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US says strategic ties with India 'will carry over into next century


Aug 14, 2013
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US says strategic ties with India 'will carry over into next century' - The Times of India

WASHINGTON: Waving aside dark clouds of multiple trade disputes and mistrust arising from US spying activities, the Obama administration said on Wednesday that its bet on a strategic relationship with India "will carry over into the next century."

A senior US administration official who previewed with journalists Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's visit starting on Thursday made light of the numerous wrinkles in the ties, and insisted the word "transformational" was not misplaced in describing what President Obama has repeatedly called a defining partnership in the 21st century. In fact, he projected it into the 22nd century, milking the usual set of superlatives that have been used to talk-up the relationship.

"If you look at the course of the last decade, some of the most contentious issues like defense cooperation and nuclear energy are centerpieces of the ties today," the official, who cannot be named under the background briefing rules, said.

Prime Minister Singh will meet President Obama at the White House Oval Office on Friday morning before they will be joined by their respective delegations for a working lunch.

First lady Michelle Obama will host a separate tea for Gursharan Kaur, the Prime Minister's wife, in what the official said is a "distinctive and unusual feature" that reflects the closeness of both the bilateral ties, and relations between the two leaders and their spouses.

However, questions from the scribes at the White House briefing reflected the many vexing, contentious issues between the two sides, ranging from the US National Security Agency's alleged eavesdropping on Indian missions and entities in US and in India, to differences over the nuclear liability law, to provisions in the proposed immigration laws that New Delhi feels will put Indian IT industry at a disadvantage.

But the US official shrugged off the concerns, pointing to the larger "organic" canvas of a multifaceted relationship. He declined to go into the NSA spying issue. He contested the commentary from some quarters that the relationship has come adrift or plateaued. He seemed to agree there was a period of stasis some six months back, but he said "things have moved forward since them" with the US vice-president's visit to India, and would be "superlatively topped" off with the Prime Minister's visit.

In separate background briefings, Indian officials too have talked up the big picture, but have expressed greater concern in discussing issues such as market access in granular details. The impression one gets is that the American side wants everything its way — from unfettered access to Indian markets (while legislating road blocks to Indian IT professionals and businesses) to a largely transactional defense relationship which mostly involves conditional sales. On the nuclear liability issue too, the US expects India to find ways to finesse contracts between private entities involved in the deal, while publicly expressing respect for the legislation the Indian parliament has already passed.

While analysts such as Carnegie Endowment's Ashley Tellis expect Prime Minister Singh to cement his legacy of strong ties with the US by "tying a ribbon" on some agreements, notably an early works agreement on the civilian nuclear deal, others were not so sanguine about any major advances.

"India is in pre-election mode and domestic and local-level issues will dominate the political discourse until national elections are completed. Political populism will take precedence over any deepening of ties with the US. in the short-term," Karl Inderfurth and Persis Khambatta of the thinktank Center for Strategic and International Studies wrote in a preview of the visit.

Prime Minister Singh will leave Washington on Friday evening to go New York, where he will deliver an address before the UN general assembly on Saturday. It is now confirmed that he will meet Pakistan's Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief on the sidelines of the UNGA in what is expected to be another token encounter, given Pakistan's disinclination to crack down on its homegrown extremists.
Great.That means India will continue being ruled by pro-US puppet regimes and continue being a vassal state to USA.

Thank you manmohan singh and bloody congressi retards..

All we can say is that India -US will continue to work closely and will try to carefully iron out their differences ....

Seems US is extremely concerned about rise of China .

Keeping India in its fold serves US well ....off course it is in good interest of India too !

I do not think India can be or will be vassal state ....

If Narendra Modi comes to power Indo-US relations can potentially go to backburner stage !

I am not sure how US will position itself, if it has to deal with man they denied visa ?

I think they will be ready to welcome him with red carpet if indeed he becomes PM !!!

So much for the so called "Human-rights-philia" of US administration ....
All we can say is that India -US will continue to work closely and will try to carefully iron out their differences ....

Seems US is extremely concerned about rise of China .

Keeping India in its fold serves US well ....off course it is in good interest of India too !

I do not think India can be or will be vassal state ....

If Narendra Modi comes to power Indo-US relations can potentially go to backburner stage !

I am not sure how US will position itself, if it has to deal with man they denied visa ?

I think they will be ready to welcome him with red carpet if indeed he becomes PM !!!

So much for the so called "Human-rights-philia" of US administration ....

The CIA has its plans to balkanize India and here you are talking about USA ra ra ra .... USA spies on India so much and yet ra ra ra ra from you.
'CIA plans to split India by 2015'

We don't need NRI's for advice.Already those world bank goons and Sonia Gandhi have done enough damage.Looking at the meek behaviour and US Rear kissing by congressi ,it is easy to know that India is already a vassal state.
All we can say is that India -US will continue to work closely and will try to carefully iron out their differences ....

Seems US is extremely concerned about rise of China .

Keeping India in its fold serves US well ....off course it is in good interest of India too !

I do not think India can be or will be vassal state ....

If Narendra Modi comes to power Indo-US relations can potentially go to backburner stage !

I am not sure how US will position itself, if it has to deal with man they denied visa ?

I think they will be ready to welcome him with red carpet if indeed he becomes PM !!!

So much for the so called "Human-rights-philia" of US administration ....

I think Manmohan Singh doing a great job by following a cautious approach with US. After Rupee incident, It is more neccessary to keep following a cautious approach while doing business with US. We Indians can accept a slow rate of economic growth, but can't accept US dictations and US sitting on driving seat of Indian economy and manuplating it on its will.

If Narendra Mody comes into power, then their is no risk of Indo-US relations going to back burner. Instead There is a risk of Mody working in the interest of US & its corporations like a puppet. Most probably Mody regime will work as pro-US puppet regimes and make India a vassal state to USA under bargain of Mody's International acceptance.
Relationship with US are moving in right direction with differences being ironed out steadily, att present both countries need each other
A century is a long time in geopolitics, too long for anybody to predict anything. Nobody who is currently talking or thinking about geopolitics will be alive then. The old order shall have changed, yielding place to a new one. Let's talk about this decade and a few more, for now.
A century is a long time in geopolitics, too long for anybody to predict anything. Nobody who is currently talking or thinking about geopolitics will be alive then. The old order shall have changed, yielding place to a new one. Let's talk about this decade and a few more, for now.

EXACTLY! I can't see how anyone would be stupid enough to make such sweeping statements. Almost 100 years is FAR too far away to predict anything with any great deal of certainty. The US or India might not even exist in 87 years from now. The human race might not even exist, the entire world might have chilled out and there might might not even be nations but a Star Trek-like federation!

I think they will be ready to welcome him with red carpet if indeed he becomes PM !!!

So much for the so called "Human-rights-philia" of US administration ....

You better believe they'll welcome him with open arms should he become PM! You think they'd risk pi$$ing off one of their most important friends over such things?

Not that Modi has actually been found of doing anything wrong but the US has shown itself to be happy doing business and cosying up to the monsters of this world. As long as it suits their own national interest they'll do it.
Perhaps when the latinos becomes the majority in USA they will form an alliance with India.
All we can say is that India -US will continue to work closely and will try to carefully iron out their differences ....

Seems US is extremely concerned about rise of China .

Keeping India in its fold serves US well ....off course it is in good interest of India too !

I do not think India can be or will be vassal state ....

If Narendra Modi comes to power Indo-US relations can potentially go to backburner stage !

I am not sure how US will position itself, if it has to deal with man they denied visa ?

I think they will be ready to welcome him with red carpet if indeed he becomes PM !!!

So much for the so called "Human-rights-philia" of US administration ....

Modi is supported by many pro-Chinese Indians here who would gladly carve away Indian territory to China.
As Bill Clinton said: It's the economy, stupid!

The billions of dollars worth of arms and nuke reactors we're getting from the US is translating into thousands of jobs being created there. Obama is on a roll. No wonder MM is getting the red carpet treatment and special tea and snacks in the White House for him and his wife! :coffee:
The CIA has its plans to balkanize India and here you are talking about USA ra ra ra .... USA spies on India so much and yet ra ra ra ra from you.
'CIA plans to split India by 2015'

We don't need NRI's for advice.Already those world bank goons and Sonia Gandhi have done enough damage.Looking at the meek behaviour and US Rear kissing by congressi ,it is easy to know that India is already a vassal state.

:lol: seriously ?

In view of global Chinese threat, last thing US would want is a weaker India.

Thanks to Chinese rise, everybody in the world wants a stronger India....be it Russia, japan, USA, Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Europe.

Of course US is no friend, but neither is China. But in the overall scheme of things its better to align with US right now (trust but verify kind of relationship) and maintain good relations with China.

India a vassal state ? .........tell us, you a pakistani or chinese ? :cheesy:
This should be hilarious. Swagatam, I hope you folks have a high tolerance level. Consider that the MOD hasn't even provided the LOA to BAE systems for the ULH- despite the MOD being in possession of said LOA since March. :omghaha:

But the MOD has demanded that BAE systems maintain its price and delivery schedule though.:omghaha::omghaha:

AND now that the MOD in its wisdom is trying to squiggle out of previously agreed terms wrt offsets- things should get interesting. :bounce:
:lol: seriously ?

In view of global Chinese threat, last thing US would want is a weaker India.

Thanks to Chinese rise, everybody in the world wants a stronger India....be it Russia, japan, USA, Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Europe.

Of course US is no friend, but neither is China. But in the overall scheme of things its better to align with US right now (trust but verify kind of relationship) and maintain good relations with China.

India a vassal state ? .........tell us, you a pakistani or chinese ? :cheesy:


Yes,India's behaviour makes it look timid and like a vassal state.And the only thing USA wants India to be is Cannon fodder for upcoming war against China. If Indian admin is smart ,they will become neutral rather than play into US hands
:lol: seriously ?

In view of global Chinese threat, last thing US would want is a weaker India.

Thanks to Chinese rise, everybody in the world wants a stronger India....be it Russia, japan, USA, Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Europe.

Of course US is no friend, but neither is China. But in the overall scheme of things its better to align with US right now (trust but verify kind of relationship) and maintain good relations with China.

India a vassal state ? .........tell us, you a pakistani or chinese ? :cheesy:

Kommunistas! :rofl:
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