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Uzbek Militants arrested in Swat

Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Army arrests two Uzbeks from Swat

PESHAWAR: Army personnel on Friday arrested two burqa-clad Uzbek militants who were trying to sneak into Fizagut check-post.
On suspicion the security personnel signaled a van (UC 378) bound for Fizagat check-post, to stop in Charbagh area.
On probe they found two Uzbeks clad in burqas who were trying to reach the check-posts pretending to be women.
They were arrested and shifted to some unknown place for interrogation.
It was further learnt that the arrested Uzbeks were injured during fight in Swat.
The incharge of Swat Media Centre, Amjad Iqbal has confirmed the arrest of two Uzbek militants.
The arrest has also proved claims of the government about presence of foreigners in Malakand, who, the government said were active in creating law and order in the agency, true.
Further more some analysts also feared the presence of Uzbek militants owing to barbaric slaughtering of FC personnel and some local last month, which is believe to be a handy work of those foreigners (mainly Uzbeks) present in the ranks of militants loyal to Fazlullah.

Report By Jana
Why cant we just put pressure on uzbikstan to stop this terrorism? after all its their people so the uzbisk government should be held accountable for it.
Why cant we just put pressure on uzbikstan to stop this terrorism? after all its their people so the uzbisk government should be held accountable for it.

Well Icy the problem is we cant beacause there is no prove that Uzbekistan is sponsering them officialy. Secondly most of the Uzbeks here who are fighting against Pak Army are those who sneak into Pakistan from Afghanistan illegaly through un-traditional routes and also they are being backed by anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan.
Northern Alliance is also a party to this.

So problem dosnt originate from Uzbekistan itself rather Afghanistan is the main ground.
Well Icy the problem is we cant beacause there is no prove that Uzbekistan is sponsering them officialy. Secondly most of the Uzbeks here who are fighting against Pak Army are those who sneak into Pakistan from Afghanistan illegaly through un-traditional routes and also they are being backed by anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan.
Northern Alliance is also a party to this.

So problem dosnt originate from Uzbekistan itself rather Afghanistan is the main ground.

well said! - uzbek/tajik alliance against pakistan.
looks like the PA operation is putting the heat on the militants esp the foreigners.(K**L THEM ALL)
well said! - uzbek/tajik alliance against pakistan.
looks like the PA operation is putting the heat on the militants esp the foreigners.(K**L THEM ALL)

Yup definetly and we are going to get them i guess it was good that we had started it though late but its essential specially when Lowari Tunnel is already in progress and we can see its importance as once if this tunnel is completed it means we are going to be connected with China more easily and China factor should be kept in mind
Secondly most of the Uzbeks here who are fighting against Pak Army are those who sneak into Pakistan from Afghanistan illegaly through un-traditional routes and also they are being backed by anti-Pakistan elements in Afghanistan.
Northern Alliance is also a party to this.

Northern Alliance and Taliban cannot possibly work together.
Northern Alliance and Taliban cannot possibly work together.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. this is the story of Afghanistan. people come together to fight a common enemy and once it is gone then they start to fight amongst each other.
But Northern Alliance and India can very much work togather
I really doubt Uzbekistan has a bone to pick with Pakistan. It is probably beyond their control.

We have to seal it up from our side.
But Northern Alliance and India can very much work togather

Then why aren't the NA and Taliban taking their fight to Pakistan. As far as I know, the violence is all targetted against the Pakistani forces, not among themselves.
Then why aren't the NA and Taliban taking their fight to Pakistan. As far as I know, the violence is all targetted against the Pakistani forces, not among themselves.

Why would Taliabn launched such drive alog with Indian Backed Northern Alliance.

Taliban basically the Mullah Umer group were never against Paksitan nor did they ever supported any destablization of Pakistan unlike Northern Alliance who is always involved in anti-Pakistan propoganda and Terror activities inside Pakistan with help of India and funding from INDIA.

Northeran Alliance and Taliban are two different entities

as Talibans' main struggle is against US occupation while

Northern Alliance is only fighting against own people in Afghanistan just for getting into power and not for liberating Afghanistan from aliens.

Northern Alliance is totally opposed to Pakistan while Taliban has never been involved in disintegrating Pakistan.

Hence your notion of their getting togather against Pakistan is highly farce
I really doubt Uzbekistan has a bone to pick with Pakistan. It is probably beyond their control.

We have to seal it up from our side.

Asim we are not blaming Uzbekistan

Northern Alliance is free from official Uzbekistan controle.
Why would Taliabn launched such drive alog with Indian Backed Northern Alliance.

Taliban basically the Mullah Umer group were never against Paksitan nor did they ever supported any destablization of Pakistan unlike Northern Alliance who is always involved in anti-Pakistan propoganda and Terror activities inside Pakistan with help of India and funding from INDIA.

Northeran Alliance and Taliban are two different entities

as Talibans' main struggle is against US occupation while

Northern Alliance is only fighting against own people in Afghanistan just for getting into power and not for liberating Afghanistan from aliens.

Northern Alliance is totally opposed to Pakistan while Taliban has never been involved in disintegrating Pakistan.

Hence your notion of their getting togather against Pakistan is highly farce

?? You didn't understand my post yaar....
someone is backing these militants up,with money and that could only be india.
someone is backing these militants up,with money and that could only be india.

Don't you consider that the money could be coming from Saudi Arabia, Iran, Emirates?

If you think logically for one tiny moment, you will realize that the last thing India wants to do is push the Taliban right to its doorstep.

Think!! India doesn't want a pakistan that is run over by Islamists. IT IS NOT IN THE INTEREST OF INDIA.
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