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US warn's Sri Lanka

This chinese thing is very much exaggerated as much as accusations against SL. Did you read the wikileaks that i provided. I hope you understand what really is happening.
no I havent read it fully. But I will in few hours.

Another aspect is negative media and propaganda war carried against SL. US might be in a position that they cant ignore. Actually US hasnt really persued war crime accusations, it is UK mostly.

If you like to know i will talk about how this all began.

Sure I am all ears. Please as much as you can :tup:

One thing does this mean you are not agreeing with @Skyline on US-China reason !!!
Dont act like you didnt understand.

what skin color? I said physically SL tamils do not look like TN tamils.

You brought out the skin color and now you seem to suffer from amnesia

Not only Sinhalese, SL tamils too have a lighter skin tone unlike TN tamils. Why?
If you have beaten the Tamils on your own you can take all the credit but not when you had military aid from the following countries :

1) China - major sponsor of arms
2) India - a major contributor to your victor and genocide
3) Iran
4) Pakistan
5) Isreal
6) France

We BOUGHT weapons from China, Pakistan, India, Israel. You know you go to a shop and there is a thing you call BUYING? The same way india buys American weapons. Not only that we bought british weapons. If we want we will buy any kind of weapon. Hope you have the commonsense to understand that.

We BOY oil from Iran. And i cant understand how France helped SL.

Between LTTE acquired weapons from China using Eretria, LTTE got massive support from Norway, UK. LTTE even sent their cadres to be trained in Israel.

And dear child buying is not aid

You brought out the skin color and now you seem to suffer from amnesia

yes but that is not to demean anyone as you suggested. but as a way of showing how different TN stooges are from SL tamils. You understand skin color can be something coming from your genes. I guess you have at least that level of education.

You brought out the skin color and now you seem to suffer from amnesia

between you dont have any other answer to things that i asked before? Not even about wikileaks? oh !

no I havent read it fully. But I will in few hours.

Sure I am all ears. Please as much as you can :tup:

One thing does this mean you are not agreeing with @Skyline on US-China reason !!!

US-China is just one reason, but one among many. But many times it is exaggerated. The arrogance part that i talked about before play a lot.
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no I havent read it fully. But I will in few hours.

Sure I am all ears. Please as much as you can :tup:

One thing does this mean you are not agreeing with @Skyline on US-China reason !!!

1. War crimes and genocide charges started appearing even before SL finish war.
2. UK's then party in power Labour party is a party that heavily depend on immigrant votes. Therefore the LTTE remnants in UK have a strong influence on Labour party. So to secure their electorate then UK gov started an anti Lankan attitude. A key figure among them is David Miliband. He himself has said he spent like 60% of his time on SL war. UK gov together with Sweden, Norway and France started to pressurise SL gov to stop the offensive. But anyone with the knowledge on history of Lankan war would say stopping the war at that time is a big mistake.

So Lankan gov had to politely (sometimes not politely) had to tell UK and other western govs to mind their own business. SL didnt even give visa to Swedish PM. These things must have hurt a lot together with pressure from electorate.


At the same time LTTE propaganda machines started working saying there is a humanitarian catastrophe in SL. Contant protests and even false propaganda made a negative impact on SL.

UK, Canada are all for electoral reasons.
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1. War crimes and genocide charges started appearing even before SL finish war.
2. UK's then party in power Labour party is a party that heavily depend on immigrant votes. Therefore the LTTE remnants in UK have a strong influence on Labour party. So to secure their electorate then UK gov started an anti Lankan attitude. A key figure among them is David Miliband. He himself has said he spent like 60% of his time on SL war. UK gov together with Sweden, Norway and France started to pressurise SL gov to stop the offensive. But anyone with the knowledge on history of Lankan war would say stopping the war at that time is a big mistake.

So Lankan gov had to politely (sometimes not politely) had to tell UK and other western govs to mind their own business. SL didnt even give visa to Swedish PM. These things must have hurt a lot together with pressure from electorate.


At the same time LTTE propaganda machines started working saying there is a humanitarian catastrophe in SL. Contant protests and even false propaganda made a negative impact on SL.

UK, Canada are all for electoral reasons.
So does Lankan govt sees the things now. As I said earlier UN tool can be used to make Lanka next Iran.
And I am sorry its unlikely China can help you as they will be their own interests in US which is their bigger market.
We BOUGHT weapons from China, Pakistan, India, Israel. You know you go to a shop and there is a thing you call BUYING? The same way india buys American weapons. Not only that we bought british weapons. If we want we will buy any kind of weapon. Hope you have the commonsense to understand that.

We BOY oil from Iran. And i cant understand how France helped SL.

Between LTTE acquired weapons from China using Eretria, LTTE got massive support from Norway, UK. LTTE even sent their cadres to be trained in Israel.

And dear child buying is not a..

why not add LTTE acquired MBRLs from Iran , Patrol boats from France, fighter jets from Pakistan, Cluster bombs /Chemical weapons from Russia ???

1. War crimes and genocide charges started appearing even before SL finish war.
2. UK's then party in power Labour party is a party that heavily depend on immigrant votes. Therefore the LTTE remnants in UK have a strong influence on Labour party. So to secure their electorate then UK gov started an anti Lankan attitude. A key figure among them is David Miliband. He himself has said he spent like 60% of his time on SL war. UK gov together with Sweden, Norway and France started to pressurise SL gov to stop the offensive. But anyone with the knowledge on history of Lankan war would say stopping the war at that time is a big mistake.

So Lankan gov had to politely (sometimes not politely) had to tell UK and other western govs to mind their own business. SL didnt even give visa to Swedish PM. These things must have hurt a lot together with pressure from electorate.

At the same time LTTE propaganda machines started working saying there is a humanitarian catastrophe in SL. Contant protests and even false propaganda made a negative impact on SL.

UK, Canada are all for electoral reasons.

your vote bank fantasy is far fetched, Tamils don't constitute 1 % of UK or Canada pop. If you can please provide statistical data to support your fantasy .. ???
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why not add LTTE acquired MBRLs from Iran , Patrol boats from France, fighter jets from Pakistan, Cluster bombs /Chemical weapons from Russia ???

your vote bank fantasy is far fetched, Tamils don't constitute 1 % of UK or Canada pop. If you can please provide statistical data to support your fantasy .. ???

Why try to dismiss what i said throwing fantasies of a nutjob like yours. What did you think? that LTTE used catapaults and used to throw stones at SLA?

vote bank fantasy is not far fetched. It is the vote banks that really influence these countries. Anyone in UK would accept how their political parties especially Labour party bend over for immigrant votes.

LTTE - Eritrea

Investigations into Tigers’ weapons procurement reveal
The Norwegian government helped the LTTE to establish relations with Eritrea
, which allowed the group to purchase arms, ammunition and equipment from China on Eritrean end-user certificates and other documents needed to legally buy weapons, according to well informed sources.
Sources said the tripartite understanding had been reached in Norway as far back as 2002-2003, when it facilitated negotiations purportedly aimed at ending Sri Lanka’s war. Sources said the on-going investigations had revealed that Norway facilitated the meeting between Eritrean representatives and the LTTE.
Responding to The Island queries, sources said the then Sri Lankan government had not been aware of Norway’s surreptitious move to strengthen the conventional fighting capability of the LTTE. Sources added that some members of the LTTE negotiating team, too, had been involved with the Eritreans. Government sources said that the international community should investigate the Norwegian role in destabilizing a UN member state.
The interrogation of Kumaran Padmanathan aka ‘KP’ captured by Sri Lanka over two months ago had confirmed the Eritrean deal, sources said.
India is also seeking to interrogate ‘KP’ though New Delhi never allowed Sri Lanka access to LTTE terrorists arrested during eelam war IV. Over 90 per cent of all heavy equipment, including a range of artillery pieces and 14.5 mm four barrelled anti-aircraft guns captured by the army were of Chinese origin.
Sources said ‘KP’, though unable to shed light on terrorist operations in Sri Lanka could help expose the vast international network of supporters, including the direct involvement of Norway in supporting terrorism. According to sources, the Norwegians, during bilateral talks with the LTTE had promised the outfit to develop ocean resources. Discussions had centred on oil exploration as well as the fisheries sector, sources said adding that the far reaching Norwegian project was believed to have started as far back as the arrival of NORAD in Sri Lanka.
Sources said that the LTTE had used Eritrean and also North Korean end-user-certificates to procure arms from China and smuggled them in several consignments before the Sri Lanka Navy destroyed eight floating arsenals on the high seas between September 2006 and October 2007.
Sources revealed that the Norwegian embassy in Colombo had gone to the extent of contacting the Maldivian government in May 2007, when the Maldivian Coast Guard intercepted a trawler carrying LTTE cargo. But, the Norwegians failed to save Sri Krishna, belonging to Indian fishermen from destruction and the SLN intelligence got an opportunity to question captured LTTE cadres as well as the Indian Captain of the vessel.
The then Chief Norwegian facilitator Erik Solheim had been directly involved in forming the Eritrean-LTTE relationship, sources said. An official said that the bottomline was that Norway had eyed Sri Lanka’s ocean resources and ministers, who had represented Sri Lanka in negotiations, had been totally unaware of what was going on behind their backs.
Sri Lanka recently decided to establish diplomatic relations with Eritrea. Although the former Navy Chief Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda revealed the LTTE relationship with an African country shortly after the killing of LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon in May, in an interview with the ITN. The Island was the first to name the country.

Norwegian - LTTE relations say how much western countries would help terrorist organisations for their PROFIT
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quote="Saradiel, post: 5027439

sorry dude , your source is Lanka website and has no credibility its nothing but hogwash.

Sri Lanka had superior fire power and support from 7 major powerful countries , China, Russia, India Israel , Pakistan and Iran in military training, intelligence support and supply of sophisticated weapons of mass destruction

How India secretly helped Lanka destroy the LTTE - Rediff.com News
quote="Saradiel, post: 5027439

sorry dude , your source is Lanka website and has no credibility its nothing but hogwash.

Sri Lanka had superior fire power and support from 7 major powerful countries , China, Russia, India Israel , Pakistan and Iran in military training, intelligence support and supply of sophisticated weapons of mass destruction

How India secretly helped Lanka destroy the LTTE - Rediff.com News
That is infor extracted from KP. Though you try to dismiss them here they are well reported and with evidence.

Eritrea providing direct military assistance to LTTE - USSFRC
A United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee (USSFRC) report has revealed that Eritrea was providing direct military assistance to LTTE.
Although a report released by the USSFRC did not specifically identify the military assistance given to the LTTE, it had confirmed the direct link between the LTTE and Eritrea.
This was based on the findings of a six member Senate Foreign Relations Committee majority staff conducting an investigation in 20 Latin American, Asian and the Middle East. The delegation had studied 'counterterrorism strategy, policies and activities, giving special attention to foreign assistance.'
"Eritrea won independence from Ethiopia in 1993. Until a UN resolution in 1952 united both countries Eritrea was a sovereign nation with distinct nationality to that of the Ethiopian. Since then, the Ethiopians and Eritreans have been engaged in military offensive until the latter's independence endorsed by the United Nations."
"Sri Lanka was one of the countries year marked by the Bush White House last year for enhanced military assistance, and it is up to the diplomatic efforts of the Sri Lanka government to use her public diplomacy from the American ambassador to the officials of the State Department to justify the need for military assistance to combat the home grown terrorism that has threatened her territorial integrity, sovereignty and democracy."
This is the first occasion that an influential and powerful senate committee such as foreign relations has arrived at a conclusion when discussing the Tamil Tiger activities in Sri Lanka and the threat that it posses to this South Asian island-nation's territorial integrity, sovereignty and her near-six decade old democratic system in identifying a member nation of the United Nations providing military aid against another member of the same World Body which has a legitimate democratically elected government to facilitate a rebel group fighting for a separate state.
The then chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Richard Lugar, now the Ranking Member of the same committee after the Democratic majority in the Senate took over the control of all committees of the Senate in January 2007, made the findings of his staff available for Congressional record on 15 December 2006 with copies to the White House, State and Defense Departments.

LTTE diaries may prove foreign link
Sutirtho Patranobis, Hindustan Times
Colombo, July 23, 2010
Email to Author

First Published: 20:42 IST(23/7/2010)
Last Updated: 00:14 IST(24/7/2010)
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A bunch of yellowing diaries found in a former Tamil Tiger hideout in northern Sri Lanka could provide vital clues to Lankan intelligence agencies about the rebels' existing international and fund raising networks. Sri Lankan army search teams stumbled upon not only the diaries but scores of abandoned passports and other documents during a search operation in Viswamadu, which is not very far from the final theatre of battle in north-eastern Sri Lanka.
According to the defence ministry, the diaries and the documents have so far yielded vital information about the LTTE's alleged involvement in human trafficking, arms smuggling and financial dealings in east Asia, western Europe, Canada and Africa.
The documents have also revealed information about LTTE investments around the world and transactions connected to the group's shipping operations.
The defence ministry claimed that Lankan intelligence agencies were on the verge of arresting an LTTE cadre Narendran, a Tamilian married to a Russian, operating from a country in Europe.

The ministry added that they were also tracking two more people, Bhavidaran and Rooban, who are allegedly running LTTE front offices in Indonesia.
Colombo is also pursuing several governments to dismantle three broad groups that are now assumed to be controlling the remaining pro-LTTE international factions: the US group is said to be headed by V. Rudrakumaran, the UK group by Aruththanthai Emmanuel of the World Tamil Forum (WTF) and the Norway group by Nediyavan.
Recently, at least eight persons in the Netherlands and five in Germany were arrested by the respective government agencies on suspicion of having links with the LTTE.
The Sri Lanka government is also using diplomatic channels to stall pro-LTTE activities and dismantle arms smuggling network in the African country of Eritrea.
In early 2009, the Tamil Tigers here were ready to receive a consignment of several dismantled light aircraft to be shipped from the Eritrean coastline. But before the shipment could be sent, the civil war ended here.

Another one,

Sri Lanka recovers 12 Tamil Tiger fighter planes in Eritrea
Kumaran Pathmanathan's (KP) arrest, interrogation, and subsequent investigations have revealed Eritrea's involvement in aiding the Tamil Tigers.

Eritrea is a African nation bordering Ethiopia, and has long been a safe haven for terrorist networks and pirates. Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaeda has been operating from the impoverished African nation for a decade, or more.

With information obtained by Pathmanathan, Sri Lanka's intelligence agency has been preoccupied, of late, with destroying the Tigers' arms networks and financial networks overseas.

12 Tamil Tiger (LTTE) aircraft have been located parked at the Eritrea airport. Sri Lanka hopes to open an embassy in Eritrea, and is also in talks with the Eritrean government in order to confiscate the planes.
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After joining this forum, I had found few things.

Indians hate Pakistanis.
Pakistani hate Hindus.
Sri Lankans hate Tamils and Vice versa
Bangladeshi hates both India and Pakistan.
Finally Chinese-> No idea whom they hate but they don't abuse much and good posts :P.

Btw all you guys who fight here should come and visit Singapore where you can see Indians, Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Chinese working together, eating together and drinking together .

I know you guys are very patriotic about you're country but abusive words, hurting religious sentiments, calling for people death and asking for genocide are creepy.

Just from an eyes of a foreigner who got a bad sleep after reading few posts. :D

Sorry if it had said something wrong ! Just an Opinion :)

All lot of Singaporeans are complaining about foreigners until GOS keep pleading us not to be xenophobic.
All lot of Singaporeans are complaining about foreigners until GOS keep pleading us not to be xenophobic.
Ok bro! Let us not fight.

Just give me a simple answer. Out of 100% labour force in Singapore, 30% are foreigners. How are we going to replace those 30%? Do we have human resources?
By phases. Not immediately. States like iceland prosper on 300,000 people and few foreigners.
By phases. Not immediately. States like iceland prosper on 300,000 people and few foreigners.
But the infrastructure which we had built is far greater when compared with Iceland. But seriously, I don't like SG Government policy of increasing citizens by offering citizenship to migrants, i am totally against that. We should be doing like UAE where they give work to foreigners but they don't give nationality.
But the infrastructure which we had built is far greater when compared with Iceland. But seriously, I don't like SG Government policy of increasing citizens by offering citizenship to migrants, i am totally against that. We should be doing like UAE where they give work to foreigners but they don't give nationality.

We may want to discuss this elsewhere else this is a S Asian thread. Basically, we are free wheeling population ponzi. What if after 6.9 million? The positive loop effect of real estate interest will request more to be pile in until a point we sink.

Many Singaporeans migrate to countries like Australia, one main reason is because of living space.

Also we make monies by attracting rich from the region. And one day the rich found SG a crowded shitt hole and start leaving. A lot of PRC talent are leaving. Even if we cannot offer them a higher salary, we still can have certain life style like space, car ownership...etc But now, they are better off in Beijing.
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