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US threats and Pakistan



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Nov 1, 2005
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US threats and Pakistan
By Naeem Salik

It is time for Pakistan to take a correct position on the issue and inform the Americans that we are doing what is possible in very difficult circumstances but will not accept any bullying on this score

The recently released declassified parts of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) have again thrown Pakistan-US relations in a tailspin.

The report has generated a spate of negative commentaries and analyses in the US media and even the normally balanced newspapers like the Washington Post have editorially recommended US military action in Pakistan’s tribal areas.

Not to be left behind are presidential aspirants from both sides of the political divide. Senator Barrack Obama, who does not tire of criticising the war in Iraq seems to think the correct war-option is military action against alleged Al Qaeda targets on Pakistani soil. If there is actionable intelligence and if the Pakistanis don’t cooperate, the US should take unilateral action. Meanwhile, his main Democratic rival, Senator Hillary Clinton, while refraining from talking of US military action on Pakistani territory chided Obama for taking the nuclear option off the table.

Threats are similarly being hurled by Republican presidential hopefuls and the chorus has been joined by the administration officials. Interestingly, while President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Richard Boucher have been trying to alleviate Pakistan’s concerns, the White House spokesman, Tony Snow, Homeland Security Advisor Townsend and Under Secretary of Sate Nicholas Burns — duly tutored by his advisor Ashley Tellis — have openly threatened Pakistan with military action unless it does as directed.

Only a few sane voices are advising caution.

It is difficult to assess whether the administration officials are deliberately playing the good-cop, bad-cop game or the administration itself is divided on how to respond to the NIE and lacks a coherent policy.

Despite being a superpower, the Americans are not known for their sense of history or geography. Surprisingly, most analysts who appear to consider the NIE as divine revelation are the same folks who have been criticising the doctored and poor quality intelligence on Iraq.

To add fuel to the fire, the US Congress has passed a legislation reminiscent of the infamous Pressler Law even as the administration bent over backwards to accommodate India’s demands in the recently finalised 123 agreement. Nick Burns has gone to the extent of declaring that conducting more nuclear tests is India’s sovereign right. He, however, does not seem to take into account the fact that there are other sovereign states in the region with similar sovereign rights granted them by the UN Charter.

Pakistan is a nation with a 160 million-plus population. It also has more than half-million well-trained professional soldiers, a fair-sized operational nuclear capability and a variety of proven delivery systems.

Many US experts who are suggesting direct US military intervention in the territory of yet another sovereign state and take into account the availability of US military assets based in the region tend to ignore the fact that the same assets also constitute vulnerabilities as they are in turn within the range of Pakistan’s military capabilities.

In any case, the recent anti-Pakistan campaign should serve as an eye-opener for us. The interesting thing is that this time Pakistan was even bestowed the title of a Major Non-NATO Ally. That should send a signal to all those states hankering for an alliance with the US.

Most Americans do not realise that the US and NATO forces are operating in Afghanistan — a land locked country — because of Pakistani largesse. If Pakistan withdraws the transit facility through Karachi port and the transportation of fuel and other logistic supplies through its territory, the operation in Afghanistan would come to a grinding halt in less than a week.

In case of any US misadventure in Pakistan the government would not be in a position to resist the public pressure to withdraw these facilities along with the suspension of Afghan transit trade which would bring that country to its knees within a week.

A French scholar currently working as ‘the South Asia expert’ at the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has, in a recent study, suggested that the US should open up a dialogue with Iran so that it could get transit route through that country to Afghanistan and dispense with its current dependence on Pakistan.

This is not strategic thinking; it’s fantasy! But of course the Americans can definitely try their luck with President Ahmadinejad. Perhaps he will be eager to roll out the red carpet for the American forces operating in Afghanistan.

It is time for Pakistan to take a correct position on the issue and inform the Americans that we are doing what is possible in very difficult circumstances but will not accept any bullying on this score.

The current debate in the National Assembly is a good omen. We need to further expand this public debate so as to develop a national consensus on our critical foreign policy decisions. We need to remember how Turkey got out of the bind in 2003 when under tremendous pressure to allow the northern prong of US offensive against Iraq to use its territory.

The writer is a former brigadier of Pakistan Army

A French scholar currently working as ‘the South Asia expert’ at the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has, in a recent study, suggested that the US should open up a dialogue with Iran so that it could get transit route through that country to Afghanistan and dispense with its current dependence on Pakistan.

This is not strategic thinking; it’s fantasy! But of course the Americans can definitely try their luck with President Ahmadinejad. Perhaps he will be eager to roll out the red carpet for the American forces operating in Afghanistan.

Quite a lot of over-estimation in the part of the brigadier regarding Pakistan's strike options to current US assets in the region, Yet what is written nothing else than written in stone kind of truth. Cant believe someone from Carnagie will conjure up something like that. Quite amatuer and as the brigadier ever so rightly put, Fantasy.
Pakistan's strike options are not the Brig's assertion alone. In the past US officials too havevoiced their concerns around the immense difficulty of having to put boots in Pakistan if they ever had to. If US does decide to put boots on the ground without the GoPs agreement, then all bets are off and anything can be expected from Pakistan given that the entire country would be against the US ingress.

So in my opinion, the analysis is not that way off. Obviously Pakistan would lose a lot, but not without hurting the US interests seriously. I hope and pray that things do not come down to this though.:pakistan::usflag:
A French scholar currently working as ‘the South Asia expert’ at the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace has, in a recent study, suggested that the US should open up a dialogue with Iran so that it could get transit route through that country to Afghanistan and dispense with its current dependence on Pakistan.

This is not strategic thinking; it’s fantasy! But of course the Americans can definitely try their luck with President Ahmadinejad. Perhaps he will be eager to roll out the red carpet for the American forces operating in Afghanistan..

Ahh the French. I wonder how much they have invested in Iran...

During the period studied, French companies were the leading investor in Iran at $30.2 billion, followed by China at $29.5 billion, Germany at $26 billion,...

Pakistan's strike options are not the Brig's assertion alone. In the past US officials too havevoiced their concerns around the immense difficulty of having to put boots in Pakistan if they ever had to. If US does decide to put boots on the ground without the GoPs agreement, then all bets are off and anything can be expected from Pakistan given that the entire country would be against the US ingress.

So in my opinion, the analysis is not that way off. Obviously Pakistan would lose a lot, but not without hurting the US interests seriously. I hope and pray that things do not come down to this though.:pakistan::usflag:

If at all US attacks Pakistan, it will never have an Afghanistan and Iraq at the point of time, It will make sure before it launches against a British-styled well-trained, battle-hardened and modestly equipped Pakistan Army, It will have enough Boots on ground. Pakistan harming US assets in middle east, is much of a fantasy as a transit route through Iran for the Americans. The whole capacity of US, is their ability to make sure the battleground is your homeland, rather than thiers. Pakistan has no such capability, and will not have so in the forseeable future. Nuclear Options are nil for Pakistan, other than to commit suicide on own territory, anyways their Nuclear options will be the first primary targets for US.
Ahh the French. I wonder how much they have invested in Iran...
During the period studied, French companies were the leading investor in Iran at $30.2 billion, followed by China at $29.5 billion, Germany at $26 billion,...
LOL, well there's a surprise. I'd bet the Russians had quite a stake as well....
A war in iraq has proved to be a grave for american soliders and yet they are leading towards another misadventure, pakistan is not iraq or afghanistan, it has a well equiped army capable of fighting a much bigger enemy as this is the part of our doctrine comparing pakistan with india, also china factor should not be neglected why because it will not be in chinese favour to let americans wonder freely without any check and let india get stronger. Hell people speak of how mighty US is what happened to this force in vitenam? so what makes you people think pakistanies are not capable of defending their homeland though i dont deny the fact that this will throw pakistan many many years back but US too wouldnt survive either, like russia in afghanistan.
Lets not compare the way Americans will approach an Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam, to the way they might approach Pakistan. US War Machine is made for Soviet Union level clashes, They are better suited in taking out Pakistan size, Indian size, China Size and Soviet Union Size forces rather than elusive terror crappers.

By saying all this Pakistan is a British Modelled highly motivated and highly trained and battle hardened force, But they will loose, and there is no doubt about that. Within the first 2-3 days Pakistan's Airforce and Pakistan Navy will be non-existent. The resistance will come from the Army, who will be vulnerable at this stage
Navy i dont think its in a position to survive an attack of this magnitude but airforce let me quote the words:
As an air defense analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the world". As one senior US defense analyst commented to me in 1991, "it leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far behind". -Sergey Vekhov May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, reputable UK-based air defense magazine.
The only reason the USAF maintained an overall air superioty was because they were never put to the test and they never faced any kind of challenge as heard saying most of the american pilots on history channel. Its not the plane that flies its the pilots that fly them and when it comes to pilots, we have one of the best in the world so saying that PAF will become nonexistent in 2 to 3 days, its a very understatement on your part.
Navy i dont think its in a position to survive an attack of this magnitude but airforce let me quote the words:
As an air defense analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the world". As one senior US defense analyst commented to me in 1991, "it leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far behind". -Sergey Vekhov May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, reputable UK-based air defense magazine.
The only reason the USAF maintained an overall air superioty was because they were never put to the test and they never faced any kind of challenge as heard saying most of the american pilots on history channel. Its not the plane that flies its the pilots that fly them and when it comes to pilots, we have one of the best in the world so saying that PAF will become nonexistent in 2 to 3 days, its a very understatement on your part.

Well, that all depends on how many Pakistani pilots actually get to fly their planes!!
I rather have a **** american pilot in an F-15 or the Raptor, than a ACE Pakistani pilot in a F-7
Navy i dont think its in a position to survive an attack of this magnitude but airforce let me quote the words:
As an air defense analyst, I am fully aware that the Pakistan Air Force ranks today as one of the best air forces in the world and that the PAF Combat Commanders' School (CCS) in Sargodha has been ranked as the best GCI/pilot and fighter tactics and weapons school in the world". As one senior US defense analyst commented to me in 1991, "it leaves Topgun (the US Naval Air Station in Miramar, California) far behind". -Sergey Vekhov May 1993 issue (pages 46-47) of Airforces Monthly, reputable UK-based air defense magazine.
The only reason the USAF maintained an overall air superioty was because they were never put to the test and they never faced any kind of challenge as heard saying most of the american pilots on history channel. Its not the plane that flies its the pilots that fly them and when it comes to pilots, we have one of the best in the world so saying that PAF will become nonexistent in 2 to 3 days, its a very understatement on your part.

Imagine what would happen if you have to fight the country which has provided you the best aircraft & weapon in your inventory?
How long can they last?

All the comments were from the good old days of dog fighting,where both the sides has equal opportunity. The talk is about the current state of affairs.

Does PAF even have a full fledged BVR capability?
How would PAF counter attacks on North(Afghanistan based USAF) as well as South(USN) of the country?
Does PAF have anything to counter AWACS within USAF?
Does PAF have counter measures for jamming capabilities of USAF?
Will PAF radar even pick F-22/B-2 ?

Face it. No matter how good PAF pilots are, a fight with the most advanced military on the planet is not what PAF can handle at the current state.
Imagine what would happen if you have to fight the country which has provided you the best aircraft & weapon in your inventory?
How long can they last?

Does that makes weapons any less effective? and we dont have entirely US equipment.

All the comments were from the good old days of dog fighting,where both the sides has equal opportunity. The talk is about the current state of affairs.

Although dogfight days are numbered doesnt really mean it isnt going to happen, specially when a close eye of the target is required.

Does PAF even have a full fledged BVR capability?

What makes you think we dont specially when SD10 is being acquired in large no.

How would PAF counter attacks on North(Afghanistan based USAF) as well as South(USN) of the country?

PAF has a war doctrine of facing larger force then its size. Remember interms of india 1:5

Does PAF have anything to counter AWACS within USAF?

And why not? we know what US will use the E-3 sentry or E-2 Hawkeye. Pakistani orions are equipped with the E-2 hawkeye system and we know how it does work.And by that time if it happens pakistan will also have saab AEW&C.

Does PAF have counter measures for jamming capabilities of USAF?
Will PAF radar even pick F-22/B-2 ?

I'm not an expert in this regard and perhaps sir key or sir murad can better expalin this, but i know this for sure that once during an exercise US did try to jam the radars and pakistanies are fimilar with those tactics. What makes you think that f-22 is just as functional as they say it is, its still under going trials specially when S-300 of russia could detect stealth and pakistan will accquire FT-2000 which is a copy of this russian system, besides lets not forget that during the Bosnian Serb war USAFs f-117 was shot down by a surface to air missle.

Face it. No matter how good PAF pilots are, a fight with the most advanced military on the planet is not what PAF can handle at the current state.

I never said it will be a walk in the park for PAF and i remember saying that it will throw pakistan hell back but it will not be walk in the park for the americans too and they reconize this fact.

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