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‘US war with Pakistan would be too messy, too dangerous, too awful’

Devil Soul

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‘US war with Pakistan would be too messy, too dangerous, too awful’
By Saeed Rahman
Published: December 9, 2013

Daniel Markey talks on US-Pakistan relations and how the two must find a way to work together .

LOS ANGELES: “Both countries are marked by a sense of mutual vulnerability and are vulnerable to what the other does,” said Daniel Markey, He added that the world now is too small to escape from the reality of a country on the other side of the world. He also mentioned that Pakistan was of great geo-strategic importance to the US.

There is a sense of frustration with regards to US-Pakistan relations, said Daniel Markey. Five years ago as President Obama came into office and Pakistan had a civilian leadership after General Pervez Musharraf had been swept out of power, there had been enthusiasm in Washington for future relations between the two countries.

Markey, a senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, was speaking at The University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) at a talk organised by the UCLA’s Burkle Centre for International Relations. He was speaking about his recently published book, No Exit from Pakistan: America’s Tortured Relationship with Islamabad.


The title of his book, he said, referenced Jean Paul Sartre’s play No Exit and this was a meaningful choice. The relationship between the United States and Pakistan has a very specific comparison with the play that consists of three characters that are pitted against one another in a living room. Markey said that these aspects of the play worked as a useful analogy for US-Pakistan relations.

He quoted US Congressman Gary Ackerman as saying that Pakistan was a black hole for American aid out of which nothing good comes out. But he insisted there seemed to be no alternative than to work through this relationship. “War against Pakistan would be too messy, too dangerous and too awful.”

The author recounted his time in Pakistan a week after the US raid on Bin Laden’s compound and the sense of humiliation among Pakistanis. He said that some Pakistanis he had spoken with had wondered if they really needed the US and that China was always present as an ally. He remembered responding that his sources in Beijing had told him that they were not interested in being Pakistan’s protectors.

Markey said that since then, the sense in Pakistan has been that the country has to work with the US as it wields a large amount of influence in the region, in the global economy, with financial institutions and with Pakistan’s neighbours. Nawaz Sharif’s government, he added, had decided on a narrower cooperation with the US as opposed to distancing themselves from it.

Markey turned to the oft-asked question of why Pakistanis hate the US. He divided the population into three strands. The liberals who are left-of-centre and are angry with the US for supporting military leaders. These people, he said, are highly educated and globally aware who sense the hypocrisy in the US’s actions.

The second group, he said, were the nationalists who were politically in the centre. These people viewed themselves as patriots and were angry at the US for leaving Pakistan in its time of need. Markey said broken alliances with Pakistan were not just fickle mindedness on the part of the US but much more complicated. And last, he added, were the jihadis who were anti-American in a manner similar to Al-Qaeda. They, he pointed out, were a minority, albeit a vocal, armed one that many fear.

Markey then moved on to listing the three options he thought the US had in terms of dealing with Pakistan and also de-bunked all of them.

First on his list was defensive insulation whereby Pakistan could be quarantined. This, he said, meant the country could be walled off and alliances developed with its neighbours while drones were increased to manage the threat from a distance. He said such a strategy would be costly and further push Pakistan from the status of ‘frenemy’ to adversary.

Markey’s second option was military-to-military relations. He said this would be a narrow transactional relationship. The US had done this in the past and it had not worked out well. “The Pakistani military will also suffer as it will lose respect.”

Comprehensive cooperation was Markey’s third option. This meant some of the above two options and more of helping the population by institution building. He said the Obama administration had tried and failed at this strategy. “It is challenging to cultivate relationships and fight terrorists at the same time.”

He said that the US would have to pick and choose as no one strategy seemed effective.

Published in The Express Tribune, December 9th, 2013.
It is real challenging to create armed militias to fight a proxy war, name them warriors and heroes and as soon as the mission gets accomplished invade them while declaring them terrorists. It just got out of hand as they turned on the Americans now. Perhaps its only people other than Americans (though a minority) and Indians who are able to see the sheer hypocrisy of all that happened while still condemning the terrorists. War with a nuclear armed state is indeed messy and can get really ugly which should be avoided at all costs.
Any ideas for a solution,or a way forward?
When all of the above didnt work?
It is real challenging to create armed militias to fight a proxy war, name them warriors and heroes and as soon as the mission gets accomplished invade them while declaring them terrorists. It just got out of hand as they turned on the Americans now. Perhaps its only people other than Americans (though a minority) and Indians who are able to see the sheer hypocrisy of all that happened while still condemning the terrorists. War with a nuclear armed state is indeed messy and can get really ugly which should be avoided at all costs.

Again India.thread is about US and Pakistan
Again India.thread is about US and Pakistan

No not India at all Americans have realised that they were being fools of the first order to believe everything their leaders fed them with be it about war or otherwise but Indians haven't so i was drawing a comparison. Anyways i mentioned Indians for only one reason otherwise i have nothing against India and that is because most Indians not only bash Pakistanis on this very issue but mock even their deaths so it would be better for them to direct their attention towards their own issues rather than ours if they can't be civil at least.
No not India at all Americans have realised that they were being fools of the first order to believe everything their leaders fed them with be it about war or otherwise but Indians haven't so i was drawing a comparison. Anyways i mentioned Indians for only one reason otherwise i have nothing against India and that is because most Indians not only bash Pakistanis on this very issue but mock even their deaths so it would be better for them to direct their attention towards their own issues rather than ours if they can't be civil at least.

we always concentrate our attention to our own problems and only think how can we solve that problem.But when some guys from western neighbourhood unwantedly interfere in our internal matters and try to provoke our army and government that we dont like that .so we protest.Like you Army we dont start anything against pakistan ,it is always you start and ended up as a loser.So you cant taught us civil manners.
we always concentrate our attention to our own problems and only think how can we solve that problem.But when some guys from western neighbourhood unwantedly interfere in our internal matters and try to provoke our army and government that we dont like that .so we protest.Like you Army we dont start anything against pakistan ,it is always you start and ended up as a loser.So you cant taught us civil manners.

lolz thats funny how great of you never to accept you're own blunders and always looking for a scapegoat. I have no issues just that civilised nations are ready to learn from any and everybody alike even their enemies. You are too immature to know that so keep blaming Pakistan for all i care.
lolz thats funny how great of you never to accept you're own blunders and always looking for a scapegoat. I have no issues just that civilised nations are ready to learn from any and everybody alike even their enemies. You are too immature to know that so keep blaming Pakistan for all i care.

Man .you dont even try to read my post.We dont blame pakistanis for all our problem.
we dont believe in conspiracy theories like our neighbours;).We Indians dont like others interefered in our sensitive matters.thats all.
Man .you dont even try to read my post.We dont blame pakistanis for all our problem.
we dont believe in conspiracy theories like our neighbours;).We Indians dont like others interefered in our sensitive matters.thats all.

You're "like Pakistanis" says it all. Shows you're attitude so no need to elaborate i just don't spew venom at every Indian just because of his or her nationality maybe i was in the wrong to expect the same. Like i said earlier takes a lot of maturity to do otherwise.
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Any ideas for a solution,or a way forward?
When all of the above didnt work?

Yes, don't feed our criminal elites, and don't hamper our economic growth by sabotaging our relationships with our allies. It would allow us to maintain law and order, provide employment and education to troublemakers.
You're "like Pakistanis" says it all. Shows you're attitude so no need to elaborate i just don't spew venom at very Indian just because of his or her nationality maybe i was in the wrong to expect the same. Like i said earlier takes a lot of maturity to do otherwise.

I dont spew venom against any nationalities.But this thread is about US and Pakistan ,you unneccessarily drag India in to the discussions.I just only say that I dont believe in conspiracy theories .we dont blame others for our problem.But we also dont like any nationalities or nation interefered in our internal matters.:coffee:.Hope you can understand.
I dont spew venom against any nationalities.But this thread is about US and Pakistan ,you unneccessarily drag India in to the discussions.I just only say that I dont believe in conspiracy theories .we dont blame others for our problem.But we also dont like any nationalities or nation interefered in our internal matters.:coffee:.Hope you can understand.

I didn't drag India into anything i made a fair comparison which in no way came under the category of mudslinging unlike you're talk. Mentioning India is not forbidden its how i mentioned the place that matters and how you mentioned another place called Pakistan that reveals a lot about you're mentality. Hope even you can understand :)
I didn't drag India into anything i made a fair comparison which in no way came under the category of mudslinging unlike you're talk. Mentioning India is not forbidden its how i mentioned the place that matters and how you mentioned another place called Pakistan that reveals a lot about you're mentality. Hope even you can understand :)

Ok ..I know what I am talking about.But I will not compare pakistan when this thread about India and US.most of other Indians also like me,until some trollers trying spoil thread.Ok I can understand
your mentality ,Pakistan existence is correlated India .
Ok ..I know what I am talking about.But I will not compare pakistan when this thread about India and US.most of other Indians also like me,until some trollers trying spoil thread.Ok I can understand
your mentality ,Pakistan existence is correlated India .

No i was not comparing in that sense if you read my post i was comparing the attitude of the masses not the state (when it comes to India Pakistan issues) with their American counterparts which to me is a fair comparison considering the amount of lies they absorb and belligerently believe coming from their respective governments whom they also happen to curse day and night.
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