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US, NATO seek regime change in Russia: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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US, NATO seek regime change in Russia: Analyst

A political analyst says the US and NATO are using the crisis in Ukraine to further their military buildup around Russia with the aim of regime change in Moscow.

“Their (US and NATO) clear aim is to surround Russia, to weaken Russia in the long run [and] to bring about regime change in Russia…,” Richard Becker, with the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition from San Francisco said in an interview with Press TV on Saturday.

The analyst pointed out that the US seeks regime change in Moscow “because Russia, despite being much weaker than when it was part of the Soviet Union, still constitutes an obstacle to US’ global domination.”

He also noted that the escalation of tension between Washington and Moscow over the worsening crisis in Ukraine could trigger a war in the region.

“…The escalation ladder is frequently climbed without either side wanting to get to war but the steps climbing the ladder can inexorably lead to something beyond which either side originally anticipated,” he added.

Tensions between Moscow and the West remained high since Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula separated and then integrated into Russia after a referendum on March 16, in which nearly 97 percent of the participants voted for rejoining Russia, with a turnout of more than 83 percent.

US President Barack Obama has signed executive orders imposing sanctions on senior Russian officials and a Russian bank.

Following pro-Russian demonstrations in the Ukrainian cities of Donetsk, Lugansk, and Kharkov over the weekend in which protesters seized government buildings, US Secretary of State John Kerry threatened Russia with more sanctions accusing Moscow of “an illegal and illegitimate effort to destabilize” Ukraine.

PressTV - US, NATO seek regime change in Russia: Analyst
Fingers crossed so they succeed.:tup:

For Humanity's sake.
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