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US needs to rephrase its Pak policy

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Sep 16, 2010
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Watch Tower: US needs to rephrase its Pak policy

One thing the US administration needs to re-look in view of the ongoing Kashmir trouble, incited by Pakistan, is whether their ally in this part of Asia is trustworthy or not. Also, the US need to convince the world whether bin Laden and his outfit called the Al Qaeda is still a US stooge or otherwise. These two things are interlinked. Otherwise, what is the reason the US and now its NATO, with the support of Pakistan, their trusted ally, is still unable to locate Laden, if he is still alive.
There were conflicting reports immediately after the first US war in Afghanistan, post 9/11, that Laden and his Al Qaeda is maimed or crippled. There were also reports that Laden is totally incapacitated due to his kidney problem and he is no more a threat to the U.S. Then, there were reports that Laden and his men have moved deep into Pakistan and the *** and are still on their nefarious activity. Even in between US and their allies were engaged in their Iraq mission, Afghanistan was a boiling pot and the Afghan President Hamid Karzai, with the assistance of US and then NATO forces, consolidated his position. He had a tight rope walk experience between the US and his own Afghan moderate War Lords.
Now, as per reports, despite Karzai have had differences of opinion with his Pakistani counterpart over the question of India's intimate relationship with Afghanistan in building up its infrastructure, Karzai, after the post Musharraf democratic Pakistan, interacted with that country more intimately and after the change over of the controversial US command control from Afghanistan, President Hamid Karzai is now well under control and he is even willing to extend relationship with the moderate Taliban. In the meanwhile came a statement from the one eyed Jack, the Taliban leader Mullah Omar, hiding somewhere in Pakistan, that the US and its NATO allies will soon find their worst failure in the AfPak operations.
The latest report about the Pakistan Army's misinformation campaign that Kashmir belongs to Pakistan and America need not have to involve much in the Kashmir affair too is something distressing. It exemplifies that Pakistan is very much behind the inflated trouble in Kashmir now. Even in the thick of the worst flood Pakistan faced in its history, that country was insisting that India should settle the Kashmir issue first.
Some media in Pakistan even linked India's aid offer with the Kashmir issue which was quite unfortunate. Whereas, time and again, India cleared its position that it cannot think of an India without Kashmir, the jewel on its crown. Under the circumstance, America need to clarify its position whether they sincerely want to capture Bin Laden and his rogues called the Al Qaeda. If so, then they have to disassociate themselves from Pakistan which has totally aligned itself with China, even by parting some sensitive *** areas to China to build up their infrastructure. India's consistent stand that it wants peace at all cost should not be taken as its weakness. Pakistan had enough experience of India's aggressive postures and the last one was the Kargil war.
Now that since they feel on its own Pakistan cannot crack the hard Indian nuts, a joint venture enterprise they mastermind by engaging China on its side. The nucleus of this latest development was the Indo-US nuclear agreement. As we all know how the Leftists in India opposed that agreement and even at the risk of abandonment of the Leftists' outside support, UPA-I under Dr. Manmohan Singh steered clear that agreement. Even though, in the 2009 general election, the BJP and other opposition parties, including the Leftists, tried their level best, the Congress led UPA romped home a convincing victory and the UPA-II has now successfully completed over one years in the midst of the worst economic crisis when most of the western countries are still under depression. America knows very well that the Indian growth trajectory is unstoppable and most of the multinational companies are opening their shops in India.
The latest action of the U.S. President to put roadblocks on outsourcing, though invited displeasure from most of the premier IT companies, the Indian roadmap for sustainable development on all fronts is proving an eye sore for many, both in the East and the West. Very soon, the U.S. will be on its mid-term election campaign and as per reports, the U.S. President is not on a placid wicket, despite his health sector reforms, withdrawal of US forces from Iraq, the efforts of stimulus package to boost up economy.
Famed economic commentators like Paul Krugman, time and again through his columns, warns about economic fall outs and even there are chances of deflation, as the rate of unemployment is growing. Further, the ongoing AfPak war is posing more constraints to the U.S. economy. There are dissentions within the Democrats and the Republican's Sarah Palin is already a front-runner in the mid-term election campaign and possibly a sure candidate for the 2012 Presidential election. Therefore, the earlier the U.S. administration clear the mess they have already created in this part of Asia by associating with Pakistan, which Pakistan have used tactically against the U.S. interest but turned it in their advantage by clandestinely joining hands with the Chinese; the better it would be for a peaceful solution of the burning issues like Kashmir.
RK Kutty

Central Chronicle - Madhya Pradesh's News Portal
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