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'US told Pak to vacate occupied areas during Kargil'


Nov 1, 2010
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“India is hopping mad. Please get out of the places you have occupied,” was the American message to Pakistan in the wake of the Kargil War in 1999, the country’s then envoy to the US, Riaz Khokhar said on Sunday.

Almost 15 years after Pakistani troops intruded across the Line of Control sparking the border conflict, the issue came up for discussion at the Islamabad Literature Festival.

The speakers at the discussion, including former Pakistani Foreign Secretaries Khokhar and Tariq Osman Hyder, and journalist Nasim Zehra had an open talk about different aspects of the conflict.

All the three speakers agreed that the war was an “avoidable venture”. Khokhar gave an insight into the American reaction to the Kargil conflict.

“It was an avoidable venture. I was called by senior (US) Department of State officials and told to get out of the areas that we had occupied,” he said.

He said the biggest failure of Pakistan was that it was not able to develop a credible narrative. “I think we were seen as an irresponsible country,” he said.

Khokhar said there was unanimity in the army that the then Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was properly briefed on the war.

He dismissed the notion that the theatre of war would have expanded had Pakistan not withdrawn. Khokhar said there was no movement of troops on the Indian side to suggest that the theatre of war would spread.

Zehra said, “Kargil is not something that Pakistan Army as an institution is proud of”.

- See more at: ‘US told Pak to vacate occupied areas during Kargil’ - Hindustan Times
Nonsense. Patriotic Pakistanis should be proud of Kargil war. Men in uniform - regular and irregular not to mention Kashmiri nationalist freedom fighters gave their lives for a noble cause.

We still retain the heights of Point 5353 not far from the tiger hill. A fantastic vantage point which will be useful during the next conflict -whenever it may be. Must be ready, charged up and motivated for war at any time.
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