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US mistakenly hits YPG forces, kills 300 militants

The question is, when will the kurds learn not to trust USA?

During Saddam USA betrayed the kurds and they got gassed.

In North Iraq USA betrayed them again.

And now in north Syria USA bombs them by "accident".

We simply need to ask one question:
USA is at risk of war with North Korea and Iran at the moment and later on with China and Russia.

USA also needs all the help it can get to protect Israel right now.

The question is under these circumstances can the USA really afford to lose Turkey?

Of course not!
Under no circumstances the USA can afford to lose her allies - the entire model of global (read $$$) dominance is based on it!!! If the allies leave the USA $$$ will be hard hit, and God forbid, the USA will shatter into pieces like a crystal ball!!!!! Folks from all over the world have gathered here to pursue their interests!!! The highest US causalities occurred during the Civil War when the South felt that they're being economically/financially marginalized by the North!!!!!!

Lesson for Pak: don't downplay your leverage over the USA - it's HUUUGE!!!! Play hard ball to the boiling point!! As for the USA, it's much lower than that of Pak!!!

What's Russia's view about Kurds(YPG)?
Great powers usually have a very poor esteem about proxies, traitors etc....

Nothing is going to plan for them and Turkey's stance has yielded results that has completely thrown them out of this region or rather limited them to a fiefdom. A fiefdom Like Kabul no less.
Now the future course for the NA thugs can be projected...
USA normally doesn't make this kind of mistakes ... IMO thanks to this recent event between Israel and Syria , USA just decide to sacrifice his kurd pawns to keep Turkey as neutral or potential ally if things goes wrongs ...

These YPG terrorists can't trust anyone it seems.
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The U.S. mistakenly hit Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) forces predominantly led by PKK-affiliated groups in Deir ez-Zour and killed 300 militants, some media outlets reported.

According to Al-Masdar news, the Assad regime's media outlet, the U.S. air forces conducted a raid in Deir ez-Zor and unintentionally hit the SDF forces, allegedly due to wrong coordinates.

It was reported that 300 SDF members were killed by the U.S. airstrikes.

Ankara and Washington have fallen out over the People's Protection Units (YPG) issue.

While Ankara considers the YPG to be a terrorist group, Washington is opting to work with it in northern Syria.

While Washington has not changed its approach towards Ankara's calls regarding the U.S.-YPG relationship, arms and equipment transfers to the YPG has put further strain on Turkish-U.S. relations.

The U.S. mistakenly hit Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) forces predominantly led by PKK-affiliated groups in Deir ez-Zour and killed 300 militants, some media outlets reported.

According to Al-Masdar news, the Assad regime's media outlet, the U.S. air forces conducted a raid in Deir ez-Zor and unintentionally hit the SDF forces, allegedly due to wrong coordinates.

It was reported that 300 SDF members were killed by the U.S. airstrikes.

Ankara and Washington have fallen out over the People's Protection Units (YPG) issue.

While Ankara considers the YPG to be a terrorist group, Washington is opting to work with it in northern Syria.

While Washington has not changed its approach towards Ankara's calls regarding the U.S.-YPG relationship, arms and equipment transfers to the YPG has put further strain on Turkish-U.S. relations.


is this same incidence about which @500 said Russians were also killed?
is this same incidence about which @500 said Russians were also killed?
No it is not the same incident but the place is same. The incidents have different dates but it was Syrian army that was killed here by USA not Russians there were few Russian instructors among the casualties here but Russians and Syrian Army is pushing for the area to kill ISIS.
These YPG terrorists can't trust anyone it seems.
Kurd have no original base power in region , they don't recognize it and try to gain more than their capacity and therefore they have to act like pawns for others ...
Iranic origin people are emotional ...
Funny enough, Russia has had quite good relations and no real enmity with Kurdish armed groups from soviet times(PKK itself was modelled on Soviet communist doctrine and financed by Moscow during that era) to modern day Russia itself. Russia has no real issue with the Kurds, same with even Assad and sometimes they have even cooperated with each other when needed. I believe without Turkish intervention in Syria the Kurds would have been allowed to have their own state(or at the minimum self rule) in the long run in Syria. Since there will have been no major power who has as much hostility towards the formation of a quasi self ruling Kurdish state in the country as Turkey. So, it's kind of ironic.

Which part is ironic?

I can feel both Russia and Syrian goverment support YPG under the table. Cause Turkey is making. Alliance with the Syrian opposition coalition. They want Kurds and Syrian opposition kill each other and tie down Turkey in the future. Now both Russia and USA covertly and overtly support YPG. Recently a T129 was shot down..../the is getting more complicated.

The kurds are using Assad/Russia held territory to send reinforcement to Afrin so this is a fact now.

I don't believe this latest news is correct. We have to wait for more credible information to come in.

The timing is interesting top US officials in Turkey now.

USA kills more allies by mistake than terrorist kill them .. 300 is huge number to be called a mistake.

A few more mistakes and Turkey can go home :rofl:

i don't think it was mistake , it was deliberate attempt to please turkey

I agree, however do you mind changing your profile picture it might be offensive to jews.
The U.S. mistakenly hit Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) forces predominantly led by PKK-affiliated groups in Deir ez-Zour and killed 300 militants, some media outlets reported.

According to Al-Masdar news, the Assad regime's media outlet, the U.S. air forces conducted a raid in Deir ez-Zor and unintentionally hit the SDF forces, allegedly due to wrong coordinates.

It was reported that 300 SDF members were killed by the U.S. airstrikes.

Ankara and Washington have fallen out over the People's Protection Units (YPG) issue.

While Ankara considers the YPG to be a terrorist group, Washington is opting to work with it in northern Syria.

While Washington has not changed its approach towards Ankara's calls regarding the U.S.-YPG relationship, arms and equipment transfers to the YPG has put further strain on Turkish-U.S. relations.

Can you imagine the world outrage if a big far east country did this?
Gotta hand it to western propaganda. All they have to say is sorry, my bad. Everything is ok .
Can you imagine the world outrage if a big far east country did this?
Gotta hand it to western propaganda. All they have to say is sorry, my bad. Everything is ok .

If Turkey did that the UN would be all over it.

The YPG terrorists we are fighting now are dressing as civilians just because of this.
. . .
Fosix kapitalis Emerika bizi vurii!

ps Considering the site reporting it though it’s probably either fake news or a highly overestimated number of casualties.
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