after he took over the top job in the Army in 2010. Unfortunately for him, the general made the same mistakes as Bhagwat in undertaking a cleanup operation at Army HQ and GHQ. Gen. Singh was an inconvenience to the system, a fact which caused many to conclude that he had to go.

Singh clearly doesn’t want his predecessor's favorite, Lt-Gen. Bikramjit Singh, to succeed him as Army chief. After Bikramjit, another acolyte of J.J. Singh, Lt-Gen. Dalbir Suhag, will take over as Commander of the Armed Services (COAS). That J.J. Singh, Bikramjit Singh and Suhag are all three members of India’s tiny but influential Sikh community (Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, is himself one) has injected a communal color to the controversy. In fact there are allegations that J.J. Singh engineered the date of birth controversy to ensure that his two fellow Sikhs follow V.K. Singh into the post of COAS......."

Again what a useless point, given the fact that 1971 was 43 years ago it stands to reason that now no COAS will have served in that war! Bikram Singh (according to Wiki) was only commissioned into the IA in 1972! But then most top-brass will have served in Kargil (which was a war and I don't know why you've ruled that out for your own arbitrary criteria), JK (again a war/high-intensy conflict) and in a few cases (as with Bikram Singh) in the UN on peacekeeping missions. If any of these following chiefs had been of appropriate age/postion they would have been sent to war/1971 and would have fought like any one else at the time, it's not like they shirked their responsibility.

To attack all subsequent Cheifs after VKS for not having served in 1971 is like attacking them for not fighting in the Indian independence movement!

LOL. VK Singh was commissioned into the Rajput Regiment in 1970 and commanded the same unit when it was positioned along the Line of Control with Pakistan. He was a Captain when he participated in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War.

However your allegation of me attacking other subsequent chiefs of not having participated in any significant war is a Strawman and you know it. :lol:

The fact remains he is the last chief to have participated in any significant war and that fact makes him particularly valuable.
Rhetoric's cannot substitute for facts. Gen. Bikram singh was deputy force commander during the congo mission. He was also General Officer Commanding (GOC) Eastern Division that was responsible for the North Kivu Brigade which was involved in the whole scandal. That the sexual misconduct happened under his command demonstrates clear failure of command. Court of Inquiry was held against 12 officers and 39 men under his command after the stink was raised. Worse he was involved in covering up the whole issue.

There is no fig leaf to be found here.

LOL.....are you actually claiming JJ Singh and Bikram Sing did not know each other ? :cheesy:

Here is something for you to chew from a reputed publication like the Diplomat.

General Singh Pays for Integrity | The Diplomat

" .......In India, neither merit nor wealth determines promotion in the higher ranks of the military, judiciary or administration, but the calendar. Appointments are made based on the age of the person selected. A previous Chief of Army Staff, Gen. J.J. Singh, ensured that the succession would go first to a close friend, Gen. Deepak Kapoor. After that, Gen. V.K. Singh’s tenure could be shortened by a third by “persuading” the general to increase his age by a year as a condition for being recommended as chief. According to V .K. Singh, he agreed to this only as a temporary measure, no doubt expecting that his original date of birth (recorded in the hospital where he was born) would be restored after he took over the top job in the Army in 2010. Unfortunately for him, the general made the same mistakes as Bhagwat in undertaking a cleanup operation at Army HQ and GHQ. Gen. Singh was an inconvenience to the system, a fact which caused many to conclude that he had to go.

Singh clearly doesn’t want his predecessor's favorite, Lt-Gen. Bikramjit Singh, to succeed him as Army chief. After Bikramjit, another acolyte of J.J. Singh, Lt-Gen. Dalbir Suhag, will take over as Commander of the Armed Services (COAS). That J.J. Singh, Bikramjit Singh and Suhag are all three members of India’s tiny but influential Sikh community (Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, is himself one) has injected a communal color to the controversy. In fact there are allegations that J.J. Singh engineered the date of birth controversy to ensure that his two fellow Sikhs follow V.K. Singh into the post of COAS......."

LOL. VK Singh was commissioned into the Rajput Regiment in 1970 and commanded the same unit when it was positioned along the Line of Control with Pakistan. He was a Captain when he participated in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War.

However your allegation of me attacking other subsequent chiefs of not having participated in any significant war is a Strawman and you know it. :lol:

The fact remains he is the last chief to have participated in any significant war and that fact makes him particularly valuable.
I can't reason with this sort of stupid, @arp2041 , @Dillinger , @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR be my guests.....
I can't reason with this sort of stupid, @arp2041 , @Dillinger , @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR be my guests.....

Ye olde exercise in futility, abandon hope for there be dragons where you seek to tread. Trying to explain the rigors and responsibilities of command to civvies with no personal insight (at least living in a family where a lot of people served) is nigh impossible. Leave it be.
:blah::blah: stop getting nightmares about RSS/BJP all the time. In anycase they'll go easy on lungi clad rickshaw pullers... so you'r quite safe. Now stand in the que & wait for your turn to be noticed! :stop:
If you have nothing useful to contribute,keep mum. Don't bakwas.
This can be dangerous......

A retd. Army General would have leanings towards Army which in turn can effect modernization of IAF & IN.

A neutral person would be a better DM.
No i think it would be better, Most senators and high ranking officials in USA have served in forces and therefore they form foreign policies accordingly.
It is time India had some ex- military personnel in politics and decision making they are best suited for planning about our army and its needs.

Initially they will ensure he looses election. Then his political career ends in being appointed a governor - if BJP gets into power. If he wins, they will not give him defense or a major portfolio. A study of RSS/BJP political culture suggests thus.
You have written a dissertation over that topic would like to see, where it was printed and verified by whom?Why so much assburn, he will become defence minister once elections are over.Are you scared that it will blowback on you guys once a ex-military man becomes a ministe?
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Ye olde exercise in futility, abandon hope for there be dragons where you seek to tread. Trying to explain the rigors and responsibilities of command to civvies with no personal insight (at least living in a family where a lot of people served) is nigh impossible. Leave it be.
yeah blame the bloody uncivilized civvies..
The only place for dog is the kennel, I might entertain him in the house and dont mind his presence much, but the moment he wants to own my house and have sex with my wife my love for him will be withdrawn.
yeah blame the bloody uncivilized civvies..
The only place for dog is the kennel, I might entertain him in the house and dont mind his presence much, but the moment he wants to own my house and have sex with my wife my love for him will be withdrawn.

Beta the 18 year old nubes who shy away at having their testicles scanned during med could steal your wife away from you..my friend returned from CDS and promptly laid his pimp hand on me by pulling u-lifts on a pullup bar....I was much emasculated that day.
yeah blame the bloody uncivilized civvies..
The only place for dog is the kennel, I might entertain him in the house and dont mind his presence much, but the moment he wants to own my house and have sex with my wife my love for him will be withdrawn.

Drama queen much? :p:

Are we talking about V.K Singh or the Indian Army in general? Cuz Mr. Singh is merely the exception that proves the rule right:

Eight ex-Army chiefs reject Gen VK Singh's allegations, say Army is apolitical
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