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US releases Saudi Guantanamo detainee after 21 years


Jul 29, 2022
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The United States on Wednesday announced the release from the Guantanamo military prison of a Saudi engineer seized over two decades ago as a suspect in the September 11, 2001 Al-Qaeda attacks but never charged.

Ghassan Al Sharbi, 48, was detained in Faisalabad, Pakistan with an Al-Qaeda associate in March 2002. He was targeted because he had studied at an aeronautical university in Arizona and had attended flight school with two of the Al-Qaeda highjackers in the 9/11 plot.

The US military had weighed charges against Sharbi and several others but dropped them in 2008.

Yet it continued to hold him as an enemy combatant in the military prison in the US Navy’s base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and his status remained in limbo — he was never charged but not approved for release, either.

But in February 2022, the Pentagon’s Periodic Review Board, which deals with Guantanamo release petitions, ruled that the native of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia could be released.

It said he had no leadership or facilitator position in Al-Qaeda, and was compliant in detention — after he was years earlier viewed as a hostile prisoner.

It also said he had unspecified “physical and mental health issues”.

The 2022 decision indicated he could enter into Saudi Arabia’s longstanding rehabilitation program for radical jihadists, which seeks to slowly change their viewpoint while ensuring they will be monitored as they return to society.

The review board said in a statement on Wednesday that it recommended Sharbi be transferred to Saudi custody “subject to the implementation of a comprehensive set of security measures including monitoring, travel restrictions and continued information sharing”.

With Sharbi’s release, 31 detainees remain at Guantanamo, down from a peak of nearly 800.

Of them, 17 are eligible for transfer and the Pentagon and State Department are seeking countries to accept them.

Another three are eligible for a Periodic Review Board review, while nine are facing charges under military commissions and two have been convicted in such commissions.
Caught in Faisalabad by Pakistani authorities, and transferred to US custody based on the evidence developed by them.

Evaluated and charges dropped by due process. (He was "just a bomb-maker" and not a "leader or facilitator", mind you.)

So why keep him after 2008? Because even his own country did not want him back (and obviously no other country either).


“On September 21, 2022, Secretary of Defence Austin notified Congress of his intent to repatriate Ghassan Al Sharbi to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and, in consultation with our partners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we completed the requirements for responsible transfer”, the Department of Defence said in a statement late on Wednesday."

Finally, they agreed to take back their own citizen.

17 more to go. Slow and steady progress.
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Caught in Faisalabad by Pakistani authorities, and transferred to US custody based on the evidence developed by them.

Evaluated and charges dropped by due process.

So why keep him after 2008? Because even his own country did not want him back.


“On September 21, 2022, Secretary of Defence Austin notified Congress of his intent to repatriate Ghassan Al Sharbi to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and, in consultation with our partners in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we completed the requirements for responsible transfer”, the Department of Defence said in a statement late on Wednesday."

Finally, they agreed to take back their own citizen.

17 more to go. Slow and steady progress.
So deport him to a third country like so many before him...

It just optics management at this point to whitewash the extreme excesses of the war of terror in which both the US colonial power and their minions in the colonial sepoy army of Pakistan were equally complicit.
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