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US Urging Hezbollah to Abandon Post inside Israeli Territory before It Is Bombed


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States

US Urging Hezbollah to Abandon Post inside Israeli Territory before It Is Bombed​

The US is pressuring the Lebanese government and army to take steps to dismantle the outpost that Hezbollah established over two months ago in Israeli territory near the border between the countries, Barak Ravid reported on Walla on Thursday, citing four senior Israeli and American officials.

Last week I reported that a discussion in the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Security Committee revealed that a Hezbollah force invaded the sovereign territory of the State of Israel, in the Mount Dov sector, and established armed military posts there (Hezbollah Established 2 Military Posts Inside Israeli Territory).

Mount Dov, an extension of Mount Hermon, dominates a large area in northern Galilee, the Golan, and southern Lebanon. Since the IDF’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon in 2000 to the international border line, Mount Dov remained a bone of contention between Lebanon, which claims sovereignty over the area known as Shebaa Farms, and Israel, which has held on to it since capturing the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967, and later under the Golan Heights Act of 1981 that imposed Israeli sovereignty on the area.

Hezbollah operatives began setting up the outpost as early as April 8, when they placed a tent about 30 meters south of the international border line in an area that is under Israeli sovereignty but located north of the border fence with Lebanon. According to Ravid, citing a senior foreign ministry official, the IDF realized the tent was in Israeli territory only a few weeks later, when Hezbollah members erected a second tent and placed a water tank and a generator in the new outpost.

Both the US and Israel are concerned that Hezbollah’s provocation is the result of a miscalculation on its part, a failure to correctly assess the Israeli response. In reality, a senior Israeli official told Ravid, this incident has the potential for serious escalation.

Senior Israeli officials said that Israel asked the US to deliver a strong message to the Lebanese government and UNIFIL stressing how dangerous and fragile the situation is at the northern border. The message was delivered, and a senior Israeli official told Ravid: “Our goal is for the outpost not to be there. We prefer that Hezbollah evacuate its people by itself rather than that we bomb them. We made this clear to the US and the Americans made it clear to the Lebanese.”

So far, according to Al-Akhbar, which is affiliated with Hezbollah, the Shiite terrorist group refuses to evacuate the outpost and even told several international mediators that the outpost is on Lebanese land which is occupied by Israel.



What's the whole point of this if Hezbollah voluntarily removes the posts ?

Hezbollah refuses to remove posts set up on Israeli side of border with Lebanon​

Mohammad Raad announced that Hezbollah would not dismantle the tents after Israeli attempts at diplomacy failed.​

Mohammad Raad, head of the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc (Hezbollah's political wing), announced Saturday that Hezbollah would not be removing two tents placed on the Israeli side of the Blue Line, according to Lebanese media.

For the past two months, Hezbollah fighters have been manning two tents placed on the Israeli side of the Blue Line, the ceasefire line and border with Lebanon, established after the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000.


This guy is saying essentially Hezbollah will remove the tents themselves. Yet saying no one can do anything about it? So it's all a publicity stunt for domestic consumption, as we've been made used to ?

The few Hezbollah gunmen already left the site and it will probably quietly dismantled by them in the coming days.


Muhammad Raad, an MP who leads parliament’s “Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc,” was quoted by local media on Saturday as saying that “the enemy is demanding the removal of the two tents and prefers that the resistance do it because it doesn’t want to enter into an undesirable war.”

“If you don’t want war, shut up and walk back [the demand],” he said.

Just another publicity stunt by this shitty Dajjal coward organization.



Hezbollah said to evacuate one of the 2 tents it set up on Israeli side of Blue Line​

The Hezbollah terror group has removed one of two tents set up in an area along the Blue Line between Lebanon and Israel, according to several Hebrew-language reports late Sunday evening.

According to the Ynet news site, the same number of Hezbollah fighters remains on the Israeli side of the contested area, but they have now been condensed into the remaining tent, while the second one was moved to the Lebanese side.

The Walla news site reported that Israeli officials believe Hezbollah is seeking to quietly avoid an armed confrontation with Israel by moving the tent. Israeli officials did not immediately confirm the reports on Sunday evening.


Hezb-AlDajjal quietly removed the two outposts while they made a deal with their buddies in Israel. Israel launches operation on Jenin and Iran , Israel, Hezbollah continue bombing and conquering Muslims in the region.
No one know why. Even me has developed a warplan against Isreal what only needed Gaza, Lebanon, Syria and Iran to flatten whole Israel within 2 days.
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