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User Trials of Akash From April 23


Jul 6, 2009
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United States
User Trials of Akash From April 23 | The New Indian Express

In a bid to induct the surface-to-air nuclear capable Akash missile in the armed forces, DRDO is readying to conduct final round user associate trial of the weapon system from April 23 for several days.

In a bid to induct the surface-to-air nuclear capable Akash missile in the armed forces, DRDO is readying to conduct final round user associate trial of the weapon system from April 23 for several days.

Defence sources said this indigenously developed anti-aircraft missile had been scheduled to be test fired from the launching complex-III of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur off the Odisha coast.

While preparation for the crucial test of the missile is on in full swing, radars and related tracking systems have been put on place. At least three rounds of the missile have been planned to be tested. The missiles have been integrated.

Akash is a mobile, multiple-target handling air defence missile developed under Integrated Guided Missile Development Programme (IGMDP). It has a strike range of 30 km and can be fired from both tracked and wheeled platforms.

“Akash, which aims to replace the Russian 2K12 Kub missiles that are in service presently, is an all-weather area air defence weapon system for defending vulnerable areas against medium range air targets penetrating from various altitudes,” said a defence scientist associated with the project.

This missile system, which is fitted with a state-of-the-art radar, developed by Electronics and Radar Development Establishment (LRDE), a DRDO laboratory in Bangalore, can simultaneously engage several targets. The radar carries out the surveillance, tracks the target, acquires it and guides the missile towards it.

Defence experts have compared Akash missile system with the American MIM-104 Patriot surface-to-air missile system. They claimed that similar to the MIM-104, the Akash is capable of neutralising aerial targets such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), fighter jets, cruise missiles and air-to-surface missiles.
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