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US to hike military aid, send military ships and aircraft closer to Israel


Nov 4, 2011
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US to hike military aid, send military ships and aircraft closer to Israel​

Hamas has labelled the US announcement to send warships closer to Israel as ‘aggression’ against Palestinians.


An Israeli soldier directs a military vehicle near the southern city of Ashkelon [Gil Cohen-Magen/AFP]
Published On 8 Oct 20238 Oct 2023

The United States has said it will send multiple military ships and aircraft closer to Israel as a show of support following Saturday’s surprise attack by the Palestinian armed group Hamas.
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Sunday said Washington will also increase military aid and provide munitions to Israel.

Hamas has labelled the US announcement as “aggression” against Palestinians.

“The announcement of the US that it will provide an aircraft carrier to support the occupation [Israel] is actual participation in the aggression against our people,” the group said in a statement.
Israel battered Palestinians with air strikes in the besieged Gaza Strip on Sunday, with hundreds reportedly killed on both sides.

Austin said the US believes Hamas’s latest attack could also be aimed at disrupting a potential normalising of ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

US military - Israel

Pentagon orders the Ford carrier strike group to sail to the Eastern Mediterranean [File: Steve Helber/AP]

Austin said the security assistance to Israel will begin moving on Sunday and that the US will be adding fighter jets to the region as well.

The US has also ordered the moving of a carrier strike group closer to Israel, which includes the Ford carrier and ships that support it.

“I have directed the movement of the USS Gerald R Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean,” Austin said in a statement.

US President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday that additional assistance for the Israeli army was on its way.

US Vice President Kamala Harris, meanwhile, held a call with Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

Al Jazeera’s Alan Fisher, reporting from Washington, DC, said the US contributes $3bn a year in military aid to Israel.

“I have been told that among the munitions will be a support for [Israel’s] Iron Dome system… that is an intercept system for missiles and rockets being fired into Israel, which failed spectacularly on Saturday morning,” he said.

Rockets are fired towards Israel from the Gaza Strip

Rockets are fired towards Israel from the Gaza Strip [Fatima Shbair/AP]

Earlier on Sunday, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told the CNN network that “it wouldn’t be a surprise that part of the motivation [for Hamas’s attack] may have been to disrupt efforts to bring Saudi Arabia and Israel together, along with other countries that may be interested in normalising relations with Israel”.

Hamas on Saturday said its attack was driven by what it called escalated Israeli attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem and in Israeli prisons.

Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh had highlighted threats to Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque, the continuation of an Israeli blockade on Gaza and Israeli normalisation with countries in the region.

Netanyahu last month said he believed his country was on the cusp of peace with Saudi Arabia, predicting that the move could reshape the Middle East.

Saudi Arabia has long insisted on the Palestinians’ right to statehood as a condition for recognising Israel, something many members of Netanyahu’s nationalist religious coalition have long resisted.

The US on Sunday said the Saudi-Israel normalisation efforts should continue despite the latest attack.

“We think it would be in both countries’ interests to continue to pursue this possibility,” US Deputy National Security Adviser Jon Finer told Fox News.

Of course, Washington DC is the Zionist capital after all
So what is preventing China from sending arms to the Palestinians?
At least US finally come out of that neutrality closet, and it also shatters that myth that Israeli forces are invincible and now the whole world has seen that USA is the only reason why Israel exists, that also shows the deep down hatred US holds for Muslims/Middle East. What a shame.
At least US finally come out of that neutrality closet, and it also shatters that myth that Israeli forces are invincible and now the whole world has seen that USA is the only reason why Israel exists, that also shows the deep down hatred US holds for Muslims/Middle East. What a shame.
Dude you’re talking like that’s something new when this is the common understanding.
Whoever put all their bet on US will surely lose everything in the end.
China is not war mongerer US, We don't stoke wars around the world.
Ironically one day China may arm the Palestinians and it will be the US creating the situation. Since the US is constantly trying to instigate conflict over Taiwan, eventually there will be conflict over it and as a knee jerk reaction, the US and it’s Allies will probably fully sanction China like they did to Russia. Once this happens, there will be zero incentive for China to be balanced and not rock the boat, it will be a battle for survival and China knows that little Israel is a weak spot for the US, so it can easily cause issues by arming the Palestinians.

Like I said before, the more the US goes down this anti China rabbit hole, it will all backfire and just hasten the end of American dominance.
At least US finally come out of that neutrality closet, and it also shatters that myth that Israeli forces are invincible and now the whole world has seen that USA is the only reason why Israel exists, that also shows the deep down hatred US holds for Muslims/Middle East. What a shame.
So when will Muslims give US another 9/11?
So when will Muslims give US another 9/11?
Half your country believe that 9/11 was inside Job, so you better clear that out first with them. Second, Talking about Israel/Palestinian conflict and USA putting its weight behind Israel not because of similar values, but USA has no option the white house/Congress is held hostage my the Powerful Israeli lobby and no one can say a single word against Israel no matter what war crimes they commit, forget about Muslims doing anything to USA, Muslims have no conflict with America their problem is with oppression and invasions.
Half your country believe that 9/11 was inside Job, so you better clear that out first with them. Second, Talking about Israel/Palestinian conflict and USA putting its weight behind Israel not because of similar values, but USA has no option the white house/Congress is held hostage my the Powerful Israeli lobby and no one can say a single word against Israel no matter what war crimes they commit, forget about Muslims doing anything to USA, Muslims have no conflict with America their problem is with oppression and invasions.
911 was clearly an inside job. Everything the neocons wanted to do was laid out in the 90s, 911 was designed to be the trigger.
So when will Muslims give US another 9/11?

You'll have to ask the CIA & the dancing Israelis if you want another 9/11. They have the experience. You can get a few Muslim patsies to carry it out like you did last time. I'm sure there's a few rambos dumb enough to agree.
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