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US suspends hundreds of millions in military aid to Egypt


Feb 22, 2012
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The United States has suspended a large part of its military and other cash aid to Egypt, the State Department said. The US has put on hold delivery of “large scale” military systems, such as tanks, F-16 jets and Apache helicopters, a source told Reuters.

In a press release, the US State Department said that as a result of the review directed by President Obama the decision has been made to “recalibrate” assistance to Egypt to best advance mutual interests. The US will still provide military training and education as well as assist with counter terrorism and help securing the Sinai.

“We will, however, continue to hold the delivery of certain large-scale military systems and cash assistance to the government pending credible progress toward an inclusive, democratically elected civilian government through free and fair elections,” the release says.

The Congressional source spoke with Reuters after members of Congress were briefed by US State Department officials about the administration's plans to cut off part of the massive aid package to Egypt. Besides heavy military equipment supplies the US is also cancelling the delivery of Harpoon missiles.

A planned $300 million loan guarantee for Egypt will be halted, as well as a pending $260 million cash transfer, the source added.

Reuters / /Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Reuters / /Mohamed Abd El Ghany

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has reportedly called Egyptian army chief General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to tell him about the developments. Meanwhile, the likely US policy shift towards Egypt’s interim military regime was met with a grain of skepticism.

"I think it will not make a big difference and this decision will be revised probably in three or four months because both parties need each other," the head of the Egyptian Liberal Social Democratic Party, Mohamed Abou El Ghar, told USA Today.

On Tuesday, the US government announced it was planning to make public the future its “assistance relationship with Egypt” after a number of media outlets suggested the US was cutting all military aid to Egypt.

“The reports that we are halting all military assistance to Egypt are false,” US National Security Council spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said in a statement. “We will announce the future of our assistance relationship with Egypt in the coming days, but as the President made clear at UNGA, that assistance relationship will continue.”

The decision has come three months after the July military coup against Islamist president Mohamed Morsi and the turmoil that removed the Muslim Brotherhood from power in Egypt.

Although in August, the US already effectively suspended some of the aid by refusing to release a $585 million payment, the administration thus far has not officially recognized the July events as a military coup, as acknowledging that would force the US to stop all military aid to Egypt.

A riot police officer, on a armoured personnel carrier surrounded by anti-Mursi protesters (foreground), fires rubber bullets at members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi along a road at Ramsis square, which leads to Tahrir Square, during clashes at a celebration marking Egypt's 1973 war with Israel, in Cairo October 6, 2013 (Reuters / Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

A riot police officer, on a armoured personnel carrier surrounded by anti-Mursi protesters (foreground), fires rubber bullets at members of the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of ousted Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi along a road at Ramsis square, which leads to Tahrir Square, during clashes at a celebration marking Egypt's 1973 war with Israel, in Cairo October 6, 2013 (Reuters / Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

The recent surge of violence has resulted in at least 55 people killed and some 250 wounded since last Sunday. In addition six Egyptian soldiers were killed nationwide in attacks during the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the Arab-Israeli War.

At least 423 people were arrested in Cairo and Giza in clashes between supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi and police, who used tear gas against protesters.

On Wednesday police once again had to use tear gas to disperse a group of demonstrators who were commemorating the Maspero demonstrations during which 25 people were killed in 2011, Ria reports. Scuffles erupted when the rally tried to make it to Tahrir Square, pushing through the police cordon.

Egypt has remained dangerously divided after the military overthrow of the first democratically elected president in July. The coup was followed by a harsh crackdown on Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood movement, along with arrests of its leaders and other officials and an effective ban on its operation in Egypt.
The Muslims world needs to boycott Egypt, its fake regime cant be allowed to carry on.

Total economic boycot by muslims everywhere, pressure must be put on egypt so the people of egypt can fight and stand against the Military and its puppet goverment

Egypt is currently surviving on the massive hand out it got from the GCCbut that is not sustainable, it needs calm and to get back to business.

Insecurity within egypt will keep tourism down buts up to the rest of the muslim word and muslims to individually boycott products and egyptian goods in order to put pressure on the military there
The Muslims world needs to boycott Egypt, its fake regime cant be allowed to carry on.

Total economic boycot by muslims everywhere, pressure must be put on egypt so the people of egypt can fight and stand against the Military and its puppet goverment

Egypt is currently surviving on the massive hand out it got from the GCCbut that is not sustainable, it needs calm and to get back to business.

Insecurity within egypt will keep tourism down buts up to the rest of the muslim word and muslims to individually boycott products and egyptian goods in order to put pressure on the military there
It proves Al Sissi saved Egypt from the USA claws, just like when he sends back what the qataris call help.

People who say Al Sissi is the puppet of the USA are now ridiculous. It was Morsi the salafist who was their dog.

USA have never helped the arabs, they only give them weapons to kill each other. They gave Egypt weapons so Morsi can delcare war against Syria.

At the same time they give help, they oblige the arabs to obey them and let them and the wahabits finance the muslims brothers trouble makers who wanted to enslave everything with their sharia.
Those so called military assistance are linked to Camp David's conventions and peace agreement, any suspension of any kind is considered a violation and will result to the collapse of the treaty.

Second, The US can shove their aid where it fits, GCC states have pledged to replace the US aid and to stand by Egypt politically, militarily and financially. Time for Egypt to go on a shopping spree from either Russia or China or both.
Those so called military assistance are linked to Camp David's conventions and peace agreement, any suspension of any kind is considered a violation and will result to the collapse of the treaty.

Second, The US can shove their aid where it fits, GCC states have pledged to replace the US aid and to stand by Egypt politically, militarily and financially. Time for Egypt to go on a shopping spree from either Russia or China or both.

Actually, the Egyptian Air Force is very interested in this I'm sure this will come as a shock to many countries if the Egyptian placed an order of 40 of these.
Those so called military assistance are linked to Camp David's conventions and peace agreement, any suspension of any kind is considered a violation and will result to the collapse of the treaty.

Second, The US can shove their aid where it fits, GCC states have pledged to replace the US aid and to stand by Egypt politically, militarily and financially. Time for Egypt to go on a shopping spree from either Russia or China or both.
yes my friend my opinion is we keep the peace treaty but now our army can move anywhere in sainai
Egypt is on right path , every other sensible nation on planet should assist Egypt in comming out of this turmoil .
Only if KSA pays for them,Egypt is broke.

The UAE demonstrated its willingness to assist Egypt as well.

Egypt is on right path , every other sensible nation on planet should assist Egypt in comming out of this turmoil .

Against the MB? I must say that my patience is running out, these kind of people only create havoc.
The UAE demonstrated its willingness to assist Egypt as well.

Correct,but my point stands,they still need GCC money to buy military hardware.Not that i don't agree with them,what BS is this ? "We give you hundreds of F16 but no BVR capabilities?"...Latest russian hardware will suit them fine,the question is...are you guys willing to pay for it ?:pop:

JF 17's would be cheaper even then Mig's.
Shocking news, as most of Egyptian military equipment are American.

Those so called military assistance are linked to Camp David's conventions and peace agreement, any suspension of any kind is considered a violation and will result to the collapse of the treaty.

Second, The US can shove their aid where it fits, GCC states have pledged to replace the US aid and to stand by Egypt politically, militarily and financially. Time for Egypt to go on a shopping spree from either Russia or China or both.

It will take a very long time for Egypt to get independent from US based arms tech. The US can't be trusted at all after this.
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