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US Should Learn Lessons from Raymond Davis Release by Zaheerul hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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On March 2011 Additional Session Judge set free CIA contractor Raymond Davis, who was arrested for killing of two Pakistanis on Jail Road, Lahore, after payment of blood money (Diyat) in accordance with Sharia law of Pakistan. Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah confirmed the release of Davis and said that the family members of the murdered men appeared in the court and pardoned the US citizen after concluding of the agreement with US government.

The arrest of Raymond put heavy pressure on the government; as a result already deteriorated US-Pak relations became further tense when Islamabad refused to accept US contention over Davis status of enjoying diplomatic immunity. US government postponed high officials’ talks which were scheduled to be held in February 2011. John Kerry and newly appointed US ambassador for South Asia visited Pakistan and met top level civilian and military leadership but failed to convince them for the release of Davis on the pretext of diplomatic immunity. Davis remained in jail for over one and a half month.

Any how, Davis has been released and probably flown to Afghanistan for further transportation to America. But unfortunately, the case of third killed boy Obaidur Rehman, who has been crushed by another vehicle, is still undecided. In this regard, US embassy has not produced those three persons and vehicle which were involved in the incident. According to the media, John Kerry paid thank to Pakistani government for assisting in release of Davis. His statement seems to be a deliberate attempt to put Pakistani government in embarrassing situation, since the Pakistani political leadership always claimed here that Raymond Davis case will be decided by the court. Thus, question arises whether the court has taken an independent decision or has given verdict under the influence of Punjab government. However, the local masses in various cities have started the protest against the release of Raymond Davis.

Pakistani intelligentsia got alert when on January 27, 2011 local police have recovered a Glock pistol, four loaded magazines, a GPS navigation system and a small telescope from Davis' car. The further investigations totally unveiled the CIA malicious activities in Pakistan which reportedly become the cause of strain relation between the top most agencies of two countries.

The arrest of Davis have also uncovered that there is a proper spying network operating in Pakistan and on the mission of creating instability. Reportedly, in this connection numbers of foreigners have been arrested by the local security agencies. The concerned authorities have also prepared the data base of foreigners visiting Pakistan. In future, there is need to have proper recording of foreigners’ entrance and their getting out of the country. There is requirement to keep embassies and their employees under proper surveillance for avoidance of any mishap in future. Pakistani ambassador sitting in US should also take proper clearance from the concern security agencies before issuing of visa to any foreigner. Reportedly, over 3000 visas have been issued such type of suspected Americans agents without the knowledge of Pakistani security agencies. Now, it is the time to evaluate the system and remove the flaws and bugs in the case of foreigners’ activities after entering in the country.

At the same time, US should also learn the lessons from Davis case. She has to control CIA’s malicious activities in other countries, failing which her agency will keep on putting her political leadership in embarrassing situation again. It is mentionable here that Wikileaks have already exposed the US embassies’ illegal actions and involvement of their employees in spying of the host countries. Thus instead of pressurizing other countries after occurrence of under discussion case, the congress members should take proactive actions against unlawful, immoral and unethical activities of CIA and its agents. To revive the trust between frontline allies, Washington should investigate the case of Mr. Davis and punish the culprits who have already been flown to America. There is also a dire need to give fresh date of already postponed high official talks immediately for resolving Afghan issue.

The writer is a defence and international relations analyst and can be approached through zameer36@gmail.com
wait.. he had to suffer blood to get released?
if so.. then nnot enough to be dead.
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