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US seeks to divide Pakistan through drones, Afghan war: Analyst


Feb 2, 2007
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An American political analyst says Washington is seeking to divide Pakistan through its use of assassination drones and continued military presence in the neighboring Afghanistan, Press TV reports.

In an interview with Press TV, author and historian Webster Tarpley said the use of US-led assassination drones in Pakistan and the ongoing war in Afghanistan, are both part of Washington's policy to eventually break up states "big enough to defend themselves."

The comments come days after former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf admitted to having allowed the US to carry out drone strikes in his country.

Tarpley said the drones are a major factor dividing the people in Pakistan because those “in the areas that are hit by the drones feel that the central government in Pakistan has betrayed them by allowing these things to go on, which of course is what they have done.”

“So, part of the strategy [of assassination drones] has nothing to do with the alleged killing of terrorists, but it has to do with trying to break up Pakistan, which was the main purpose of the US presence in Afghanistan from the very beginning,” he added.

The analyst further stated that US officials have tried to export the civil war in Afghanistan into Pakistan and divide Pashtuns, Baluchis, Punjabis, Shins, and “other groups like [those in] the Waziristan and [other] tribal areas.”

As a result, Pakistan and Afghanistan continue to accuse each other of supporting militants and contributing to the violence in the region.

“Sudan is divided into two parts and Iraq ... has been divided into three parts, Serbia has been carved and other countries are in the process of being broken. Libya may end up broken at the end of this and Syria may end up broken. So, the ultimate US policy is the destruction of the nations' state.”

Washington uses its assassination drones in a number of countries, claiming to target terrorists. However, the attacks have mostly led to massive civilian casualties.

PressTV - US seeks to divide Pakistan through drones, Afghan war: Analyst
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It is US policy & they love it which is Divide & Rule.

I agree that enemies of Pakistan are trying their very best to break Pakistan & the recent move by US towards Balochistan province proved it, that they want to break Pakistan.
Press TV?

but any way will this policy succeed in dividing Afghanistan
How Pakistan will be divided? Sudan and Serbia were different cases because the people wanted to get apart.How come that logic gets applied here?:blink:
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