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US sets up surveillance of companies, people related to Pakistan's cruise missile


Sep 20, 2014
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US sets up surveillance of companies, people related to Pakistan's cruise missile
Last Updated On 15 January,2017 12:00 pm

US is under immense pressure due to the growing range and diversity of Pakistani missiles.
LAHORE (Daily Dunya) – In the aftermath of Pakistan’s recent cruise missile’s test, Obama administration has set up surveillance of 50 companies and people related to the programme.

According to International Business Times, US has also blacklisted seven companies in this regard.

Obama administration is under immense pressure due to the growing range and diversity of Pakistani missiles.

On the other hand, US vice president Joe Biden has said that the danger of atomic war is increasing because of Pakistan, Russia and North Korea’s tactics.

Also Read: Aware of Pakistan s cruise missile test, nuclear powers should be careful: US

He asserted that as a result of such steps of these countries, risk of using atom bomb in regional disputes has maximized.

Biden said that Obama government has made much effort in the matter however; he urged the Trump administration to take adequate steps to tackle the hazards.

Bro, they will not do anything. They have already done, what they had to, ages ago.

What they did obviously wasn't enough according to their own statements. These Americans have been proliferating advanced nuke tech to India. They are selling some of their most advanced hardware to India and they want to bully Pakistan into submission.

They expect Pakistan to cower and act subserviently. Isn't going to happen.

We are going to work very closely with our ally China. We are going to make sure that our economic and security interests are safeguarded at all times. We are not intimidated by American surveillance threats. They have been spying on our nuke and missile program since the day we began.
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I think with Trump at helm, countries need to increase their surveillance of USA..... to keep watch at rogue elements of uncle sam......
They might try to target them like they targeted nuclear scientists in Iran.
[Edit] It was actually Israel that targeted Irani scientist.
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I think there anxiety about these missiles is tied to their anxiety about Pakistan's nuclear program. This is from a recent stratfor article.

"But Pakistan's reliance on diesel-electric submarines, rather than dedicated nuclear ballistic missile counterparts, comes with significant risks. For example, Pakistani submarines carrying nuclear weapons could come under attack from Indian anti-submarine forces that are unable to distinguish the vessels based on their mission. This could lead Pakistani commanders, who may think the attack is part of an Indian effort to neutralize Islamabad's sea-based nuclear force, to fire their nuclear missiles during what might otherwise be a conventional conflict.

This links directly to a second danger: the security of Pakistan's nuclear arsenal. Because submarines' nuclear-tipped cruise missiles must be ready to launch before they leave port, an enormous amount of responsibility and power is placed on the shoulders of the officers piloting the vessels. Untrustworthy commanders or breakdowns in the chain of command could considerably raise the risk of the unsanctioned use of nuclear weapons.

When all is said and done, Pakistan's decision to rely on nuclear weapons as a means of warding off attack from a more powerful India has increased the chance of nuclear warfare breaking out in South Asia. Though Islamabad's quest for a sea-based nuclear deterrent is hardly surprising, it is a conspicuous example of an alarming pattern of posturing between two nuclear powers that have a long and volatile history of hostility toward each other."
US is under immense pressure due to the growing range and diversity of Pakistani missiles.
LAHORE (Daily Dunya) – In the aftermath of Pakistan’s recent cruise missile’s test, Obama administration has set up surveillance of 50 companies and people related to the programme.

According to International Business Times, US has also blacklisted seven companies in this regard.

Obama administration is under immense pressure due to the growing range and diversity of Pakistani missiles.

On the other hand, US vice president Joe Biden has said that the danger of atomic war is increasing because of Pakistan, Russia and North Korea’s tactics.

Also Read: Aware of Pakistan s cruise missile test, nuclear powers should be careful: US

He asserted that as a result of such steps of these countries, risk of using atom bomb in regional disputes has maximized.

Biden said that Obama government has made much effort in the matter however; he urged the Trump administration to take adequate steps to tackle the hazards.
In four days Obama leaves office. Do we really needed this article.
This is direct interference and an open threat to our scientists and the national security. Pakistan should not take this lightly and throw their diplomat out of the country. Why USA is being allowed to make a castle like embassy in Islamabad. They should be allowed a building with 5 rooms at max and each monitored by ISI and keep an eye on each and every who goes to or comes from US embassy.
Ohh, so much obsession over a fake mijilee test ? did not they ( USA) know the professional indian scientists proved babur test was fake ? how they will convince there parhi likhi janta now ? :cray:
India - a Working government with 0 proliferation record v Pakistan - A rogue body called ISI in control of civilian institutions @ the helm of nuclear command, which openly uses terror as a state sponsored tool - horrible track record of nuclear proliferation.

Look at the odds of the one failing.
India is being run by a Hindu terrorist who has expansionist aims like creating Akhand bharat which is matter of great concern for regional countries.
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