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US Strategy Pushes Russia, China to Create Joint Missile Defense System


Aug 20, 2011
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Amid massive protests, the South Korean Defense Ministry issued a statement pledging to minimize the damage from the US THAAD system on the Korean Peninsula. Russian military expert, Vladimir Yevseyev discussed with Sputnik the possible backlash from this deployment.

The deployment of the US missile defense complex THAAD in South Korea was met with a wave of protests amongst the local residents. More than 900 residents of the North Gyeongsang province last week shaved their heads during a protest against the deployment.

The protesters believe that they have become hostages of the South Korean government and the United States, which, among other things, makes the country vulnerable to possible retaliation from Russia and China.

Russia has repeatedly stated that it is categorically against the deployment of THAAD in South Korea under the pretext of Pyongyang's nuclear threat.

The capabilities of detection of these complexes will make them able to observe ballistic and aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 1.5 thousand kilometers. Hence, from South Korea it will be possible to look into the Russian territory and even into China’s territory.

In this situation, an appropriate response to Washington's actions could be the creation of a unified system of Russia and China, a sort of missile defense system, according to the military expert and Deputy Director of Institute of CIS countries, Vladimir Yevseyev.

The expert spoke to Sputnik in an interview saying that, “The US solves tactical problems, but very seriously loses strategically, as a consequence of the placement of US missile defense system in South Korea, the result would be the rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing, in particular, in the sphere of missile defense.”

Yevseyev further said, “China has radar stations that can be deployed as an early warning system for any missile attack. Russia, of course, also has such stations of various types. Among the latest radar early warning systems is the Voronezh-M and Voronezh-DM.”

The analyst spoke about the future of the military relations between Russia and China saying that it may be possible that the two countries form a joint center for missile attack warnings.

“As the next step it may be possible to conduct joint exercises in the Russian Ashuluk range. China, in turn, has combat lasers that are able to influence the objects in the near space. There was an incident when a Chinese laser made a Japanese satellite virtually unable to function. In Russia such lasers in combat methods have not been used yet,” Yevseyev said.

The analyst further explained that China is currently creating an analogue of the Aegis system, which is a marine version of the missile defense systems.

“Russia also has a missile defense system around Moscow, which has its own system, and it is not available in China so far. This system allows interception of destructive elements at altitudes of up to 60 kilometers. Thus, Russia and China have much to offer to each other.”

“If such a decision is made, which would establish a joint missile defense system; it will be a logical response to the US deployment of a missile defense system in South Korea,” according to Yevseyev.

The first joint Russian-Chinese anti-missile drills using computer modeling was held in Moscow in the spring of this year.

The next step for Russia and China, according to Vladimir Yevseyev, can be real experience of intercepting ballistic targets at firing range in Ashuluk in the Astrakhan Region, if diplomacy and protests by the South Koreans are not able to stop the construction of the US missile defense system on the Korean Peninsula.
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I'm not jumping of joy but I will cross my arms and to see how this THAAD in South Korea story will end, China and Russia seem to find interests to counter the common threat, this is just the begin. And for those who like to claim that China has been isolated, you can claim that both China and Russia are been isolated together...that is more accurate :lol:
Amid massive protests, the South Korean Defense Ministry issued a statement pledging to minimize the damage from the US THAAD system on the Korean Peninsula. Russian military expert, Vladimir Yevseyev discussed with Sputnik the possible backlash from this deployment.

The deployment of the US missile defense complex THAAD in South Korea was met with a wave of protests amongst the local residents. More than 900 residents of the North Gyeongsang province last week shaved their heads during a protest against the deployment.

The protesters believe that they have become hostages of the South Korean government and the United States, which, among other things, makes the country vulnerable to possible retaliation from Russia and China.

Russia has repeatedly stated that it is categorically against the deployment of THAAD in South Korea under the pretext of Pyongyang's nuclear threat.

The capabilities of detection of these complexes will make them able to observe ballistic and aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 1.5 thousand kilometers. Hence, from South Korea it will be possible to look into the Russian territory and even into China’s territory.

In this situation, an appropriate response to Washington's actions could be the creation of a unified system of Russia and China, a sort of missile defense system, according to the military expert and Deputy Director of Institute of CIS countries, Vladimir Yevseyev.

The expert spoke to Sputnik in an interview saying that, “The US solves tactical problems, but very seriously loses strategically, as a consequence of the placement of US missile defense system in South Korea, the result would be the rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing, in particular, in the sphere of missile defense.”

Yevseyev further said, “China has radar stations that can be deployed as an early warning system for any missile attack. Russia, of course, also has such stations of various types. Among the latest radar early warning systems is the Voronezh-M and Voronezh-DM.”

The analyst spoke about the future of the military relations between Russia and China saying that it may be possible that the two countries form a joint center for missile attack warnings.

“As the next step it may be possible to conduct joint exercises in the Russian Ashuluk range. China, in turn, has combat lasers that are able to influence the objects in the near space. There was an incident when a Chinese laser made a Japanese satellite virtually unable to function. In Russia such lasers in combat methods have not been used yet,” Yevseyev said.

The analyst further explained that China is currently creating an analogue of the Aegis system, which is a marine version of the missile defense systems.

“Russia also has a missile defense system around Moscow, which has its own system, and it is not available in China so far. This system allows interception of destructive elements at altitudes of up to 60 kilometers. Thus, Russia and China have much to offer to each other.”

“If such a decision is made, which would establish a joint missile defense system; it will be a logical response to the US deployment of a missile defense system in South Korea,” according to Yevseyev.

The first joint Russian-Chinese anti-missile drills using computer modeling was held in Moscow in the spring of this year.

The next step for Russia and China, according to Vladimir Yevseyev, can be real experience of intercepting ballistic targets at firing range in Ashuluk in the Astrakhan Region, if diplomacy and protests by the South Koreans are not able to stop the construction of the US missile defense system on the Korean Peninsula.

USA is pushing two super powers closer by issuing statements like these.
A stupid mistake.
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USA is pushing two super powers closer by issues statements like these. A stupid mistake.

Maybe that is also part of US calculation and been expected that China and Russia will unit against THAAD but it will be more interest to see how China and Russia will cooperate effectively, it's first time both nations are cooperated on this strategic nature, if both China and Russia can successfully achieve to counter US strategic move, then there will be more military cooperation to enhance our security.
Maybe that is also part of US calculation and been expected that China and Russia will unit against THAAD but it will be more interest to see how China and Russia will cooperate effectively, it's first time both nations are cooperated on this strategic nature, if both China and Russia can successfully achieve to counter US strategic move, then there will be more military cooperation to enhance our security.

What can they achive by this?
Wow,it is a good thing for China.
In future,if China wanted to nuke America,our ballistic missile would go through Siberia.And if American missile wanted to assault us,they might choose the same way.
It's very important to get the Russia's trust..
For OBOR and eurasian economic integeration a new and robust security architecture is needed. So that all the countries in the OBOR and eurasian landscape feel secure.

So this Sino-Russian cooperation has much bigger dimension that just the US.

Whoever secures the eurarsian landscape first is the King.
What can they achive by this?

Maybe American think they will get two for the price of one :lol:

For OBOR and eurasian economic integeration a new and robust security architecture is needed. So that all the countries in the OBOR and eurasian landscape feel secure.

So this Sino-Russian cooperation has much bigger dimension that just the US.

Whoever secures the eurarsian landscape first is the King.

Eurarsian continent will be China future hope, massive land, massive resource and massive people as market, that why OBOR become increasing important for China. Sea trade still important but Land trade is still underdeveloped market, if China first to move in, this mean we will have more trade opportunities
There is noway Russia and China will have joint defence system. Russia and China have coming together is more of short term convenience than long term strategic interest, moreover, the nature of Russia and China over lots of issues are not of mutual interests. Given a change Russia will like to better relations/trade with US and Europe, unlike China whose interests are logger heads with the west.
There is noway Russia and China will have joint defence system. Russia and China have coming together is more of short term convenience than long term strategic interest, moreover, the nature of Russia and China over lots of issues are not of mutual interests. Given a change Russia will like to better relations/trade with US and Europe, unlike China whose interests are logger heads with the west.

There is no permanent friend, only permanent interest but for now China and Russia are facing the same threat, so here we're :lol:. But contraire to some believes that both are together for short term convenient, China and Russia fate are lock together if you meticulously think of that: China and Russia share a long border, it's not in our interest to become enemy of other when both have destructive power...and the most happiest nation will be the west especially US if China Russia relation get worst. When Russia and China turn back to back we can keep our backs warm and protect each other's back but if we're face off, our back will be cold and exposed for third party to attack, it's simple as that.

In economy aspect both nations can complement each other, China has light industries and commodities that Russia need and we need oils and Gas from Russia. China and Russia today are not long fighting the communist ideology but to manage our relation with pragmatic approach, both has created a good mechanism of coordination on international affaire to look after UN against world sole dictator.
Maybe American think they will get two for the price of one :lol:

Eurarsian continent will be China future hope, massive land, massive resource and massive people as market, that why OBOR become increasing important for China. Sea trade still important but Land trade is still underdeveloped market, if China first to move in, this mean we will have more trade opportunities

True. China is just not moving in...China is shaping the eurasian continent. That is why I have been saying in Pak section the CPEC is one of the key building blocks of this long term strategy.

What China is offering is mutual development, peace and progress to all partners. No interference into internal affairs of the other nations. A new paradigm of global governance. This is the biggest threat to the existing power structure of the world order. Power based on violence.

China together with friends like Pak is creating a new world order with Middle Kingdom in the middle.

A circle needs a centre, my brother!
True. China is just not moving in...China is shaping the eurasian continent. That is why I have been saying in Pak section the CPEC is one of the key building blocks of this long term strategy.

What China is offering is mutual development, peace and progress to all partners. No interference into internal affairs of the other nations. A new paradigm of global governance. This is the biggest threat to the existing power structure of the world order. Power based on violence.

China together with friends like Pak is creating a new world order with Middle Kingdom in the middle.

A circle needs a centre, my brother!

I'm eager to see the CPEC completed and to witness Pakistan, Central Asia, China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan cooperation to form a new economic center in this region.
I'm eager to see the CPEC completed and to witness Pakistan, Central Asia, China, Russia, Iran, Afghanistan cooperation to form a new economic center in this region.

Bless you my brother.

As a creative thinker, you can connect the dots.

Does it not become clearer and clearer why we have so much noise in SCS and ECS.
Why JP is talking tough. Why hindia is against CPEC and creating troubles for Iron brother from Afg.

As I have said before...SCS is a distraction created by the trobuelmakers and their proxies...ECS belongs to China. JP can do nothing about it.

The real price is the integeration of ME, central asia and european economines with that of China.

China can fight its own battles..but having true friends like Pak or having ME including Turkey on your side gives you much, much more comprehensive national power. I know you know the concept very well. CPEC is the key building block in this game of Go.

Where is China building the biggerst and most expensive embassy?

OBOR = Peaceful New World Order.
Not gonna happen. Russia and China are too mistrustful of each other.
Not gonna happen. Russia and China are too mistrustful of each other.

This is the most pragmatic way of doing thing, both are cautious not to be caught by emotional deal on which we might regret later. China don't want to be too close Russia that will p1$$ US and lose all our trade surplus :lol: with them, Russia neither don't want to get too close to China to being seen as junior partner of China, both are just walking without cross the red line and also send a message to US to behave the same.

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