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US policy debate asks Obama to broaden engagement for Pakistan’s stability


Jul 11, 2008
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WASHINGTON, Dec 13 (APP): President-elect Barack Obama should forge a wide-ranging engagement towards Pakistan for the key South Asian country’s long-term stability, a former top US defense official, currently associated with a major think tank having close links to Obama, said.

Lawrence J Korb, a former assistant secretary of defense, argued in a debate on U.S. future policy toward Pakistan that the incoming Obama Administration - taking charge on January 20, 2009 - must recognize the regional nature of the country’s challenges and support the country in stabilizing its economy.

He urged the incoming administration to work with Congress and the international community to help Pakistan weaken al Qaeda, the Taliban and affiliated militant groups so they no longer threaten stability in the region, the United States or the world and secure borders between Pakistan and its neighbors.

“The U.S. and its allies should work to resolve all border disputes, including those of Kashmir and the Durand Line (the disputed boundary between Afghanistan and Pakistan),” stated Korb, who is now a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress that last month crafted a blueprint for U.S. policy on Pakistan under the new administration.

Korb said the Obama administration must work with Pakistan, its friends and neighbors to create a new strategy for enhancing security in Pakistan.

The U.S.-Pakistan relationship needs to be moved away from a “reactive, transactional, short-term approach that is narrowly focused on bilateral efforts” to a “more proactive, long-term strategy that seeks to advance stability and prosperity inside Pakistan.”

“For the first time in almost a decade, the United States and the world have legitimate partners in the democratically elected government of Pakistan,” he said, finding flaws with the Bush Administration’s policies, particularly its overemphasis on relationship with the former Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf and narrow focus on security issues.

Another opportunity, he said in the Los Angeles Times hosted debate, is Congressional initiative co-led by Vice President-elect Joe Biden, the former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and ranking Republican Richard Lugar that would authorize $7.5 billion over five years to go toward projects ‘intended to benefit people of Pakistan.’

“To implement these goals, the U.S. must adopt policies that recognize regional dimension of Pakistan’s security challenge. Afghanistan, India and Pakistan are inextricably linked, and U.S. policy must be formulated accordingly.”

David B. Rivkin Jr., who served in various positions under former Republican presidents, defended the Bush Administration’s policies in the region, including its approach to addressing security issues along Afghanistan-Pakistan border and India-Pakistan relations.
This is exactly what the Indians fear. Obama has made it clear from day one that he wants to focus on the issue of Kashmir. Something that doesn't bode well for the Indians. Obama wants Pakistan to fully focus on fighting the insurgents. However, Pakistan considers India as a threat. Obama realizes that Pakistani demands must be met. Otherwise, Pakistan cannot fully cooperate in the WoT. This is a actually good development for Pakistan.
This is exactly what the Indians fear. Obama has made it clear from day one that he wants to focus on the issue of Kashmir. Something that doesn't bode well for the Indians. Obama wants Pakistan to fully focus on fighting the insurgents. However, Pakistan considers India as a threat. Obama realizes that Pakistani demands must be met. Otherwise, Pakistan cannot fully cooperate in the WoT. This is a actually good development for Pakistan.

You are right bro, But Obama seems to be harsh on Pakistan may be that's why many diplomats think that Obama must change his attitude towards Pakistan, May be his previous Statements were purely meant for his Election campaign now he has won the elections and thats why his tone has changed a little bit, If USA wants to win this so Called " War on Terror" they must work closely with Pakistan and Must accept Pakistani justified Demands.
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