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US rules out mediation on Kashmir as long as India rejects it


Sep 18, 2011
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WASHINGTON: The US has ruled out any mediation on the Kashmir issue as long as India rejects such a proposal and asked Pakistan to avoid employing militancy as an instrument of state policy.

"As long as India rejects any actual mediation there's not much we can do in that regard specifically," Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan James Dobbins told state-run Pakistani Television (PTV).

"India has consistently rejected any third party mediation and argued hat this is an issue that needs to be negotiated directly and without the participation of any third party. So they've rejected mediation," said Dobbins, who was recently on a visit to Pakistan.

"I think as long as they reject mediation, there is only a limited amount that the US or any other party can do. We certainly in our dialogue with Pakistan and India encourage improved relations, encourage improved trade relations, encourage improved dialogue on strategy and military issues, and we certainly encourage dialogue and negotiation on the territorial issues that separate the two countries," he said.

Echoing India's concerns over cross-border terrorism, he said India certainly is concerned about cross-border militancy and terrorist attacks that have been conducted in India which they believe had their origin on Pakistani territory.

"I think as is the case with Afghanistan, this is something that's in everybody's interest. I think all of the states of the regiion need to avoid employing militancy as an instrument of policy," he said.

"That this has been a long-term strategy which has created a cancer in societies and particularly in Pakistani society which is now threatening of the actual existence of the state and of its democratic institutions," he said.

"So it's in the interest not just of Pakistan, but of Pakistan and all of its neighbors to move away from that approach to diplomacy and to geopolitical strategy, and to avoid employing these kinds of instruments and, as I've said, move toward the elimination of violent extremism in Pakistan and around Pakistan and all of the neighboring societies," Dobbins said.

US rules out mediation on Kashmir as long as India rejects it - The Economic Times

Pakistan's attempts at internationalizing a basically bilateral issue again comes to naught.

@VCheng, @Donatello, @INDIC, @nForce, @OrionHunter
There is nothing going to happen , It is going to stay as it it .
WASHINGTON: The US has ruled out any mediation on the Kashmir issue as long as India rejects such a proposal and asked Pakistan to avoid employing militancy as an instrument of state policy.

"As long as India rejects any actual mediation there's not much we can do in that regard specifically," Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan James Dobbins told state-run Pakistani Television (PTV).

"India has consistently rejected any third party mediation and argued hat this is an issue that needs to be negotiated directly and without the participation of any third party. So they've rejected mediation," said Dobbins, who was recently on a visit to Pakistan.

"I think as long as they reject mediation, there is only a limited amount that the US or any other party can do. We certainly in our dialogue with Pakistan and India encourage improved relations, encourage improved trade relations, encourage improved dialogue on strategy and military issues, and we certainly encourage dialogue and negotiation on the territorial issues that separate the two countries," he said.

Echoing India's concerns over cross-border terrorism, he said India certainly is concerned about cross-border militancy and terrorist attacks that have been conducted in India which they believe had their origin on Pakistani territory.

"I think as is the case with Afghanistan, this is something that's in everybody's interest. I think all of the states of the regiion need to avoid employing militancy as an instrument of policy," he said.

"That this has been a long-term strategy which has created a cancer in societies and particularly in Pakistani society which is now threatening of the actual existence of the state and of its democratic institutions," he said.

"So it's in the interest not just of Pakistan, but of Pakistan and all of its neighbors to move away from that approach to diplomacy and to geopolitical strategy, and to avoid employing these kinds of instruments and, as I've said, move toward the elimination of violent extremism in Pakistan and around Pakistan and all of the neighboring societies," Dobbins said.

US rules out mediation on Kashmir as long as India rejects it - The Economic Times

Pakistan's attempts at internationalizing a basically bilateral issue again comes to naught.

@VCheng, @Donatello, @INDIC, @nForce, @OrionHunter
"I think as is the case with Afghanistan, this is something that's in everybody's interest. I think all of the states of the region need to avoid employing militancy as an instrument of policy," he said.
If Pakistan thinks that India will succumb to 'pressure' from these sponsored terrorists and Pakistan's proxy war then they're barking up the wrong tree. There's absolutely no way that India would seek a solution with a gun pointed to its head.

However, I think most are missing the wood for the trees. Does Pakistan and its army really want a solution to the Kashmir problem? I think not. There are too many vested interests at play here. They want the pot to keep boiling as it suits everyone's interests - from the Army to the Jehadis and the Pak government.

How else will the Pakistan Army justify its existence if there's no conflict environment? How would political parties gain votes and jockey for position by invoking the 'K' word? How would the Establishment play on the sentiments of the population at large for whom Kashmir has been made an emotional issue?

And how would the millions of rupees in contributions flow into the coffers of the Jehadis for 'fighting for the Kashmir cause'? How would they be able to buy weapons to fight not only for their 'Kashmiri brethren' but also for the ultimate objective of establishing an Islamic Caliphate?

So, it's not easy. This proxy war will continue well into the future until there is a change in mindsets of all stakeholders. And that's not going to happen any time soon.

For now it seems, the twain shall never meet. All that can be done at present is not conflict resolution, but conflict management to prevent escalation.
Now its better if Pakistan wont humiliate itself again and again on international front and stop crying for Kashmir cause no one care about it.
However, I think most are missing the wood for the trees. Does Pakistan and its army really want a solution to the Kashmir problem? I think not. There are too many vested interests at play here. They want the pot to keep boiling as it suits everyone's interests - from the Army to the Jehadis and the Pak government.

How else will the Pakistan Army justify its existence if there's no conflict environment? How would political parties gain votes and jockey for position by invoking the 'K' word? How would the Establishment play on the sentiments of the population at large for whom Kashmir has been made an emotional issue?

They have lost the plot a longtime back - precisely in 1972 when Bhutto signed up on the Shimla accord. The calling to arms by the Kashmiri jihadi elements in Pakistan, the constant begging from various states to say something on Kashmir by Pakistani politicians and the statements such as "jugular vein" and quoting UNSC resolutions by their generals is akin to fooling their own masses and presenting them with a wrong picture.

Absolutely no one including the Kashmiri separatist loons can get involved in this matter - as for Pakistan and India, again they are on slippery ground when it comes to their support to Kashmiri jihadi's for over 2 decades and the gifting of Kashmiri land to China.
The best they can do is milk the poor populace of Pakistan by showing them an impossible dream nd use "K" as an election manifesto.

In 1971, Pakistan did not only lose Bangladesh, they lost out on a international jurisdiction case on Kashmir as well.
They have lost the plot a longtime back - precisely in 1972 when Bhutto signed up on the Shimla accord. The calling to arms by the Kashmiri jihadi elements in Pakistan, the constant begging from various states to say something on Kashmir by Pakistani politicians and the statements such as "jugular vein" and quoting UNSC resolutions by their generals is akin to fooling their own masses and presenting them with a wrong picture.

Absolutely no one including the Kashmiri separatist loons can get involved in this matter - as for Pakistan and India, again they are on slippery ground when it comes to their support to Kashmiri jihadi's for over 2 decades and the gifting of Kashmiri land to China.
The best they can do is milk the poor populace of Pakistan by showing them an impossible dream nd use "K" as an election manifesto.

In 1971, Pakistan did not only lose Bangladesh, they lost out on a international jurisdiction case on Kashmir as well.

The case of Kashmir was closed for Pakistan since the day the ceasefire was announced after 47-48 war and after Pakistan did not succeed to get even an inch of Kashmir after paying heavy prices.
How many times we will heard the same thing "US rules out mediation in Kashmir issue"
Well Its a known fact that no one can do anything about Kashmir now excep India and Pakistan try to solve it themselves.
Taking the current geo-political scenario under consideration, I don't think there is going to be any resolution that will be favourable for Pakistan.
I must say, US has been successful in not poking their nose in at least one occasion.Good job..
The case of Kashmir was closed for Pakistan since the day the ceasefire was announced after 47-48 war and after Pakistan did not succeed to get even an inch of Kashmir after paying heavy prices.

The problem is they don't think so and 65 and 99 wouldn't have happened. Though Kargil was a direct contravention of the Shimla accord and the last nail in the coffin and the precise reason why Pakistan got bamboozled.
Well Its a known fact that no one can do anything about Kashmir now excep India and Pakistan try to solve it themselves.

There can be two possible solutions.
1. We recover the part taken by Pakistan before Indian army could reach Kashmir during 1947-48.
2.Status quo.

I'm kinda okay with both.
I already said that no one want to get into kashmir mess...we should accept the current boundaries as our international boundaries for the piece of region...if not this will go on for centuries without capturing a inch of each others territory and wasting our future generation for same waste reason.
Well Its a known fact that no one can do anything about Kashmir now excep India and Pakistan try to solve it themselves.

First of all, there is no 'issue'. The state is occupied by radical arab wannabes who have cleansed the local population out. Not to mention the years of secret infiltration of pashtuns and others into Kashmir to change its demography. Thanks to secularism and its Hindu/Buddhist/Sikh hate, there are no indigenous people left there.

The decision is now in the hands of the new government on how to restore order and destroy the anti-national secular forces that have disturbed the years of peace in Kashmir we all have known from the era of Raj Kapoor.

Neither Pakistan nor US have anything to do with this.
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