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US prepares military package for UAE against Iran

That not saying anything, a pakistani f-16 won over a typoon does that mean they can always wain against a typoon?, But i asked a question many times which you avoided.
"how can saudi arabia wage war on Iran?" You share no land border, Only thing you have over the persian are your airforce,
I find it funny that some people say Iran "only" has thousand of missiles, but do you have any idea how much damage those missiles will do?

Iran will also start to build its airforce now, specialy after getting their hand on that RQ-170, they can use the sensors etc to use it in their fighter program.

Also Iran strongest point is in their cyberdefence, how many of your f-15 will even manage to get into Iran i dont know, but outcome of a war is never easy to predict.

Who said anything about "attacking" Iran my scenario is that of a defensive one as well where Iran is the one attacking not the other way around.
LOL really? then why dont go and take your island back? Go read what Iran did to the world most advanced uav and tell me what they will do to your $hitty airforce.

UAE does not want war with any country and has repeated always that it wants to settle the island issue peacefully. And as I said before they are even ready to go to the international Court of Justice to settle the issue once and for all, but it is the Iranians who are not willing to solve the issue. Why? go and ask their ayatollahs.
Whose Side is Pakistan on in case a Arab vs Iran war breaks out ?

Pakistan will be wise to remain neutral. Iran is a strong neighbor with a large educated population that shares a lot of heritage and history with south Asia, specially Pakistan. I don't think there will ever be a scenario where Iran and SA or the UAE are going to be at war. There is no reason for that.

What can happen however is that UAE bases used by the US in any attack on Iranian soil will lead to a possible Iranian attack on the UAE.

If the proposed IPI(Iran Pakistan India) gas pipeline goes through, Pakistan will not side with anyone. If it doesn't Pakistan may assist the Arabs indirectly as well as the US against Iran for long term monetary benefits against its peoples voice as it is currently allowing its own borders to be targeted.

Iran has been there before, alone against several Arab nations resources, US military expertise and Iraqi hardware in a 10 year war and has shown its metal even through proxy in southern Lebanon against a much better equipped and trained Israeli military and its advanced hardware. They came out, and are much stronger in terms of resolve and know-how.

Regardless, the Saudis and the Emirates on their own are no match for Iran. I don't mean to insult them as they have come a long way in procuring western systems. Its not about the hardware, its about the tenacity to have gotten this far after being sanctioned to the eyeballs for as long as they have been and forced into relying on themselves. Any conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran will be default be war between USA (Saudi Oil) and Iran.
Mosa Iran would never attack you, your country is their holy land. i was assuming saudis want to attack Iran.
Pakistan will be wise to remain neutral. Iran is a strong neighbor with a large educated population that shares a lot of heritage and history with south Asia, specially Pakistan. I don't think there will ever be a scenario where Iran and SA or the UAE are going to be at war. There is no reason for that.

What can happen however is that UAE bases used by the US in any attack on Iranian soil will lead to a possible Iranian attack on the UAE.

If the proposed IPI(Iran Pakistan India) gas pipeline goes through, Pakistan will not side with anyone. If it doesn't Pakistan may assist the Arabs indirectly as well as the US against Iran for long term monetary benefits against its peoples voice as it is currently allowing its own borders to be targeted.

Iran has been there before, alone against several Arab nations resources, US military expertise and Iraqi hardware in a 10 year war and has shown its metal even through proxy in southern Lebanon against a much better equipped and trained Israeli military and its advanced hardware. They came out, and are much stronger in terms of resolve and know-how.

Regardless, the Saudis and the Emirates on their own are no match for Iran. I don't mean to insult them as they have come a long way in procuring western systems. Its not about the hardware, its about the tenacity to have gotten this far after being sanctioned to the eyeballs for as long as they have been and forced into relying on themselves. Any conflict between Saudi Arabia and Iran will be default be war between USA (Saudi Oil) and Iran.

Again you are underestimating Arabs. Even before Islam came Persia could never conquer Arabia. Arabian tribes would unite fight Persia and fight Rome and beat them and then go back to fighting each other. Even if the system fell people will still defend Arabia with everything they got. You might bring Iraq up but that was different because the system turned down all the volunteers who went to enlist for a Psedu-American invasion I don't see that happening again.
Who said anything about "attacking" Iran my scenario is that of a defensive one as well where Iran is the one attacking not the other way around.
Why would Iran attack Saudis? There is no point, no they ever said they would. However didnt Saudis said "cut the snakes head off" talking about Iran, and provide bases to US who probably will attack Iran? If that war happens, Saudis will be automatically involved, and because of themselves.

P.S. Lets not forget Saudis for some reason not just opposed to current Iran, but was actively involved against it from the beginning, like 28 bln. support to Hussein against Iran. Similar situation might happen again, just Saudis fully supporting US war this time.
Why would Iran attack Saudis? There is no point, no they ever said they would. However didnt Saudis said "cut the snakes head off" talking about Iran, and provide bases to US who probably will attack Iran? If that war happens, Saudis will be automatically involved, and because of themselves.

P.S. Lets not forget Saudis for some reason not just opposed to current Iran, but was actively involved against it from the beginning, like 28 bln. support to Hussein against Iran. Similar situation might happen again, just Saudis fully supporting US war this time.

They never said that. If you plan to trust wikileaks at what it suits you and what it does not then it is your choice. Saudi Arabia provides not a single US military base. It is other GCC countries who do not believe that Saudi Arabia has the capability to protect it so they invite the Americans. I said it once and I will say it again, At the beginning of the war we were neutral but Iran refused to remain neutral regarding OUR situation so this happened:

"The Gulf states were especially inclined to fear an Iranian victory after Khomeini announced that monarchy was an illegitimate and un-Islamic form of government.[65] Khomeini's statement was widely understood as a call for the overthrow of the Gulf monarchies.[65] Both Kuwait and Saudi Arabia had less than friendly relations with Iraq before 1982, and the reluctant decision to support Iraq was taken only because the consequences of an Iranian victory were considered worse than the continued existence of Saddam's regime.[66] The British journalists John Bulloch and Harvey Morris wrote:
"The virulent Iranian campaign, which at its peak seemed to be making the overthrow of the Saudi regime a war aim on a par with the defeat of Iraq, did have an effect on the Kingdom, but not the one the Iranians wanted: instead of becoming more conciliatory, the Saudis became tougher, more self-confident, and less prone to seek compromise".[67]
Saudi Arabia was said to provide Iraq with $1 billion US/month starting in mid-1982"

Iranians keep screaming you helped them you helped them when in fact you are the ones who brought this to yourself if you have used smart politics it would not have happened and like wise Iran is not using smart politics again.
UAE does not want war with any country and has repeated always that it wants to settle the island issue peacefully. And as I said before they are even ready to go to the international Court of Justice to settle the issue once and for all, but it is the Iranians who are not willing to solve the issue. Why? go and ask their ayatollahs.
you're insane

"The claim by U.A.E however is not recognized internationally as at the time Iran and Britain agreed on the fate of the three Islands, the U.A.E was just in the midst of being formed as a result of British withdrawal from the area and therefore could not lay claim on any territory as it was not yet an official state."

Before the 1900's the islands were PART OF IRAN and the Brits took them from us. After they decided to leave THEY HANDED THEM BACK TO IRAN. You guys weren't even a country. A bunch of pearl divers who didn't even have a country a few decades ago are now barking for our islands. lmao bark for a thousand years and see if you get anywhere. Over the dead body of 80 million nationalist Iranians will you see those 3 islands. Waste your time on smtg else
Again you are underestimating Arabs. Even before Islam came Persia could never conquer Arabia. Arabian tribes would unite fight Persia and fight Rome and beat them and then go back to fighting each other. Even if the system fell people will still defend Arabia with everything they got. You might bring Iraq up but that was different because the system turned down all the volunteers who went to enlist for a Psedu-American invasion I don't see that happening again.
wtf are you talking about Mosa?
Iran never conquered Arabia because no Iranian king EVER wanted control of thousands of KM of desert. Even with modern technology KSA is still a waste land. Do you think back then KSA would have had any resources? Every territory that was captured contributed something. Arabia had no art, no resources, no civilization (in the academic sense of the word)... It was a liability for everyone. Don't talk out of your ***.
you're insane

"The claim by U.A.E however is not recognized internationally as at the time Iran and Britain agreed on the fate of the three Islands, the U.A.E was just in the midst of being formed as a result of British withdrawal from the area and therefore could not lay claim on any territory as it was not yet an official state."

Before the 1900's the islands were PART OF IRAN and the Brits took them from us. After they decided to leave THEY HANDED THEM BACK TO IRAN. You guys weren't even a country. A bunch of pearl divers who didn't even have a country a few decades ago are now barking for our islands. lmao bark for a thousand years and see if you get anywhere. Over the dead body of 80 million nationalist Iranians will you see those 3 islands. Waste your time on smtg else

80 million ? Does that Include all Children, Women and Babies ?
Well Certainly the Bunker Busters and other Weapons are to scare Iran, UAE would never actually use them first otherwise they will be damaged, the US is arming all the Gulf Allies. If I'm correct doesn't the UAE have a French Base ? The USA will not leave the Gulf for a Long time. Interests Interests Interests.
They never said that. If you plan to trust wikileaks at what it suits you and what it does not then it is your choice.
How do you know they never said that? Saudis and other GCC countries were more than hostile towards Iran since the beginning.

Saudi Arabia provides not a single US military base.
Bases were used before and still prepared, and while not being used by US atm, but in case of war I'm sure Saudis will be asked to allow to use them, and plus new drone base is being build as a part of constellation bases, persistent rumors its in Saudi.

Plus lets not forget Saudis send their forces to Bahrain, Libya, and now Syria too. I'm more than positive they'll send them to Iran, if US stars the war.

Iranians keep screaming you helped them you helped them when in fact you are the ones who brought this to yourself if you have used smart politics it would not have happened and like wise Iran is not using smart politics again.
I'm not Iranian, but to any neutral person its obvious to fund with 28 bln. Iranians killing is BY FAR worse than Khomeini's words about "monarchy is illegitimate." Saudis and some other Arabs simply feared Islamic revolution, same as they did in recent Arab Spring, and they held no barriers to kill the threat to their ruling. They helped Hussein, now they call for US to attack Iran, sounds familiar.

What concerns politics, I wouldnt consider serving West interest as a smart politics, but of course to each nation its own choice.
How do you know they never said that? Saudis and other GCC countries were more than hostile towards Iran since the beginning.

Actually in the beginning The Arabs welcomed the fall of the shah and the new Islamic republic, however when Iran wanted to spread it and overthrow the other Arab countries thats when it started.

---------- Post added at 10:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------

Bases were used before and still prepared, and while not being used by US atm, but in case of war I'm sure Saudis will be asked to allow to use them, and plus new drone base is being build as a part of constellation bases, persistent rumors its in Saudi.

Plus lets not forget Saudis send their forces to Bahrain, Libya, and now Syria too. I'm more than positive they'll send them to Iran, if US stars the war.

I don't see anything wrong with West-Saudi Cooperation no Muslim country can provide to Saudi Arabia the Support the USA can. we have our interest simply if Countries like Bahrain it's monarchy were to fall it would be closer to Iran and the loss of a naval base. Interests.

---------- Post added at 10:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 PM ----------

I'm not Iranian, but to any neutral person its obvious to fund with 28 bln. Iranians killing is BY FAR worse than Khomeini's words about "monarchy is illegitimate." Saudis and some other Arabs simply feared Islamic revolution, same as they did in recent Arab Spring, and they held no barriers to kill the threat to their ruling. They helped Hussein, now they call for US to attack Iran, sounds familiar.
What concerns politics, I wouldnt consider serving West interest as a smart politics, but of course to each nation its own choice.

The Lesser of the Two evils today is the Western Backed governments against Iran. Serving Western Interests are better then the alternative, very true Iran wants get rid of the USA bases and influence in the Gulf however it's the gulf countries that want to keep them.
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